This module provides fundamental solar physical constants.
import io
from astropy.table import Table
from astropy.time import Time
from sunpy.sun import _constants as _con
__all__ = [
'get', 'find', 'print_all', 'spectral_classification', 'au', 'mass', 'equatorial_radius',
'volume', 'surface_area', 'average_density', 'equatorial_surface_gravity',
'effective_temperature', 'luminosity', 'mass_conversion_rate', 'escape_velocity', 'sfu',
'average_angular_size', 'sidereal_rotation_rate', 'first_carrington_rotation',
constants = _con.physical_constants
def get(key):
Retrieve a constant by key. This is just a short cut into a dictionary.
key : `str`
Key in dictionary in ``constants``.
constant : `~astropy.constants.Constant`
See Also
`~sunpy.sun.constants` :
Contains the description of ``constants``, which, as a dictionary literal object, does not
itself possess a docstring.
>>> from sunpy.sun import constants
>>> constants.get('mass')
<<class 'astropy.constants.iau2015.IAU2015'> name='Solar mass' value=1.9884754153381438e+30 uncertainty=9.236140093538353e+25 unit='kg' reference='IAU 2015 Resolution B 3 + CODATA 2014'>
ret = constants[key]
ret.__doc__ = ret.name
return ret
def find(sub=None):
Return list of constants keys containing a given string.
sub : `str`, optional
Sub-string to search keys for. By default set to `None` and returns all keys.
`None`, `list`
The matching keys.
See Also
`~sunpy.sun.constants` :
Contains the description of ``constants``, which, as a dictionary literal object, does not itself possess a docstring.
if sub is None:
result = list(constants.keys())
result = [key for key in constants if sub.lower() in key.lower()]
return result
def print_all():
Provides a table of the complete list of constants.
data_rows = []
for key, this_constant in constants.items():
key, this_constant.name, this_constant.value, this_constant.uncertainty,
str(this_constant.unit), this_constant.reference
t = Table(rows=data_rows, names=('key', 'name', 'value', 'uncertainty', 'unit', 'Reference'))
return t
def _build_docstring():
"""Build docstring containing RST-formatted table of constants."""
lines = ['The following constants are available:\n']
rows = []
for key, const in constants.items():
rows.append([key, const.value, const._unit_string, const.name])
table = Table(rows=rows, names=('Name', 'Value', 'Unit', 'Description'))
table['Value'].info.format = '14.9g'
f = io.StringIO()
table.write(f, format='ascii.rst')
return '\n'.join(lines)
# Add a table of constants to the docs
if __doc__ is not None:
__doc__ += _build_docstring()
# Spectral class is not included in physical constants since it is not a number
#: Spectral classification
spectral_classification = 'G2V'
au = astronomical_unit = get('mean distance')
# The following variables from _gets are brought out by making them
# accessible through a call such as sun.volume
mass = get('mass')
equatorial_radius = radius = get('radius')
volume = get('volume')
surface_area = get('surface area')
average_density = density = get('average density')
equatorial_surface_gravity = surface_gravity = get('surface gravity')
effective_temperature = get('effective temperature')
luminosity = get('luminosity')
mass_conversion_rate = get('mass conversion rate')
escape_velocity = get('escape velocity')
sfu = get('solar flux unit')
# Observable parameters
average_angular_size = get('average angular size')
sidereal_rotation_rate = get('sidereal rotation rate')
#: Time of the start of the first Carrington rotation
first_carrington_rotation = Time(get('first Carrington rotation (JD TT)'), format='jd', scale='tt')
mean_synodic_period = get('mean synodic period')