Source code for

This module provides a JPEG 2000 file reader for internal use.

It was developed to read JPEG 2000 files created by the Helioviewer Project
and not as a general JPEG 2000 file reader.
import os

# We have to use lxml as lxml can not  serialize xml from the standard library
import lxml.etree as ET
import numpy as np

from import FileHeader
from import HDPair, string_is_float

__all__ = ['read', 'get_header', 'write']

def _sanative_value(value):
    if value is None:
    if value.isdigit() or value.isnumeric():
        value = int(value)
    elif string_is_float(value):
        value = float(value)
    # We replace newlines with spaces so when we join the history
    # it won't be so ugly
    elif "\n" in value:
        value = value.replace("\n", " ")
    return value

def _parse_xml_metadata(xml_data):
    keycomments = {}
    final_dict = {}
    history = []
    for node in xml_data.xml.getroot().iter():
        if node.tag in ['HISTORY']:
            history.append(node.attrib.get('comment', ''))
        if node.text is not None:
            final_dict[node.tag] = _sanative_value(node.text)
            keycomments[node.tag] = node.attrib.get('comment', '')
    return {**final_dict, "HISTORY": "".join(history), 'KEYCOMMENTS': keycomments}

[docs] def read(filepath, **kwargs): """ Reads a JPEG2000 file. Parameters ---------- filepath : `str` The file to be read. **kwargs : `dict` Unused. Returns ------- `list` A list of (data, header) tuples. """ # Put import here to speed up import time from glymur import Jp2k header = get_header(filepath) data = Jp2k(filepath)[...][::-1] return [HDPair(data, header[0])]
[docs] def get_header(filepath): """ Reads the header from the file. Parameters ---------- filepath : `str` The file to be read. Returns ------- `list` A list of one header read from the file. """ # Put import here to speed up import time from glymur import Jp2k jp2 = Jp2k(filepath) # We assume that the header is the first XMLBox in the file xml_box = [box for box in if box.box_id == 'xml '][0] pydict = _parse_xml_metadata(xml_box) return [FileHeader(pydict)]
def header_to_xml(header): """ Converts image header metadata into an XML Tree that can be inserted into a JPEG2000 file header. Parameters ---------- header : `MetaDict` A header dictionary to convert to xml. Returns ---------- `lxml.etree._Element` A fits element where each child is an xml element in the form <key>value</key> derived from the key/value pairs in the given header dictionary """ fits = ET.Element("fits") already_added = set() for key in header: # Some headers span multiple lines and get duplicated as keys # header.get will appropriately return all data, so if we see # a key again, we can assume it was already added to the xml tree. if (key in already_added): continue # Add to the set so we don't duplicate entries already_added.add(key) el = ET.SubElement(fits, key) data = header.get(key) if isinstance(data, bool): data = "1" if data else "0" else: data = str(data) el.text = data return fits def generate_jp2_xmlbox(header): """ Generates the JPEG2000 XML box to be inserted into the JPEG2000 file. Parameters ---------- header : `MetaDict` A header dictionary. Returns ---------- `XMLBox` XML box containing FITS metadata to be used in JPEG2000 headers """ from glymur import jp2box header_xml = header_to_xml(header) meta = ET.Element("meta") meta.append(header_xml) tree = ET.ElementTree(meta) return jp2box.XMLBox(xml=tree)
[docs] def write(fname, data, header, **kwargs): """ Take a data header pair and write a JPEG2000 file. Parameters ---------- fname : `str` File name, with extension. data : `numpy.ndarray` N-Dimensional data array. header : `dict` A header dictionary. kwargs : Additional keyword args are passed to glymur's Jp2k constructor. Notes ----- Saving as a JPEG2000 will cast the data array to uint8 values to support the JPEG2000 format. """ from glymur import Jp2k tmp_filename = f"{fname}tmp.jp2" jp2_data = np.uint8(data) # The jp2 data is flipped when read in, so we have to flip it back before # saving. See for context. flipped = np.flip(jp2_data, 0) jp2 = Jp2k(tmp_filename, flipped, **kwargs) # Append the XML data to the header information stored in meta_boxes = target_index = len(meta_boxes) - 1 fits_box = generate_jp2_xmlbox(header) meta_boxes.insert(target_index, fits_box) # Rewrites the jp2 file on disk with the xml data in the header jp2.wrap(fname, boxes=meta_boxes) os.remove(tmp_filename)