Remote data (
contains a lot of different code for accessing various solar
physics related web services. This submodule contains many layers. Most users
should use Fido
, which is an interface to multiple sources
including all the sources implemented in dataretriever
as well as
and jsoc
. Fido
can be used like so:
>>> from import Fido, attrs as a
>>> results ="2012/1/1", "2012/1/2"), a.Instrument.lyra)
>>> files = Fido.fetch(results) Package#
A scraper to scrap web data archives based on dates. |
Fido is a unified data search and retrieval tool. |
Class Inheritance Diagram# Module#
‘attrs’ are parameters which can be composed together to specify searches to
. They can be combined
by using logical and (&
) and logical or (|
) operations to construct
very complex queries.
For example you could combine two instruments using or (|
) with a time
specification and a sample cadence using:
>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> from import Fido, attrs as a
>>> a.Time("2011/01/01", "2011/01/02") & (a.Instrument.aia | a.Instrument.hmi) & a.Sample(1*
In addition to the core attrs defined here, other sunpy clients also provide attrs specific to them, under:
Specify the time range of the query. |
Specifies the Instrument name for the search. |
Specifies the wavelength or spectral energy range of the detector. |
Specifies the data processing level to search for. |
The type of Extent; for example, "FULLDISK", "SYNOPTIC", "LIMB", etc. |
Time interval for data sampling. |
The detector from which the data comes from. |
Resolution level of the data. |
Specifies the physical observable the VSO can search for. |
Data sources that Fido can search with. |
Specifies the data provider to search for data using Fido. |
Attribute representing attributes ANDed together. |
Attribute representing attributes ORed together. |
Class Inheritance Diagram# Module#
This module provides the Fido
instance of
it also provides the
class which
returns and the
class that is returned by
The object used to store results from |
Fido is a unified data search and retrieval tool. |
Class Inheritance Diagram#
VSO# Package#
Provides access to query and download from Virtual Solar Observatory (VSO). |
Class Inheritance Diagram# Module#
Attributes that can be used to construct VSO queries.
Attributes are the fundamental building blocks of queries that, together with the two operations of AND and OR (and in some rare cases XOR) can be used to construct complex queries. Most attributes can only be used once in an AND-expression, if you still attempt to do so it is called a collision. For a quick example think about how the system should handle Instrument(‘aia’) & Instrument(‘eit’).
Specify the spatial field-of-view of the query. |
A subclass of the value attribute. |
Pixels are (currently) limited to a single dimension (and only implemented for SDO data) We hope to change this in the future to support TRACE, Hinode and other investigations where this changed between observations. |
This attribute is a placeholder for the future. |
Retrieve 'quicklook' data if available. |
Pixel Scale (PSCALE) is in arc seconds. |
Class Inheritance Diagram#
Dataretriever# Package#
submodule is a framework for downloading data
from “simple” web sources such as HTTP or FTP servers. Although it could be
used for more complex services as well. Following the example of
and sunpy.timeseries
this module provides a base class
from which specific services can
subclass. All these subclasses are then registered with the
class, so do not need to be called individually.
Provides access to the ADvanced Adaptive Prediction Technique (ADAPT) products of the National Solar Observatory (NSO). |
Provides access to Level 0CS Extreme ultraviolet Variability Experiment (EVE) data. |
Provides access to data from the Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor (GBM) instrument on board the Fermi satellite. |
Provides access to the Magnetogram products of NSO-GONG synoptic Maps. |
Base class for simple web clients for the data retriever module. |
Provides access to the LYRA/Proba2 data archive. |
Provides access to the NOAA solar cycle indices. |
Provides access to the NOAA SWPC predicted sunspot Number and 10.7 cm radio flux values. |
Provides access to the Nobeyama RadioHeliograph (NoRH) averaged correlation time series data. |
Provides access to the RHESSI observing summary time series data. |
Provides access to the NOAA SWPC solar region summary data. |
Provides access to data from the GOES Solar Ultraviolet Imager (SUVI). |
Provides access to several GOES XRS files archive. |
Class Inheritance Diagram# Module#
The GOES Satellite Number |
Class Inheritance Diagram# Module#
ADAPT file type: Public. |
ADAPT longitude type: Carrington Fixed, Central Meridian, East Limb. |
ADAPT input source: All, KPVT, VSM, GONG, HMI, MDI, MWO. |
ADAPT data assimilation: WH, enLS, enkf, enLAKF. |
ADAPT model spatial resolution: 1.0 deg, 0.2 deg. |
ADAPT code version year. |
ADAPT code version month. |
ADAPT evolution mode: Data assimilation step, Intermediate step, Forecast step. |
ADAPT helioseismic data: Not added or no data, Far-side, Emergence, Both emergence & far-side. |
ADAPT realizations: number of model/file realizations, e.g., 16 -> "016" |
ADAPT magnetic data: Not added or no data, Mag-los, Mag-vector, Mag- both los & vector, Mag- polar avg obs, Mag- los & polar, Mag- vector & polar, Mag- both los and vector & polar. |
Class Inheritance Diagram#
JSOC# Package#
Select a cutout region. |
Provides access to the JSOC Data Export service. |
Allows comparison filtering of the JSOC Keywords. |
An email address to get a notification to when JSOC has staged your request. |
Prime Keys |
The type of download to request one of ("FITS", "JPEG", "MPG", "MP4", or "as-is"). |
Segments choose which files to download when there are more than one present for each record e.g. 'image'. |
The JSOC Series to Download. |
Class Inheritance Diagram# Module#
The JSOC Series to Download. |
The type of download to request one of ("FITS", "JPEG", "MPG", "MP4", or "as-is"). |
An email address to get a notification to when JSOC has staged your request. |
Segments choose which files to download when there are more than one present for each record e.g. 'image'. |
Prime Keys |
Select a cutout region. |
Allows comparison filtering of the JSOC Keywords. |
Class Inheritance Diagram#
HEK# Package#
Class Inheritance Diagram# Module#
Attributes that can be used to construct HEK queries. They are different to the VSO ones in that a lot of them are wrappers that conveniently expose the comparisons by overloading Python operators. So, e.g., you are able to say AR & AR.NumSpots < 5 to find all active regions with less than 5 spots. As with the VSO query, you can use the fundamental logic operators AND and OR to construct queries of almost arbitrary complexity. Note that complex queries result in multiple requests to the server which might make them less efficient.
This ensures the attr inspect magic works for registering in the client. |
Class Inheritance Diagram# Package#
This module provides a translation layer between the HEK and the VSO. It allows you to acquire records of data that are available via the VSO, based on the data in HEK event entries.
This module is in beta and maybe unstable.
Formulate VSO queries from HEK results. |
Parses VSO attributes from a HEK result. |
Class to handle HEK to VSO translations |
Class Inheritance Diagram#
CDAWeb# Package#
Get a list of datasets for a given observatory. |
Get a list of observatory IDs for each observatory in CDAWeb. |
Provides access to query and download from the Coordinated Data Analysis Web (CDAWeb). |
Dataset ID. |
Class Inheritance Diagram#
HELIO# Package#
A Module for accessing the HELIO web service
Provides access to the HELIO webservices. |
A container for data returned from HEC searches. |
A tool to infer some information from chaincodes produced by HELIO Feature Catalogue or Heliophysics Events Knowledgebase. |
Class Inheritance Diagram# Module#
The maximum number of desired records. |
The table to query from |
Class Inheritance Diagram#
Internal Classes and Functions#
These classes and functions are designed to be used to help develop new clients for
. Module#
A wrapper to convert any |
A column subclass which knows about the client of the parent table. |
An Abstract Base Class for results returned from BaseClient. |
A row subclass which knows about the client of the parent table. |
A class to represent tables of heterogeneous data. |
This defines the Abstract Base Class for each download client. |
Class Inheritance Diagram# Module#
Base class for simple web clients for the data retriever module. |
Class Inheritance Diagram# Module#
Allow representation of queries as logic expressions. This module makes sure that attributes that are combined using the two logic operations AND (&) and OR (|) always are in disjunctive normal form, that is, there are only two levels - the first being disjunction and the second being conjunction. In other words, every combinations of attributes looks like this: (a AND b AND c) OR (d AND e).
Walkers are used to traverse the tree that results from combining attributes.
They are implemented using functools.singledispatch
modified to dispatch on the second argument to the function.
Please note that & is evaluated first, so A & B | C is equivalent to (A & B) | C.
This is the base for all attributes. |
A base class for attributes classes which contain data. |
Empty attribute. |
An attribute that only has a single value. |
An attribute that represents a range of a value. |
Attribute representing attributes ANDed together. |
Attribute representing attributes ORed together. |
Traverse the Attr tree and convert it to a different representation. |
Allows a Attr to have a value and a comparison operator. |
Class Inheritance Diagram# Module#
This module provides a web scraper.
A scraper to scrap web data archives based on dates. |
Class Inheritance Diagram# Module#
Obtain the smallest time step for the given pattern. |
Return the "floor" of the given date and timestep. |
Function to get URL's timerange using extracted metadata. |