import astropy.units as u
import astropy.wcs.utils
from astropy.coordinates import BaseCoordinateFrame, SkyCoord
from astropy.wcs import WCS
from astropy.wcs.utils import obsgeo_to_frame
from sunpy import log
from .frames import (
__all__ = ['solar_wcs_frame_mapping', 'solar_frame_to_wcs_mapping']
def solar_wcs_frame_mapping(wcs):
This function registers the coordinates frames to their FITS-WCS coordinate
type values in the `astropy.wcs.utils.wcs_to_celestial_frame` registry.
wcs : astropy.wcs.WCS
if hasattr(wcs, "coordinate_frame"):
return wcs.coordinate_frame
dateobs = wcs.wcs.dateavg or wcs.wcs.dateobs or wcs.wcs.datebeg or wcs.wcs.dateend or None
# Get observer coordinate from the WCS auxiliary information
# Note: the order of the entries is important, as it determines which set
# of header keys is given priority below. Stonyhurst should usually be
# prioritized, as it is defined more consistently across implementations,
# and so it should occur before Carrington here.
required_attrs = {HeliographicStonyhurst: ['hgln_obs', 'hglt_obs', 'dsun_obs'],
HeliographicCarrington: ['crln_obs', 'hglt_obs', 'dsun_obs']}
# Get rsun from the WCS auxiliary information
rsun = wcs.wcs.aux.rsun_ref
if rsun is not None:
rsun *= u.m
# TODO: remove these errors in sunpy 4.1
bad_attrs = [f'.{attr}' for attr in ['rsun', 'heliographic_observer']
if hasattr(wcs, attr)]
if len(bad_attrs):
raise ValueError(f"The {' and '.join(bad_attrs)} attribute(s) on a WCS "
"are no longer supported.")
observer = None
for frame, attr_names in required_attrs.items():
attrs = [getattr(wcs.wcs.aux, attr_name) for attr_name in attr_names]
if all([attr is not None for attr in attrs]):
kwargs = {'obstime': dateobs}
if rsun is not None:
kwargs['rsun'] = rsun
if issubclass(frame, HeliographicCarrington):
kwargs['observer'] = 'self'
observer = frame(attrs[0] * u.deg,
attrs[1] * u.deg,
attrs[2] * u.m,
# Read the observer out of obsgeo for ground based observers
if observer is None:
observer = obsgeo_to_frame(wcs.wcs.obsgeo, dateobs)
observer = SkyCoord(observer, rsun=rsun)
except ValueError as e:
# The helper function assumes you know the obsgeo coords you are
# parsing are good, we are not sure, so catch the error.
# This approach could lead to an invalid observer (i.e. one of the
# coords being NaN), but only if the WCS has been constructed like that.
log.debug(f"Could not parse obsgeo coordinates from WCS:\n{e}")
# Collect all of the possible frame attributes, although some may be removed later
frame_args = {'obstime': dateobs}
if observer is not None:
frame_args['observer'] = observer
if rsun is not None:
frame_args['rsun'] = rsun
frame_class = _sunpy_frame_class_from_ctypes(wcs.wcs.ctype)
if frame_class:
if frame_class == HeliographicStonyhurst:
frame_args.pop('observer', None)
if frame_class == Heliocentric:
frame_args.pop('rsun', None)
return frame_class(**frame_args)
def _sunpy_frame_class_from_ctypes(ctypes):
# Truncate the ctype to the first four letters
ctypes = {c[:4] for c in ctypes}
mapping = {
Helioprojective: {'HPLN', 'HPLT'},
HeliographicStonyhurst: {'HGLN', 'HGLT'},
HeliographicCarrington: {'CRLN', 'CRLT'},
Heliocentric: {'SOLX', 'SOLY'},
for frame_class, ctype_pair in mapping.items():
if ctype_pair <= ctypes:
return frame_class
def _set_wcs_aux_obs_coord(wcs, obs_frame):
Set (in-place) observer coordinate information on a WCS.
wcs : astropy.wcs.WCS
obs_frame : astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord, astropy.coordinates.CoordinateFrame
# Sometimes obs_coord can be a SkyCoord, so convert down to a frame
if hasattr(obs_frame, 'frame'):
obs_frame = obs_frame.frame
if isinstance(obs_frame, HeliographicStonyhurst):
wcs.wcs.aux.hgln_obs = obs_frame.lon.to_value(u.deg)
elif isinstance(obs_frame, HeliographicCarrington):
wcs.wcs.aux.crln_obs = obs_frame.lon.to_value(u.deg)
raise ValueError('obs_coord must be in a Stonyhurst or Carrington frame')
# These two keywords are the same for Carrington and Stonyhurst
wcs.wcs.aux.hglt_obs =
wcs.wcs.aux.dsun_obs = obs_frame.radius.to_value(u.m)
def solar_frame_to_wcs_mapping(frame, projection='TAN'):
For a given frame, this function returns the corresponding WCS object.
It registers the WCS coordinates types from their associated frame in the
`astropy.wcs.utils.celestial_frame_to_wcs` registry.
frame : astropy.coordinates.BaseCoordinateFrame
projection : str, optional
wcs = WCS(naxis=2)
if hasattr(frame, 'rsun'):
wcs.wcs.aux.rsun_ref = frame.rsun.to_value(u.m)
if hasattr(frame, 'observer') and is not None:
if isinstance(, BaseCoordinateFrame):
observer =
elif == 'self':
observer = frame
_set_wcs_aux_obs_coord(wcs, observer)
if isinstance(frame, SunPyBaseCoordinateFrame):
if frame.obstime:
wcs.wcs.dateobs = frame.obstime.utc.isot
if isinstance(frame, Helioprojective):
xcoord = 'HPLN' + '-' + projection
ycoord = 'HPLT' + '-' + projection
wcs.wcs.cunit = ['arcsec', 'arcsec']
elif isinstance(frame, Heliocentric):
xcoord = 'SOLX'
ycoord = 'SOLY'
wcs.wcs.cunit = ['deg', 'deg']
elif isinstance(frame, HeliographicCarrington):
xcoord = 'CRLN' + '-' + projection
ycoord = 'CRLT' + '-' + projection
wcs.wcs.cunit = ['deg', 'deg']
elif isinstance(frame, HeliographicStonyhurst):
xcoord = 'HGLN' + '-' + projection
ycoord = 'HGLT' + '-' + projection
wcs.wcs.cunit = ['deg', 'deg']
# A subclass not supported by the core library
return None
return None
wcs.wcs.ctype = [xcoord, ycoord]
return wcs