Source code for sunpy.timeseries.sources.eve

import os
import codecs
from os.path import basename
from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np
from pandas import DataFrame, to_datetime
from import read_csv

import astropy.units as u
from astropy.time import TimeDelta

from sunpy.time import parse_time
from sunpy.timeseries.timeseriesbase import GenericTimeSeries
from sunpy.util.exceptions import warn_deprecated
from sunpy.util.metadata import MetaDict
from sunpy.visualization import peek_show

__all__ = ['EVESpWxTimeSeries', 'ESPTimeSeries']

[docs] class ESPTimeSeries(GenericTimeSeries): """ SDO EVE/ESP Level 1 data. The Extreme ultraviolet Spectro-Photometer (ESP) is an irradiance instrument which is part of the Extreme ultraviolet Variability Experiment (EVE) on board SDO. ESP provides high time cadence (0.25s) EUV irradiance measurements in five channels, one soft X-ray and 4 EUV. The first four orders of the diffraction grating gives measurements centered on 18nm, 26nm, 30nm and 36nm. The zeroth order (obtained by 4 photodiodes) provides the soft X-ray measurements from 0.1-7nm. The ESP level 1 fits files are fully calibrated. The TimeSeries object created from an ESP fits file will contain 4 columns namely: * 'QD' - sum of 4 quad diodes, this is the soft X-ray measurements 0.1-7nm * 'CH_18' - EUV irradiance 18nm * 'CH_26' - EUV irradiance 26nm * 'CH_30' - EUV irradiance 30nm * 'CH_36' - EUV irradiance 36nm References ---------- * `SDO Mission Homepage <>`__ * `EVE Homepage <>`__ * `README ESP data <>`__ * `ESP lvl1 data <>`__ * `ESP instrument paper <>`__ Notes ----- The 36nm channel demonstrates a significant noise and it is not recommended to be used for short-time observations of solar irradiance. """ _source = 'esp' _url = ""
[docs] def plot(self, axes=None, columns=None, **kwargs): """ Plots the EVE ESP Level 1 timeseries data. Parameters ---------- axes : numpy.ndarray of `matplotlib.axes.Axes`, optional The axes on which to plot the TimeSeries. columns : list[str], optional If provided, only plot the specified columns. **kwargs : `dict` Additional plot keyword arguments that are handed to `pandas.DataFrame.plot`. Returns ------- array of `~matplotlib.axes.Axes` The plot axes. """ axes, columns = self._setup_axes_columns(axes, columns, subplots=True) column_names = {"QD": "Flux \n 0.1-7nm", "CH_18": "Flux \n 18nm", "CH_26": "Flux \n 26nm", "CH_30": "Flux \n 30nm", "CH_36": "Flux \n 36nm"} for i, name in enumerate(self.to_dataframe()[columns]): axes[i].plot(self._data[name], label=name) axes[i].set_ylabel(column_names[name]) axes[i].legend(loc="upper right") axes[-1].set_xlim(self._data.index[0], self._data.index[-1]) self._setup_x_axis(axes) return axes
[docs] @peek_show def peek(self, *, title="EVE/ESP Level 1", columns=None, **kwargs): """ Displays the EVE ESP Level 1 timeseries data by calling `~sunpy.timeseries.sources.eve.ESPTimeSeries.plot`. Parameters ---------- title : `str`, optional The title of the plot. Defaults to "EVE/ESP Level 1". columns : list[str], optional If provided, only plot the specified columns. **kwargs : `dict` Additional plot keyword arguments that are handed to `pandas.DataFrame.plot`. """ axes = self.plot(columns=columns, **kwargs) axes[0].set_title(title) fig = axes[0].get_figure() fig.tight_layout() fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.05) return fig
@classmethod def _parse_file(cls, filepath): """ Parses a EVE ESP level 1 data. """ hdus = return cls._parse_hdus(hdus) @classmethod def _parse_hdus(cls, hdulist): header = MetaDict(OrderedDict(hdulist[0].header)) # Adding telescope to MetaData header.update({'TELESCOP': hdulist[1].header['TELESCOP'].split()[0]}) start_time = parse_time(hdulist[1].header['T_OBS']) times = start_time + TimeDelta(hdulist[1].data['SOD']*u.second) colnames = ['QD', 'CH_18', 'CH_26', 'CH_30', 'CH_36'] all_data = [hdulist[1].data[x] for x in colnames] data = DataFrame(np.array(all_data).T, index=times.isot.astype( 'datetime64'), columns=colnames) data.sort_index(inplace=True) units = OrderedDict([('QD', u.W/u.m**2), ('CH_18', u.W/u.m**2), ('CH_26', u.W/u.m**2), ('CH_30', u.W/u.m**2), ('CH_36', u.W/u.m**2)]) return data, header, units
[docs] @classmethod def is_datasource_for(cls, **kwargs): """ Determines if header corresponds to an EVE image. """ if kwargs.get('source', ''): return kwargs.get('source', '').lower().startswith(cls._source) if 'meta' in kwargs.keys(): return kwargs['meta'].get('TELESCOP', '').endswith('SDO/EVE')
[docs] class EVESpWxTimeSeries(GenericTimeSeries): """ SDO EVE LightCurve for level 0CS data. The Extreme Ultraviolet Variability Experiment (EVE) is an instrument on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). The EVE instrument is designed to measure the solar extreme ultraviolet (EUV) irradiance. The EUV radiation includes the 0.1-105 nm range, which provides the majority of the energy for heating Earth's thermosphere and creating Earth's ionosphere (charged plasma). EVE includes several irradiance instruments: * The Multiple EUV Grating Spectrographs (MEGS)-A is a grazing- incidence spectrograph that measures the solar EUV irradiance in the 5 to 37 nm range with 0.1-nm resolution, * The MEGS-B is a normal-incidence, dual-pass spectrograph that measures the solar EUV irradiance in the 35 to 105 nm range with 0.1-nm resolution. Level 0CS data is primarily used for space weather. It is provided near real-time and is crudely calibrated 1-minute averaged broadband irradiances from ESP and MEGS-P broadband. For other levels of EVE data, use ``, with ``'eve')``. Data is available starting on 2010/03/01. Examples -------- >>> import sunpy.timeseries >>> import # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> eve = sunpy.timeseries.TimeSeries(, source='EVE') # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> eve = sunpy.timeseries.TimeSeries("", source='EVE') # doctest: +SKIP >>> eve.peek(subplots=True) # doctest: +SKIP References ---------- * `SDO Mission Homepage <>`__ * `EVE Homepage <>`__ * `Level 0CS Definition <>`__ * `EVE Data Access <>`__ * `Instrument Paper <>`__ """ # Class attribute used to specify the source class of the TimeSeries. _source = 'eve' _url = ""
[docs] @peek_show def peek(self, *, columns=None, **kwargs): """ Plots the time series in a new figure. .. plot:: import sunpy.timeseries from import EVE_TIMESERIES eve = sunpy.timeseries.TimeSeries(EVE_TIMESERIES, source='eve') eve.peek(subplots=True, figsize=(22,11)) Parameters ---------- columns : list[str], optional If provided, only plot the specified columns. **kwargs : `dict` Additional plot keyword arguments that are handed to :meth:`pandas.DataFrame.plot`. """ # Check we have a timeseries valid for plotting self._validate_data_for_plotting() # Choose title if none was specified if "title" not in kwargs and columns is None: if len(self.to_dataframe().columns) > 1: kwargs['title'] = 'EVE (1 minute data)' else: if self._filename is not None: base = self._filename.replace('_', ' ') kwargs['title'] = os.path.splitext(base)[0] else: kwargs['title'] = 'EVE Averages' if columns is None: axes = self.to_dataframe().plot(sharex=True, **kwargs) else: data = self.to_dataframe()[columns] if "title" not in kwargs and len(columns) == 1: kwargs['title'] = 'EVE ' + columns[0].replace('_', ' ') else: kwargs['title'] = 'EVE Averages' axes = data.plot(sharex=True, **kwargs) if "subplots" in kwargs: fig = axes[0].get_figure() else: fig = axes.get_figure() return fig
@classmethod def _parse_file(cls, filepath): """ Parses an EVE CSV file. """ cls._filename = basename(filepath) with, mode='rb', encoding='ascii') as fp: # Determine type of EVE CSV file and parse line1 = fp.readline() if line1.startswith("Date"): return cls._parse_average_csv(filepath) elif line1.startswith(";"): return cls._parse_level_0cs(filepath) @staticmethod def _parse_average_csv(filepath): """ Parses an EVE Averages file. """ warn_deprecated( "Parsing SDO/EVE level 0CS average files is deprecated, and will be removed in " "sunpy 6.0. Parsing this data is untested, and we cannot find a file to test it with. " "If you know where level 0CS 'averages' files can be found, please get in touch at " "" ) return "", read_csv(filepath, sep=",", index_col=0, parse_dates=True) @staticmethod def _parse_level_0cs(filepath): """ Parses and EVE Level 0CS file. """ is_missing_data = False # boolean to check for missing data missing_data_val = np.nan header = [] fields = [] with, mode='rb', encoding='ascii') as fp: line = fp.readline() # Read header at top of file while line.startswith(";"): header.append(line) if '; Missing data:' in line: is_missing_data = True missing_data_val = line.split(':')[1].strip() line = fp.readline() meta = MetaDict() for hline in header: if hline == '; Format:\n' or hline == '; Column descriptions:\n': continue elif ('Created' in hline) or ('Source' in hline): meta[hline.split(':', 1)[0].replace(';', ' ').strip()] = hline.split(':', 1)[1].strip() elif ':' in hline: meta[hline.split(':')[0].replace(';', ' ').strip()] = hline.split(':')[1].strip() fieldnames_start = False for hline in header: if hline.startswith("; Format:"): fieldnames_start = False if fieldnames_start: fields.append(hline.split(":")[0].replace(';', ' ').strip()) if hline.startswith("; Column descriptions:"): fieldnames_start = True # Next line is YYYY DOY MM DD date_parts = line.split(" ") year = int(date_parts[0]) month = int(date_parts[2]) day = int(date_parts[3]) data = read_csv(filepath, sep=r'\s+', names=fields, comment=';', dtype={'HHMM': int}) # First line is YYYY DOY MM DD data = data.iloc[1:, :] data['Hour'] = data['HHMM'] // 100 data['Minute'] = data['HHMM'] % 100 data = data.drop(['HHMM'], axis=1) data['Year'] = year data['Month'] = month data['Day'] = day datecols = ['Year', 'Month', 'Day', 'Hour', 'Minute'] data['Time'] = to_datetime(data[datecols]) data = data.set_index('Time') data = data.drop(datecols, axis=1) if is_missing_data: # If missing data specified in header data[data == float(missing_data_val)] = np.nan # Add the units data units = OrderedDict([('XRS-B proxy', u.W/u.m**2), ('XRS-A proxy', u.W/u.m**2), ('SEM proxy', u.W/u.m**2), ('0.1-7ESPquad', u.W/u.m**2), ('17.1ESP', u.W/u.m**2), ('25.7ESP', u.W/u.m**2), ('30.4ESP', u.W/u.m**2), ('36.6ESP', u.W/u.m**2), ('darkESP', u.ct), ('121.6MEGS-P', u.W/u.m**2), ('darkMEGS-P', u.ct), ('q0ESP', u.dimensionless_unscaled), ('q1ESP', u.dimensionless_unscaled), ('q2ESP', u.dimensionless_unscaled), ('q3ESP', u.dimensionless_unscaled), ('CMLat', u.deg), ('CMLon', u.deg)]) # Todo: check units used. return data, meta, units
[docs] @classmethod def is_datasource_for(cls, **kwargs): """ Determines if header corresponds to an EVE image. """ if kwargs.get('source', ''): return kwargs.get('source', '').lower().startswith(cls._source)