Acknowledging or Citing SunPy#

If you use SunPy in your scientific work, we would appreciate citing it in your publications. The continued growth and development of SunPy is dependent on the community being aware of SunPy.

Citing SunPy in Publications#

Please add the following line within your methods, conclusion or acknowledgements sections:

This research used version X.Y.Z (software citation) of the SunPy open source software package (project citation).

The project citation should be to the SunPy paper [TheSCommunityBB+20], and the software citation should be the specific Zenodo DOI for the version used in your work.

  doi = {10.3847/1538-4357/ab4f7a},
  url = {},
  author = {{The SunPy Community} and Barnes, Will T. and Bobra, Monica G. and Christe, Steven D. and Freij, Nabil and Hayes, Laura A. and Ireland, Jack and Mumford, Stuart and Perez-Suarez, David and Ryan, Daniel F. and Shih, Albert Y. and Chanda, Prateek and Glogowski, Kolja and Hewett, Russell and Hughitt, V. Keith and Hill, Andrew and Hiware, Kaustubh and Inglis, Andrew and Kirk, Michael S. F. and Konge, Sudarshan and Mason, James Paul and Maloney, Shane Anthony and Murray, Sophie A. and Panda, Asish and Park, Jongyeob and Pereira, Tiago M. D. and Reardon, Kevin and Savage, Sabrina and Sipőcz, Brigitta M. and Stansby, David and Jain, Yash and Taylor, Garrison and Yadav, Tannmay and Rajul and Dang, Trung Kien},
  title = {The SunPy Project: Open Source Development and Status of the Version 1.0 Core Package},
  journal = {The Astrophysical Journal},
  volume = {890},
  issue = {1},
  pages = {68-},
  publisher = {American Astronomical Society},
  year = {2020}

You can also get this information with sunpy.__citation__.

Other SunPy publications#

  • SunPy Community et al. [SunPyCommunityMC+15] — First paper describing sunpy v0.5

  • Mumford et al. [MFC+20] — JOSS review of sunpy v1.0.8

  • The SunPy Community et al. [TheSCommunityBC+23] — Description of the SunPy Project

Acknowledging SunPy in Posters and Talks#

Please include the Sunpy logo on the title, conclusion slide, or about page. For websites please link the image to Other versions of the logo are available in the sunpy-logo repository.