Create Custom Maps by Hand#

It is possible to create Maps using custom data, e.g., from a simulation or an observation from a data source that is not explicitly supported by sunpy. To do this, you need to provide with both the data array as well as appropriate metadata. The metadata informs of the correct coordinate information associated with the data array and should be provided to in the form of a header as a dict or MetaDict. See this Generating a map from data array for a brief demonstration of generating a Map from a data array.

The keys required for the header information follow the FITS standard. sunpy provides a Map header helper function to assist the user in creating a header that contains the correct meta information needed to create a Map. The utility function make_fitswcs_header() will return a header with the appropriate FITS keywords once the Map data array and an astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord or sunpy.coordinates.frames is provided. All the metadata keywords that a Map will parse along with their description are listed in the Meta Keywords at the end of this page.

make_fitswcs_header() also takes optional keyword arguments including reference_pixel and scale that describe the pixel coordinate at the reference coordinate (defined by the SkyCoord) and the spatial scale of the pixels, respectively. Here’s an example of creating a header from some generic data and an astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord:

>>> import numpy as np
>>> from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
>>> import astropy.units as u

>>> from sunpy.coordinates import frames
>>> from import make_fitswcs_header

>>> data = np.arange(0, 100).reshape(10, 10)
>>> reference_coord = SkyCoord(0*u.arcsec, 0*u.arcsec, obstime = '2013-10-28', observer = 'earth', frame = frames.Helioprojective)
>>> header = make_fitswcs_header(data, reference_coord)
>>> for key, value in header.items():
...     print(f"{key}: {value}")
wcsaxes: 2
crpix1: 5.5
crpix2: 5.5
cdelt1: 1.0
cdelt2: 1.0
cunit1: arcsec
cunit2: arcsec
ctype1: HPLN-TAN
ctype2: HPLT-TAN
crval1: 0.0
crval2: 0.0
lonpole: 180.0
latpole: 0.0
mjdref: 0.0
date-obs: 2013-10-28T00:00:00.000
rsun_ref: 695700000.0
dsun_obs: 148644585949.49
hgln_obs: 0.0
hglt_obs: 4.7711570596394
naxis: 2
naxis1: 10
naxis2: 10
pc1_1: 1.0
pc1_2: -0.0
pc2_1: 0.0
pc2_2: 1.0
rsun_obs: 965.3829548285768

From this we can see now that the function returned a sunpy.util.MetaDict that populated the standard FITS keywords with information provided by the passed astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord, and the data array. Since the reference_pixel and scale keywords were not passed in the example above, the values of the “CRPIXn” and “CDELTn” keys were set to the center of the data array and 1, respectively, by default.

These keywords can be passed to the function in the form of an astropy.units.Quantity with associated units. Here’s another example of passing reference_pixel and scale to the function:

>>> reference_pixel = u.Quantity([5, 5], u.pixel)
>>> scale = u.Quantity([2, 2], u.arcsec/u.pixel)
>>> header = make_fitswcs_header(data, reference_coord, reference_pixel=reference_pixel, scale=scale)
>>> for key, value in header.items():
...     print(f"{key}: {value}")
wcsaxes: 2
crpix1: 6.0
crpix2: 6.0
cdelt1: 2.0
cdelt2: 2.0
cunit1: arcsec
cunit2: arcsec
ctype1: HPLN-TAN
ctype2: HPLT-TAN
crval1: 0.0
crval2: 0.0
lonpole: 180.0
latpole: 0.0
mjdref: 0.0
date-obs: 2013-10-28T00:00:00.000
rsun_ref: 695700000.0
dsun_obs: 148644585949.49
hgln_obs: 0.0
hglt_obs: 4.7711570596394
naxis: 2
naxis1: 10
naxis2: 10
pc1_1: 1.0
pc1_2: -0.0
pc2_1: 0.0
pc2_2: 1.0
rsun_obs: 965.3829548285768

As we can see, a list of WCS and observer meta information is contained within the generated headers, however we may want to include other meta information including the observatory name, the wavelength and wavelength unit of the observation. Any valid FITS WCS keywords can be passed to the make_fitswcs_header() and will then populate the returned MetaDict header. Furthermore, the following observation keywords can be passed to the make_fitswcs_header function: observatory, instrument, telescope, wavelength, exposure.

An example of creating a header with these additional keywords:

>>> header = make_fitswcs_header(data, reference_coord, reference_pixel=reference_pixel, scale=scale,
...                              telescope='Test case',
...                              instrument='UV detector',
...                              wavelength=1000*u.angstrom)
>>> for key, value in header.items():
...     print(f"{key}: {value}")
wcsaxes: 2
crpix1: 6.0
crpix2: 6.0
cdelt1: 2.0
cdelt2: 2.0
cunit1: arcsec
cunit2: arcsec
ctype1: HPLN-TAN
ctype2: HPLT-TAN
crval1: 0.0
crval2: 0.0
lonpole: 180.0
latpole: 0.0
mjdref: 0.0
date-obs: 2013-10-28T00:00:00.000
rsun_ref: 695700000.0
dsun_obs: 148644585949.49
hgln_obs: 0.0
hglt_obs: 4.7711570596394
instrume: UV detector
telescop: Test case
wavelnth: 1000.0
waveunit: Angstrom
naxis: 2
naxis1: 10
naxis2: 10
pc1_1: 1.0
pc1_2: -0.0
pc2_1: 0.0
pc2_2: 1.0
rsun_obs: 965.3829548285768

From these header MetaDict’s that are generated, we can now create a custom map:

>>> import

>>> my_map =, header)
>>> my_map
< object at ...>
SunPy Map
Observatory:                 Test case
Instrument:          UV detector
Measurement:                 1000.0 Angstrom
Wavelength:          1000.0 Angstrom
Observation Date:    2013-10-28 00:00:00
Exposure Time:               Unknown
Dimension:           [10. 10.] pix
Coordinate System:   helioprojective
Scale:                       [2. 2.] arcsec / pix
Reference Pixel:     [5. 5.] pix
Reference Coord:     [0. 0.] arcsec
array([[ 0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9],
       [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19],
       [20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29],
       [30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39],
       [40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49],
       [50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59],
       [60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69],
       [70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79],
       [80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89],
       [90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99]])
Meta Keywords#




Units of the coordinate increments along naxis1 e.g. arcsec (required)


Units of the coordinate increments along naxis2 e.g. arcsec (required)


Coordinate value at reference point on naxis1 (required)


Coordinate value at reference point on naxis2 (required)


Spatial scale of pixels for naxis1, i.e. coordinate increment at reference point


Spatial scale of pixels for naxis2, i.e. coordinate increment at reference point


Pixel coordinate at reference point naxis1


Pixel coordinate at reference point naxis2


Coordinate type projection along naxis1 of data e.g. HPLT-TAN


Coordinate type projection along naxis2 of data e.g. HPLN-TAN


Heliographic longitude of observation


Heliographic latitude of observation


distance to Sun from observation in metres


radius of Sun in meters from observation


date of observation e.g. 2013-10-28 00:00


date of observation e.g. 2013-10-28 00:00


reference radius of Sun in meters


radius of Sun in meters from observation


radius of Sun in meters from observation


Carrington longitude of observation


Heliographic latitude of observation


Solar B0 angle


name of detector e.g. AIA


exposure time of observation, in seconds e.g 2


name of instrument


wavelength of observation


unit for which observation is taken e.g. angstom


name of observatory of observation


name of telescope of observation


FITS processing level


Rotation of the horizontal and vertical axes in degrees


Matrix element PCi_j describing the rotation required to align solar North with the top of the image.


Matrix element PCi_j describing the rotation required to align solar North with the top of the image.


Matrix element PCi_j describing the rotation required to align solar North with the top of the image.


Matrix element PCi_j describing the rotation required to align solar North with the top of the image.


Matrix element CDi_j describing the rotation required to align solar North with the top of the image.


Matrix element CDi_j describing the rotation required to align solar North with the top of the image.


Matrix element CDi_j describing the rotation required to align solar North with the top of the image.


Matrix element CDi_j describing the rotation required to align solar North with the top of the image.