Current status of sub-packages#

sunpy has variations of stability across different sub-packages. This document summarizes the current status of the sunpy sub-packages, so that users understand where they might expect changes in future, and which sub-packages they can safely use for production code. For help or to discuss specific sub-packages, refer to the maintainer list to find who to contact.

The classification is as follows:

Actively developed, be prepared for possible significant changes.
Reasonably stable, any significant changes/additions will generally include backwards-compatibility.
Mature. Additions/improvements possible, but no major changes planned.
Pending deprecation. Might be deprecated in a future version.
Deprecated. Might be removed in a future version.

The current planned and existing sub-packages are:

Sub-Package   Comments
sunpy.coordinates Any future changes should largely maintain backwards compatibility. Should see no major changes.
sunpy.image Any future changes should largely maintain backwards compatibility. Should see no major changes. Any future changes should largely maintain backwards compatibility. Any future changes should largely maintain backwards compatibility.
sunpy.physics While it has not changed recently, it could be subject to major revisions in future.
sunpy.sun Sub-module ``constants`` is stable. Sub-module ``models`` will likely have major changes.
sunpy.time Any future changes should largely maintain backwards compatibility.
sunpy.timeseries Any future changes should largely maintain backwards compatibility.
sunpy.util This sub-module is not user facing, but any changes will still undergo a deprecation period.
sunpy.visualization Any future changes should largely maintain backwards compatibility.

Taken with love from the Astropy project.