How-To Guides#
These how-to guides provide examples of how to perform specific tasks with sunpy. They are recipes that do not provide much in-depth explanation and assume you have some knowledge of what sunpy is and how it works. If you’re starting fresh you might want to check out the The sunpy tutorial first.
- Access coordinate components
- Create a
- Create coordinate objects
- Specify an observer by coordinate
- Create a custom
- Create a custom
- Draw a rectangle on a
- Fix incorrect metadata
- Manipulate grids lines when plotting a
- Parse times with
- Read an ASDF file into a
- Use the remote data manager
- Search for multiple wavelengths with
- Search the Virtual Solar Observatory (VSO)
- Transform between coordinate frames
Quick Reference
The following table is meant as a quick reference. For more complete code examples, see the how-to guides above.
How do I… |
Solution |
create a map from a FITS file |
save a map to a FITS file |
get a quicklook summary of a map |
plot a map |
access the underlying data array of a map |
access the map metadata |
make a copy of the map data array |
make a copy of the whole map |
access the observer location |
remove the roll angle |
plot the solar limb |
overlay a heliographic grid |
create a time series |
plot a time series |
concatenate two time series together |
convert a time series to a |
convert a time series to an |
parse the string representation of a timestamp |
calculate the Carrington rotation number at a given time |
calculate the time corresponding to a given Carrington rotation |
see all of the available solar constants |