Migrating to the new Scraper pattern system in sunpy 6.1#

The Scraper has undergone a major change in the sunpy 6.1 release.

The old pattern system was regex-based, while the new pattern system is based on the parse We hope this new system will be more flexible and easier to use. The readme of parse library provides a good overview of the syntax.

How to migrate#

Previously, when defining a new Fido client or working with the Scraper, a regex-based baseurl and a parse-styled pattern attributes were required. The new pattern system requires a single pattern string that covers the entire URL, a combination of the baseurl and pattern attributes from before. This pattern string has to be passed as a format keyword to the Scraper. During the deprecation period, the old pattern argument will still be accepted, but it is recommended to switch to the new pattern system.

Writing the new pattern#

  1. The new pattern covers the entire URL from the protocol, domain to the filename.

  2. Instead of conveying time or numerical information in the URL in a datetime or regex format, it is now done in the parse format. E.g., a "%Y" is now to be replaced with {{year:4d}}. The keywords corresponding to the datetime format (the supported time keys - to be used within {{}}) are:

    • ‘year:4d’

    • ‘year:2d’

    • ‘month:2d’

    • ‘month_name:l’

    • ‘month_name_abbr:l’

    • ‘day:2d’

    • ‘day_of_year:3d’

    • ‘hour:2d’

    • ‘minute:2d’

    • ‘second:2d’

    • ‘microsecond:6d’

    • ‘millisecond:3d’

    • ‘week_number:2d’

  3. The metadata attributes for extraction are written within double curly-braces {{}} for eg. {{ADAPTRealizations:3d}}.

  4. Single curly-braces {} are used in case of regular placeholders for Python format strings, with their respective values being passed as kwargs to Scraper.


Before migration:

baseurl = r'https://gong.nso.edu/adapt/maps/gong/%Y/adapt(\d){5}_(\d){2}(\w){1}(\d){3}_(\d){12}_(\w){1}(\d){8}(\w){1}(\d){1}\.fts\.gz'
pattern = '{}adapt{ADAPTFileType:1d}{ADAPTLonType:1d}{ADAPTInputSource:1d}{ADAPTDataAssimilation:1d}{ADAPTResolution:1d}' + \
'_{ADAPTVersionYear:2d}{ADAPTVersionMonth:1l}{ADAPTRealizations:3d}_{year:4d}{month:2d}{day:2d}{hour:2d}{minute:2d}' + \

After migration:

pattern = r'https://gong.nso.edu/adapt/maps/gong/{{year:4d}}/adapt{{ADAPTFileType:1d}}{{ADAPTLonType:1d}}{{ADAPTInputSource:1d}}{{ADAPTDataAssimilation:1d}}{{ADAPTResolution:1d}}' + \
'_{{ADAPTVersionYear:2d}}{{ADAPTVersionMonth:1l}}{{ADAPTRealizations:3d}}_{{year:4d}}{{month:2d}}{{day:2d}}{{hour:2d}}{{minute:2d}}' + \