Coordinates, times, and units#
Examples of working with coordinate information, times, and scientific units
AIA to STEREO coordinate conversion
AIA to STEREO coordinate conversion
Converting between Helioprojective and AltAz Coordinate
Converting between Helioprojective and AltAz Coordinate
Coordinates computations using SPICE kernels
Coordinates computations using SPICE kernels
Create a Helioprojective Map from observations in the RA-DEC coordinate system
Create a Helioprojective Map from observations in the RA-DEC coordinate system
Drawing the AIA limb on a STEREO EUVI image
Drawing the AIA limb on a STEREO EUVI image
Extracting intensity of a map along a line
Extracting intensity of a map along a line
Getting the location of the planets
Getting the location of the planets
Getting the observer location from a Map
Getting the observer location from a Map
Identifying stars in a STEREO/SECCHI COR2 coronagraph image
Identifying stars in a STEREO/SECCHI COR2 coronagraph image
Obtaining a spacecraft trajectory from JPL Horizons
Obtaining a spacecraft trajectory from JPL Horizons
Offsetting the north pole of a coordinate frame
Offsetting the north pole of a coordinate frame
Overplotting the position of the Venus transit
Overplotting the position of the Venus transit
Setting the correct position for SOHO in a LASCO C3 Map
Setting the correct position for SOHO in a LASCO C3 Map