Image processing (sunpy.image)#

sunpy.image contains routines to process images (i.e. numpy arrays). The routines in this submodule are generally exposed through map-specific functions in other places.

sunpy.image Package#

sunpy.image.resample Module#

Image resampling methods.


resample(orig, dimensions[, method, center, ...])

Returns a new numpy.ndarray that has been resampled up or down.

reshape_image_to_4d_superpixel(img, ...)

Re-shape the two-dimensional input image into a four-dimensional array whose first and third dimensions express the number of original pixels in the "x" and "y" directions that form one superpixel.

sunpy.image.transform Module#

Functions for geometrical image transformation and warping.


add_rotation_function(name, *, ...)

Decorator to add a rotation function to the registry of selectable implementations.

affine_transform(image, rmatrix[, order, ...])

Rotates, shifts and scales an image.