make_hpr_header#, shape, theta_binsize: ~typing.Annotated[~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity, Unit("arcsec")], *, theta_min: ~typing.Annotated[~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity, Unit("arcsec")] = <Quantity 0. arcsec>, psi_center: ~typing.Annotated[~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity, Unit("deg")] = <Quantity 180. deg>)[source]#

Construct a FITS-WCS header for a helioprojective radial coordinate frame.

The header uses the plate carrée projection (“CAR” in FITS-WCS) with the position angle (psi) on the horizontal axis and impact angle (theta) on the vertical axis. To accommodate the FITS-WCS machinery, the vertical axis is actually the declination (delta), which is the impact angle minus 90 degrees.

  • observer_coordinate – Observer coordinate, with corresponding observation time.

  • shape ([int, int]) – Output map shape, number of pixels in (theta, psi).

  • theta_binsize (Quantity) – The size of each pixel in the impact-angle direction.

  • theta_min (Quantity) – The minimum impact angle. Defaults to 0 arcsec.

  • psi_center (Quantity) – The center of the map in position angle. Defaults to 180 degrees.



See also

A more generic header helper that can be used if more customisation is required.


The coordinate-frame class


>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> from sunpy.coordinates import get_earth
>>> observer = get_earth('2024-09-16 01:02:03')
>>> make_hpr_header(observer, (180, 360), theta_binsize=10*u.arcsec)
MetaDict([('wcsaxes': '2')
('crpix1': '180.5')
('crpix2': '32400.5')
('cdelt1': '1.0')
('cdelt2': '10.0')
('cunit1': 'deg')
('cunit2': 'arcsec')
('ctype1': 'HRLN-CAR')
('ctype2': 'HRLT-CAR')
('crval1': '180.0')
('crval2': '0.0')
('lonpole': '0.0')
('latpole': '90.0')
('mjdref': '0.0')
('date-obs': '2024-09-16T01:02:03.000')
('rsun_ref': '695700000.0')
('dsun_obs': '150399816551.15')
('hgln_obs': '0.0')
('hglt_obs': '7.1884873184853')
('naxis': '2')
('naxis1': '360')
('naxis2': '180')
('pc1_1': '1.0')
('pc1_2': '-0.0')
('pc2_1': '0.0')
('pc2_2': '1.0')
('rsun_obs': '954.1164393469891')])

Reprojecting a Helioprojective Map to Helioprojective Radial

Reprojecting a Helioprojective Map to Helioprojective Radial