Source code for

"""A Python MapSequence Object"""

import html
import textwrap
import webbrowser
from copy import deepcopy
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile

import matplotlib.animation
import numpy as np
import as ma

import astropy.units as u

from import GenericMap
from import _clip_interval, _handle_norm
from sunpy.util import expand_list
from sunpy.util.exceptions import warn_user
from sunpy.visualization import axis_labels_from_ctype, wcsaxes_compat

__all__ = ['MapSequence']

[docs] class MapSequence: """ MapSequence A series of Maps in a single object. Parameters ---------- args : `list` A list of Map instances sortby : { "date" | `None`} Method by which the MapSequence should be sorted along the z-axis. Defaults to sorting by: "date" and is the only supported sorting strategy. Passing `None` will disable sorting. derotate : `bool` Apply a derotation to the data. Default to False. Attributes ---------- maps : `list` This attribute holds the list of Map instances obtained from parameter args. Notes ----- To coalign a mapsequence so that solar features remain on the same pixels, please see the "Coalignment of MapSequences" note below. Examples -------- >>> import >>> mapsequence ='images/*.fits', sequence=True) # doctest: +SKIP MapSequences can be co-aligned using the routines in `sunkit_image.coalignment`. """ def __init__(self, *args, sortby='date', derotate=False, **kwargs): """Creates a new Map instance""" self.maps = expand_list(args) for m in self.maps: if not isinstance(m, GenericMap): raise ValueError('MapSequence expects pre-constructed map objects.') # Optionally sort data if sortby is not None: if sortby == 'date': self.maps.sort(key=self._sort_by_date()) else: raise ValueError("Only sort by date is supported") if derotate: self._derotate() def __getitem__(self, key): """Overriding indexing operation. If the key results in a single map, then a map object is returned. This allows functions like enumerate to work. Otherwise, a mapsequence is returned.""" if isinstance(self.maps[key], GenericMap): return self.maps[key] else: return MapSequence(self.maps[key]) def __len__(self): """Return the number of maps in a mapsequence.""" return len(self.maps) def __repr__(self): names = set([m.__class__.__name__ for m in self.maps]) return (object.__repr__(self) + "\n" + f'MapSequence of {len(self.maps)} elements, with maps from {", ".join(names)}') def _repr_html_(self): nmaps = len(self) # Output a warning about rendering time if there are more than 9 Maps if nmaps > 9: warn_user(f"Rendering the summary for a MapSequence of {nmaps} Maps " "may take a while.") # Assemble the individual HTML repr from each Map, all hidden initially repr_list = [f"<div style='display: none' index={i}>{m._repr_html_()}</div>" for i, m in enumerate(self.maps)] # Unhide the first Map repr_list_html = "\n".join(repr_list).replace('display: none', 'display: ', 1) # Return HTML with Javascript-powered buttons # To avoid potential conflicts, the Javascript code does not use any user-defined functions return textwrap.dedent(f"""\ <pre>{html.escape(self.__repr__())}</pre> <form cur_index=0 max_index={nmaps - 1}> <!-- Button to decrement index (always starts disabled) --> <input type=button value='&larr;' style='font-weight: bold' disabled onClick=' var form = this.parentElement; // Decrement index if allowed var cur_index = Math.max( parseInt(form.getAttribute("cur_index")) - 1, 0 ); form.setAttribute("cur_index", cur_index); // Enable the decrement button if and only if this is not the first Map form.children[0].disabled = (cur_index == 0); // Always enable the increment button (because we just decremented) form.children[1].disabled = false; // Update string (which is children[2] of the form) form.children[2].innerHTML = "Map at index " + cur_index; // Update visibilities to show only the current index // This avoids for...of syntax to retain support for ES5 browsers (e.g., IE11) var array =; array.forEach(function (elem) {{ var form = elem.parentElement.parentElement; = (elem.getAttribute("index") == form.getAttribute("cur_index") ? "" : "none" ); }} ); '/> <!-- Button to increment index (starts enabled if there is more than one Map) --> <input type=button value='&rarr;' style='font-weight: bold' {"" if nmaps > 1 else "disabled"} onClick=' var form = this.parentElement; // Increment index if allowed var cur_index = Math.min( parseInt(form.getAttribute("cur_index")) + 1, form.getAttribute("max_index") ); form.setAttribute("cur_index", cur_index); // Always enable the decrement button (because we just incremented) form.children[0].disabled = false; // Enable the increment button if and only if this is not the last Map form.children[1].disabled = (cur_index == form.getAttribute("max_index")); // Update string (which is children[2] of the form) form.children[2].innerHTML = "Map at index " + cur_index; // Update visibilities to show only the current index // This avoids for...of syntax to retain support for ES5 browsers (e.g., IE11) var array =; array.forEach(function (elem) {{ var form = elem.parentElement.parentElement; = (elem.getAttribute("index") == form.getAttribute("cur_index") ? "" : "none" ); }} ); '/> <!-- This string is updated as the index is changed --> <span>Map at index 0</span> <!-- This element is at the end so that lastElementChild will point to it --> <div> {repr_list_html} </div> </form>""")
[docs] def quicklook(self): """ Display a quicklook summary of the MapSequence instance using the default web browser. Click on the |larr| and |rarr| buttons to step through the individual maps. .. |larr| unicode:: U+02190 .. LEFTWARDS ARROW .. |rarr| unicode:: U+02192 .. RIGHTWARDS ARROW Notes ----- The image colormap uses `histogram equalization <>`__. Interactive elements require Javascript support to be enabled in the web browser. Examples -------- >>> from import Map >>> import # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> seq = Map(, ..., ..., ... sequence=True) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> seq.quicklook() # doctest: +SKIP (which will open the following content in the default web browser) .. generate:: html :html_border: from import Map import seq = Map(,,, sequence=True) print(seq._repr_html_()) """ with NamedTemporaryFile('w', delete=False, prefix='', suffix='.html') as f: url = 'file://' + f.write(textwrap.dedent(f"""\ <html> <title>Quicklook summary for {html.escape(object.__repr__(self))}</title> <body>{self._repr_html_()}</body> </html>""")) webbrowser.open_new_tab(url)
# Sorting methods @classmethod def _sort_by_date(cls): return lambda m: # maps.sort(key=attrgetter('date')) def _derotate(self): """Derotates the layers in the MapSequence""" raise NotImplementedError("This functionality has not yet been implemented.")
[docs] def plot(self, axes=None, resample=None, annotate=True, interval=200, plot_function=None, clip_interval=None, **kwargs): """ A animation plotting routine that animates each element in the MapSequence Parameters ---------- axes : matplotlib.axes.Axes axes to plot the animation on, if none uses current axes resample : list Draws the map at a lower resolution to increase the speed of animation. Specify a list as a fraction i.e. [0.25, 0.25] to plot at 1/4 resolution. [Note: this will only work where the map arrays are the same size] annotate : bool Annotate the figure with scale and titles interval : int Animation interval in ms plot_function : function A function to be called as each map is plotted. For more information see `sunpy.visualization.animator.MapSequenceAnimator`. clip_interval : two-element `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional If provided, the data will be clipped to the percentile interval bounded by the two numbers. norm : `matplotlib.colors.Normalize` or `str` Normalization used in scaling the plot. This will override the predefined value in ``plot_settings['norm']``. cmap : `matplotlib.colors.Colormap` or `str` Color map to be used in coloring the plot. This will override the predefined value in ``plot_settings['cmap']``. Returns ------- `matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation` A FuncAnimation instance. See Also -------- `sunpy.visualization.animator.MapSequenceAnimator` Examples -------- >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import matplotlib.animation as animation >>> from import Map >>> sequence = Map(files, sequence=True) # doctest: +SKIP >>> ani = sequence.plot(colorbar=True) # doctest: +SKIP >>> # doctest: +SKIP Plot the map at 1/2 original resolution >>> sequence = Map(files, sequence=True) # doctest: +SKIP >>> ani = sequence.plot(resample=[0.5, 0.5], colorbar=True) # doctest: +SKIP >>> # doctest: +SKIP Save an animation of the MapSequence >>> sequence = Map(res, sequence=True) # doctest: +SKIP >>> ani = sequence.plot() # doctest: +SKIP >>> Writer = animation.writers['ffmpeg'] # doctest: +SKIP >>> writer = Writer(fps=10, metadata=dict(artist='SunPy'), bitrate=1800) # doctest: +SKIP >>>'mapsequence_animation.mp4', writer=writer) # doctest: +SKIP Save an animation with the limb at each time step >>> def myplot(fig, ax, sunpy_map): ... p = sunpy_map.draw_limb() ... return p >>> sequence = Map(files, sequence=True) # doctest: +SKIP >>> ani = sequence.peek(plot_function=myplot) # doctest: +SKIP >>> # doctest: +SKIP """ if not axes: axes = wcsaxes_compat.gca_wcs(self.maps[0].wcs) fig = axes.get_figure() if not plot_function: def plot_function(fig, ax, smap): return [] removes = [] # Normal plot def annotate_frame(i): axes.set_title(f"{self[i].name}") axes.set_xlabel(axis_labels_from_ctype(self[i].coordinate_system[0], self[i].spatial_units[0])) axes.set_ylabel(axis_labels_from_ctype(self[i].coordinate_system[1], self[i].spatial_units[1])) if resample: if self.all_maps_same_shape(): resample = u.Quantity(self.maps[0].dimensions) * np.array(resample) ani_data = [amap.resample(resample) for amap in self.maps] else: raise ValueError('Maps in mapsequence do not all have the same shape.') else: ani_data = self.maps im = ani_data[0].plot(axes=axes, **kwargs) def updatefig(i, im, annotate, ani_data, removes): while removes: removes.pop(0).remove() im.set_array(ani_data[i].data) im.set_cmap(kwargs.get('cmap', ani_data[i].plot_settings['cmap'])) norm = deepcopy(kwargs.get('norm', ani_data[i].plot_settings['norm'])) if clip_interval is not None: vmin, vmax = _clip_interval(ani_data[i].data, clip_interval) norm.vmin=vmin norm.vmax=vmax _handle_norm(norm, kwargs) # The following explicit call is for bugged versions of Astropy's ImageNormalize norm.autoscale_None(ani_data[i].data) im.set_norm(norm) if wcsaxes_compat.is_wcsaxes(axes): im.axes.reset_wcs(ani_data[i].wcs) wcsaxes_compat.default_wcs_grid(axes) else: bl = ani_data[i]._get_lon_lat(ani_data[i].bottom_left_coord) tr = ani_data[i]._get_lon_lat(ani_data[i].top_right_coord) x_range = list(u.Quantity([bl[0], tr[0]]).to(ani_data[i].spatial_units[0]).value) y_range = list(u.Quantity([bl[1], tr[1]]).to(ani_data[i].spatial_units[1]).value) im.set_extent(np.concatenate((x_range.value, y_range.value))) if annotate: annotate_frame(i) removes += list(plot_function(fig, axes, ani_data[i])) ani = matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation(fig, updatefig, frames=list(range(0, len(ani_data))), fargs=[im, annotate, ani_data, removes], interval=interval, blit=False) return ani
[docs] def peek(self, resample=None, **kwargs): """ A animation plotting routine that animates each element in the MapSequence Parameters ---------- fig : matplotlib.figure.Figure Figure to use to create the explorer resample : list Draws the map at a lower resolution to increase the speed of animation. Specify a list as a fraction i.e. [0.25, 0.25] to plot at 1/4 resolution. [Note: this will only work where the map arrays are the same size] annotate : bool Annotate the figure with scale and titles interval : int Animation interval in ms colorbar : bool Plot colorbar plot_function : function A function to call to overplot extra items on the map plot. For more information see `sunpy.visualization.animator.MapSequenceAnimator`. Returns ------- mapsequenceanim : `sunpy.visualization.animator.MapSequenceAnimator` See Also -------- sunpy.visualization.animator.MapSequenceAnimator Examples -------- >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> from import Map >>> sequence = Map(files, sequence=True) # doctest: +SKIP >>> ani = sequence.peek(colorbar=True) # doctest: +SKIP >>> # doctest: +SKIP Plot the map at 1/2 original resolution >>> sequence = Map(files, sequence=True) # doctest: +SKIP >>> ani = sequence.peek(resample=[0.5, 0.5], colorbar=True) # doctest: +SKIP >>> # doctest: +SKIP Plot the map with the limb at each time step >>> def myplot(fig, ax, sunpy_map): ... p = sunpy_map.draw_limb() ... return p >>> sequence = Map(files, sequence=True) # doctest: +SKIP >>> ani = sequence.peek(plot_function=myplot) # doctest: +SKIP >>> # doctest: +SKIP Decide you want an animation: >>> sequence = Map(files, sequence=True) # doctest: +SKIP >>> ani = sequence.peek(resample=[0.5, 0.5], colorbar=True) # doctest: +SKIP >>> mplani = ani.get_animation() # doctest: +SKIP """ # Move the import for speed reasons from sunpy.visualization.animator.mapsequenceanimator import MapSequenceAnimator if resample: if self.all_maps_same_shape(): plot_sequence = MapSequence() resample = u.Quantity(self.maps[0].dimensions) * np.array(resample) for amap in self.maps: plot_sequence.maps.append(amap.resample(resample)) else: raise ValueError('Maps in mapsequence do not all have the same shape.') else: plot_sequence = self return MapSequenceAnimator(plot_sequence, **kwargs)
[docs] def all_maps_same_shape(self): """ Tests if all the maps have the same number pixels in the x and y directions. """ return np.all([ == self.maps[0].data.shape for m in self.maps])
[docs] def at_least_one_map_has_mask(self): """ Tests if at least one map has a mask. """ return np.any([m.mask is not None for m in self.maps])
[docs] def as_array(self): """ If all the map shapes are the same, their image data is rendered into the appropriate numpy object. If none of the maps have masks, then the data is returned as a (ny, nx, nt) ndarray. If all the maps have masks, then the data is returned as a (ny, nx, nt) masked array with all the masks copied from each map. If only some of the maps have masked then the data is returned as a (ny, nx, nt) masked array, with masks copied from maps as appropriately; maps that do not have a mask are supplied with a mask that is full of False entries. If all the map shapes are not the same, a ValueError is thrown. """ if self.all_maps_same_shape(): data = np.swapaxes(np.swapaxes(np.asarray( [ for m in self.maps]), 0, 1).copy(), 1, 2).copy() if self.at_least_one_map_has_mask(): mask_sequence = np.zeros_like(data, dtype=bool) for im, m in enumerate(self.maps): if m.mask is not None: mask_sequence[:, :, im] = m.mask return ma.masked_array(data, mask=mask_sequence) else: return data else: raise ValueError('Not all maps have the same shape.')
[docs] def all_meta(self): """ Return all the meta objects as a list. """ return [m.meta for m in self.maps]
[docs] def save(self, filepath, filetype='auto', **kwargs): """ Saves the sequence, with one file per map. Currently SunPy can save files only in the FITS format. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Location to save the file(s) to. The string must contain ``"{index}"``, which will be populated with the corresponding index number for each map. Format specifiers (e.g., ``"{index:03}"``) can be used. filetype : str 'auto' or any supported file extension. kwargs : Any additional keyword arguments are passed to ``. Examples -------- >>> from import Map >>> import # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> smap = Map(, ..., ... sequence=True) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>>'map_{index:03}.fits') # doctest: +SKIP """ if filepath.format(index=0) == filepath: raise ValueError("'{index}' must be appear in the string") for index, map_seq in enumerate(self.maps):, filetype, **kwargs)