Source code for
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
import astropy.wcs
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from sunpy import log
from sunpy.coordinates import frames, sun
from sunpy.util import MetaDict
__all__ = ['make_fitswcs_header', 'get_observer_meta', 'make_heliographic_header', 'make_hpr_header']
def make_fitswcs_header(data,
reference_pixel: u.pix = None,
scale: u.arcsec/u.pix = None,
rotation_angle: u.deg = None,
wavelength: u.angstrom = None,
exposure: u.s = None,
Function to create a FITS-WCS header from a coordinate object
(`~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`) that is required to
create a ``.
data : `~numpy.ndarray`, `~astropy.units.Quantity`, or `tuple`
Array data of Map for which a header is required, or the shape of the
data array (in numpy order, i.e. ``(y_size, x_size)``).
coordinate : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` or `~astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame`
The coordinate of the reference pixel.
reference_pixel : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional
Reference pixel along each axis. These are expected to be Cartestian ordered, i.e
the first index is the x axis, second index is the y axis. Defaults to
the center of data array, ``(data.shape[1] - 1)/2., (data.shape[0] - 1)/2.)``,
this argument is zero indexed (Python convention) not 1 indexed (FITS
scale : `~astropy.units.Quantity` of size 2, optional
Pixel scaling along x and y axis (i.e. the spatial scale of the pixels (dx, dy)). These are
expected to be Cartestian ordered, i.e [dx, dy].
Defaults to ``([1., 1.] arcsec/pixel)``.
rotation_angle : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional
Coordinate system rotation angle, will be converted to a rotation
matrix and stored in the ``PCi_j`` matrix. Can not be specified with
``rotation_matrix``. Defaults to no rotation.
rotation_matrix : `~numpy.ndarray` of dimensions 2x2, optional
Matrix describing the rotation required to align solar North with
the top of the image in FITS ``PCi_j`` convention. Can not be specified
with ``rotation_angle``.
instrument : `~str`, optional
Name of the instrument of the observation.
telescope : `~str`, optional
Name of the telescope of the observation.
observatory : `~str`, optional
Name of the observatory of the observation.
detector : `str`, optional
Name of the detector of the observation.
wavelength : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional
Wavelength of the observation as an astropy quantity, e.g. 171*u.angstrom.
From this keyword, the meta keywords ``wavelnth`` and ``waveunit`` will be populated.
exposure : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional
Exposure time of the observation
projection_code : `str`, optional
The FITS standard projection code for the new header.
unit : `~astropy.units.Unit`, optional
Units of the array data of the Map. This will populate the the ``'bunit'`` meta keyword.
If ``data`` is a `~astropy.units.Quantity`, the unit specified here will take precedence
over the unit information attached to ``data``.
The header information required for making a ``.
The observer coordinate is taken from the observer property of the ``reference_pixel``
>>> import
>>> from sunpy.coordinates import frames
>>> from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> import numpy as np
>>> data = np.random.rand(1024, 1024)
>>> my_coord = SkyCoord(0*u.arcsec, 0*u.arcsec, obstime="2017-08-01",
... observer = 'earth', frame=frames.Helioprojective)
>>> my_header =, my_coord)
>>> my_map =, my_header)
coordinate = _validate_coordinate(coordinate)
if hasattr(data, "shape"):
shape = data.shape
shape = data
if hasattr(data, "unit"):
if unit is None:
unit = data.unit
else:"Overwriting data's current unit with specified unit.")
meta_wcs = _get_wcs_meta(coordinate, projection_code)
meta_wcs = _set_instrument_meta(meta_wcs, instrument, telescope, observatory, detector, wavelength, exposure, unit)
meta_wcs = _set_transform_params(meta_wcs, coordinate, reference_pixel, scale, shape)
meta_wcs = _set_rotation_params(meta_wcs, rotation_angle, rotation_matrix)
if getattr(coordinate, 'observer', None) is not None:
# Have to check for str, as doing == on a SkyCoord and str raises an error
if isinstance(, str) and == 'self':
dsun_obs = coordinate.radius
dsun_obs =
meta_wcs['rsun_obs'] = sun._angular_radius(coordinate.rsun, dsun_obs).to_value(u.arcsec)
meta_dict = MetaDict(meta_wcs)
return meta_dict
def _validate_coordinate(coordinate):
if not isinstance(coordinate, SkyCoord | frames.BaseCoordinateFrame):
raise ValueError("coordinate needs to be a coordinate frame or an SkyCoord instance.")
if isinstance(coordinate, SkyCoord):
coordinate = coordinate.frame
if coordinate.obstime is None:
raise ValueError("The coordinate needs an observation time, `obstime`.")
if isinstance(coordinate, frames.Heliocentric):
raise ValueError("This function does not currently support heliocentric coordinates.")
return coordinate
def _set_rotation_params(meta_wcs, rotation_angle, rotation_matrix):
if rotation_angle is not None and rotation_matrix is not None:
raise ValueError("Can not specify both rotation angle and rotation matrix.")
if rotation_angle is None and rotation_matrix is None:
rotation_angle = 0 * u.deg
if rotation_angle is not None:
lam = meta_wcs['cdelt2'] / meta_wcs['cdelt1']
p = np.deg2rad(rotation_angle)
rotation_matrix = np.array([[np.cos(p), -1 * lam * np.sin(p)],
[1/lam * np.sin(p), np.cos(p)]])
if rotation_matrix is not None:
(meta_wcs['PC1_1'], meta_wcs['PC1_2'],
meta_wcs['PC2_1'], meta_wcs['PC2_2']) = (rotation_matrix[0, 0], rotation_matrix[0, 1],
rotation_matrix[1, 0], rotation_matrix[1, 1])
return meta_wcs
def _set_transform_params(meta_wcs, coordinate, reference_pixel, scale, shape):
meta_wcs['naxis'] = 2
meta_wcs['naxis1'] = shape[1]
meta_wcs['naxis2'] = shape[0]
if reference_pixel is None:
reference_pixel = u.Quantity([(shape[1] - 1)/2.*u.pixel,
(shape[0] - 1)/2.*u.pixel])
if scale is None:
scale = [1., 1.] * (u.arcsec/u.pixel)
meta_wcs['crval1'], meta_wcs['crval2'] = (coordinate.spherical.lon.to_value(meta_wcs['cunit1']),['cunit2']))
# When the native latitude of the fiducial point is 0 degrees, which is typical for cylindrical
# projections, the correct value of `lonpole` depends on whether the world latitude of the
# fiducial point is greater than or less than its native latitude.
if < meta_wcs['theta0']:
meta_wcs['LONPOLE'] = 180.
meta_wcs['LONPOLE'] = 0.
del meta_wcs['theta0'] # remove the native latitude of the fiducial point
# Add 1 to go from input 0-based indexing to FITS 1-based indexing
meta_wcs['crpix1'], meta_wcs['crpix2'] = (reference_pixel[0].to_value(u.pixel) + 1,
reference_pixel[1].to_value(u.pixel) + 1)
meta_wcs['cdelt1'] = scale[0].to_value(u.Unit(meta_wcs['cunit1']) / u.pixel)
meta_wcs['cdelt2'] = scale[1].to_value(u.Unit(meta_wcs['cunit2']) / u.pixel)
return meta_wcs
def _get_wcs_meta(coordinate, projection_code):
Function to get WCS meta from the SkyCoord using
coordinate : `~astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame`
Containing the WCS meta information
* ctype1, ctype2
* cunit1, cunit2
* date_obs
* observer auxiliary information, if set on `coordinate`
coord_meta = {}
skycoord_wcs = astropy.wcs.utils.celestial_frame_to_wcs(coordinate, projection_code)
cunit1, cunit2 = skycoord_wcs.wcs.cunit
coord_meta = dict(skycoord_wcs.to_header())
coord_meta['cunit1'], coord_meta['cunit2'] = cunit1.to_string("fits"), cunit2.to_string("fits")
coord_meta['theta0'] = skycoord_wcs.wcs.theta0 # add the native latitude of the fiducial point
return coord_meta
def get_observer_meta(observer, rsun: (u.Mm, None) = None):
Function to get observer meta from coordinate frame.
observer : `~astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame`
The coordinate of the observer, must be transformable to Heliographic
rsun : `astropy.units.Quantity`, optional
The radius of the Sun. If ``None``, the RSUN_OBS and RSUN_REF keys are
not set.
coord_meta : `dict`
WCS metadata, with the keys ``['hgln_obs', 'hglt_obs', 'dsun_obs']``,
and additionally if ``rsun`` is given ``['rsun_obs', 'rsun_ref']``.
observer = observer.transform_to(frames.HeliographicStonyhurst(obstime=observer.obstime))
coord_meta = {}
coord_meta['hgln_obs'] = observer.lon.to_value(u.deg)
coord_meta['hglt_obs'] =
coord_meta['dsun_obs'] = observer.radius.to_value(u.m)
if rsun is not None:
coord_meta['rsun_ref'] = rsun.to_value(u.m)
coord_meta['rsun_obs'] = sun._angular_radius(rsun, observer.radius).to_value(u.arcsec)
return coord_meta
def _set_instrument_meta(meta_wcs, instrument, telescope, observatory, detector, wavelength, exposure, unit):
Function to correctly name keywords from keyword arguments
if instrument is not None:
meta_wcs['instrume'] = str(instrument)
if telescope is not None:
meta_wcs['telescop'] = str(telescope)
if observatory is not None:
meta_wcs['obsrvtry'] = str(observatory)
if detector is not None:
meta_wcs['detector'] = str(detector)
if wavelength is not None:
meta_wcs['wavelnth'] = wavelength.to_value()
meta_wcs['waveunit'] = wavelength.unit.to_string("fits")
if exposure is not None:
meta_wcs['exptime'] = exposure.to_value(u.s)
if unit is not None:
_unit = u.Unit(unit)
# NOTE: This conditional is because 'DN' is not part of the
# FITS standard and thus cannot be serialized to a string
# using the FITS format
unit_format = 'generic' if u.DN in _unit.bases else 'fits'
meta_wcs['bunit'] = _unit.to_string(format=unit_format)
return meta_wcs
def make_heliographic_header(date, observer_coordinate, shape, *, frame, projection_code="CAR",
map_center_longitude: u.Quantity[u.deg] = 0.0*u.deg):
Construct a FITS-WCS header for a full-Sun heliographic (Carrington or Stonyhurst) coordinate frame.
The date-time and observer coordinate of the new coordinate frame
are taken from the input map. The resulting WCS covers the full surface
of the Sun, and has a reference coordinate at (0, 0) degrees Longitude/Latitude.
date :
Date for the output header.
observer_coordinate :
Observer coordinate for the output header.
shape : [int, int]
Output map shape, number of pixels in (latitude, longitude).
frame : {'carrington', 'stonyhurst'}
Coordinate frame.
projection_code : {'CAR', 'CEA'}
Projection to use for the latitude coordinate.
map_center_longitude : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
Heliographic longitude of the map center
See Also
-------- : A more generic header helper that can be used if more customisation is required.
>>> from import make_heliographic_header
>>> from sunpy.coordinates import get_earth
>>> date = '2020-01-01 12:00:00'
>>> observer = get_earth(date)
>>> header = make_heliographic_header(date, observer, [90, 180], frame='carrington')
>>> header
MetaDict([('wcsaxes': '2')
('crpix1': '90.5')
('crpix2': '45.5')
('cdelt1': '2.0')
('cdelt2': '2.0')
('cunit1': 'deg')
('cunit2': 'deg')
('ctype1': 'CRLN-CAR')
('ctype2': 'CRLT-CAR')
('crval1': '0.0')
('crval2': '0.0')
('lonpole': '0.0')
('latpole': '90.0')
('mjdref': '0.0')
('date-obs': '2020-01-01T12:00:00.000')
('rsun_ref': '695700000.0')
('dsun_obs': '147096975776.97')
('hgln_obs': '0.0')
('hglt_obs': '-3.0011725838606')
('naxis': '2')
('naxis1': '180')
('naxis2': '90')
('pc1_1': '1.0')
('pc1_2': '-0.0')
('pc2_1': '0.0')
('pc2_2': '1.0')
('rsun_obs': '975.53984320334...
.. minigallery::
valid_codes = {"CAR", "CEA"}
if projection_code not in valid_codes:
raise ValueError(f"projection_code must be one of {valid_codes}")
valid_frames = {'carrington', 'stonyhurst'}
if frame not in valid_frames:
raise ValueError(f"frame must be one of {valid_frames}")
frame_out = SkyCoord(
0 * u.deg,
rsun=getattr(observer_coordinate, "rsun", None),
if projection_code == "CAR":
scale = [360 / int(shape[1]), 180 / int(shape[0])] * u.deg / u.pix
elif projection_code == "CEA":
# Using the cylindrical equal-area (CEA) projection,
# scale needs to be to 180/pi times the sin(latitude) spacing
# See Section 5.5, Thompson 2006
scale = [
360 / int(shape[1]),
(180 / np.pi) / (int(shape[0]) / 2)
] * u.deg / u.pix
header = make_fitswcs_header(shape, frame_out, scale=scale, projection_code=projection_code)
return header
def make_hpr_header(observer_coordinate, shape, theta_binsize: u.Quantity[u.arcsec], *,
theta_min: u.Quantity[u.arcsec] = 0.0*u.arcsec,
psi_center: u.Quantity[u.deg] = 180.0*u.deg):
Construct a FITS-WCS header for a helioprojective radial coordinate frame.
The header uses the plate carrée projection ("CAR" in FITS-WCS) with the
position angle (``psi``) on the horizontal axis and impact angle (``theta``) on
the vertical axis. To accommodate the FITS-WCS machinery, the vertical axis is
actually the declination (``delta``), which is the impact angle minus 90 degrees.
observer_coordinate :
Observer coordinate, with corresponding observation time.
shape : [int, int]
Output map shape, number of pixels in (theta, psi).
theta_binsize : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
The size of each pixel in the impact-angle direction.
theta_min : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
The minimum impact angle. Defaults to 0 arcsec.
psi_center : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
The center of the map in position angle. Defaults to 180 degrees.
See Also
-------- : A more generic header helper that can be used if more customisation is required.
sunpy.coordinates.HelioprojectiveRadial : The coordinate-frame class
>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> from sunpy.coordinates import get_earth
>>> observer = get_earth('2024-09-16 01:02:03')
>>> make_hpr_header(observer, (180, 360), theta_binsize=10*u.arcsec)
MetaDict([('wcsaxes': '2')
('crpix1': '180.5')
('crpix2': '32400.5')
('cdelt1': '1.0')
('cdelt2': '10.0')
('cunit1': 'deg')
('cunit2': 'arcsec')
('ctype1': 'HRLN-CAR')
('ctype2': 'HRLT-CAR')
('crval1': '180.0')
('crval2': '0.0')
('lonpole': '0.0')
('latpole': '90.0')
('mjdref': '0.0')
('date-obs': '2024-09-16T01:02:03.000')
('rsun_ref': '695700000.0')
('dsun_obs': '150399816551.15')
('hgln_obs': '0.0')
('hglt_obs': '7.1884873184853')
('naxis': '2')
('naxis1': '360')
('naxis2': '180')
('pc1_1': '1.0')
('pc1_2': '-0.0')
('pc2_1': '0.0')
('pc2_2': '1.0')
('rsun_obs': '954.1164393469891')])
.. minigallery::
# The reference coord must be on the equator (delta = 0 deg)
reference_coord = SkyCoord(
rsun=getattr(observer_coordinate, "rsun", None),
# Calculate the correct location for this reference coord, which will likely be far off the data array
reference_pixel = [
shape[1] / 2. - 0.5,
((90*u.deg - theta_min) / theta_binsize).to_value( - 0.5
] * u.pix
scale = u.Quantity([360*u.deg / int(shape[1]), theta_binsize]) / u.pix
header = make_fitswcs_header(shape, reference_coord, reference_pixel=reference_pixel,
scale=scale, projection_code="CAR")
return header