Example Gallery#
The gallery contains examples of how to use sunpy. Each example is a short and self contained how-to guide for performing a specific task.
Sample data#
Some of these examples require the SunPy sample data, which are downloaded as needed via the module sunpy.data.sample
If you want to download all of the sample data files in advance, call sunpy.data.sample.download_all()
Acquiring Data#
Examples of downloading solar data located on remote servers
Querying and loading SHARP data
Querying the GOES flare event list
Requesting cutouts of AIA images from the JSOC
Examples using Map
with solar data
Comparing Map Rotation Functions
Creating a mask for LASCO C2 data
Finding bright regions with ndimage
Generating a map from data array
Masking HMI based on the intensity of AIA
Overplotting HMI Contours on an AIA Image
Plotting a Map without any Axes
Segmenting a Map based on transformation of coordinates
Combining, Co-aligning, and Reprojecting Images#
Examples of combining, aligning, and reprojecting sunpy maps
Aligning AIA and HMI Data with Reproject
Auto-Aligning AIA and HMI Data During Plotting
Creating a Full Sun Map with AIA and EUVI
Reprojecting Images to Different Observers
Reprojecting Using a Spherical Screen
Reprojecting to a Map Projection with a Custom Origin
Rotating HMI maps so they’re not ‘upside-down’
Time Series#
Examples using TimeSeries
Creating a TimeSeries from GOES-XRS near real time data
Find Peaks in sunpy TimeSeries
Flare times on a GOES XRS plot
Making a power spectrum from a TimeSeries
Retrieving and analyzing GOES X-Ray Sensor (XRS) data
Smoothing of timeSeries data using convolution filters
Coordinates, times, and units#
Examples of working with coordinate information, times, and scientific units
AIA to STEREO coordinate conversion
Converting between Helioprojective and AltAz Coordinate
Coordinates computations using SPICE kernels
Create a Helioprojective Map from observations in the RA-DEC coordinate system
Drawing the AIA limb on a STEREO EUVI image
Extracting intensity of a map along a line
Getting the location of the planets
Getting the observer location from a Map
Identifying stars in a STEREO/SECCHI COR2 coronagraph image
Obtaining a spacecraft trajectory from JPL Horizons
Offsetting the north pole of a coordinate frame
Overplotting the position of the Venus transit
Setting the correct position for SOHO in a LASCO C3 Map
Examples of visualizing supported data types
Combining off-limb and disk maps
Creating a Composite Plot with Three Maps
Drawing a latitude-longitude quadrangle
Drawing a rotated rectangle on a map
Drawing heliographic longitude and latitude lines
Editing the colormap and normalization of a Map
Finding Local Peaks in Solar Data
Fine grained Plotting Features of Map
Overlay an AIA image on a LASCO C2 coronagraph
Overplotting HEK feature/event polygons on a map
Overplotting SRS active region locations on a magnetograms
Plotting points on a Map with WCSAxes
Plotting the solar equator and prime meridian
Set Axis Range When Plotting a Map
Using the sunpy Colormaps with matplotlib
Differential Rotation of the Sun#
Examples of accounting for differential rotation (i.e., the latitude-dependent rotation rate of the Sun) in the coordinates framework
Comparing differential-rotation models
Differentially rotating a coordinate
Overlaying differentially rotated gridlines
Saving and Loading Data#
Examples of saving and loading data
Saving and loading coordinates with asdf
Saving and loading sunpy Maps with FITS
Saving and loading sunpy Maps with asdf
Computer Vision Techniques#
Examples of using computer vision techniques to analyze solar data
Finding and masking bright pixels
Examples that use an advanced combination of capabilities in sunpy
Obtaining solar-eclipse information
Reproducing the “Where is STEREO Today?” plot
Understanding Observer Orientation Relative to a Simulated Volume with astropy.coordinates
Visualizing 3D stereoscopic images