Source code for sunpy.coordinates.spice

Bridge module to use the SkyCoord API for SPICE computations.

.. note::
    This module requires the optional dependency `~spiceypy.spiceypy` to be

The `SPICE <>`__ observation geometry information
system is being increasingly used by space missions to describe the locations of
spacecraft and the time-varying orientations of reference frames.
While the `~spiceypy.spiceypy` package provides a Python interface for
performing SPICE computations, its API is very different from that of

This module "wraps" `~spiceypy.spiceypy` functionality so that relevant SPICE
computations can be accessed using the `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` API.
When loading a set of kernels, a frame class and corresponding transformations
are created for each SPICE frame.  One can also query the location of a body
as computed via SPICE or retrieve the field of view (FOV) of an instrument.

To facilitate the conversion of a SPICE-based coordinate to the built-in frames
in `sunpy.coordinates`, every SPICE-based coordinate has the method
This method returns a coordinate in the `~sunpy.coordinates.Helioprojective`
frame with the ``observer`` frame attribute appropriately set.

Be aware that when converting a SPICE-based coordinate to/from a built-in frame,
there can be small inconsistencies due to differing planetary ephemerides and
models for various orientations.

* 2D coordinates can be transformed only if the to/from frames have the same
  SPICE body ID as their centers.
* Transformations of velocities are not yet supported.
* SPICE frame names are rendered as uppercase, except for plus/minus characters,
  which are replaced with lowercase ``'p'``/``'n'`` characters.

.. minigallery:: sunpy.coordinates.spice.initialize
# Developer notes:
# * We create a public SkyCoord frame for each SPICE frame that is defined in
#   the kernels, but this does not include built-in SPICE frames (e.g., inertial
#   frames or IAU_* frames).  The user needs to manually install each built-in
#   SPICE frame that they want to use because otherwise there are simply too
#   many.
# * We also create a private SkyCoord frame for each unique SPICE frame center.
#   Each SPICE frame defines its center, and typically many frames share the
#   same center.  By creating these private frames for frame centers, we can
#   transform 2D coordinates between frames that share the same center because
#   the origin does not change.
# * Any transformation that involves a change in frame center (including even
#   a change in the body ID that still maps to the same location) will be
#   treated as a change in origin, and the transformation is routed through
#   ICRS.  ICRS is a safe frame to use because the SPICE built-in inertial
#   frame 'J2000' is ICRS, despite its name.

import numpy as np

    import spiceypy
except ImportError:
    raise ImportError("This module requires the optional dependency `spiceypy`.")

import astropy.units as u
from astropy.coordinates import ICRS, ConvertError, SkyCoord, frame_transform_graph
from astropy.coordinates.matrix_utilities import rotation_matrix
from astropy.coordinates.representation import CartesianRepresentation, SphericalRepresentation
from astropy.coordinates.transformations import FunctionTransformWithFiniteDifference
from astropy.time import Time

from sunpy import log
from sunpy.coordinates import SunPyBaseCoordinateFrame
from sunpy.time import parse_time
from sunpy.time.time import _variables_for_parse_time_docstring
from sunpy.util.decorators import add_common_docstring

__all__ = ['SpiceBaseCoordinateFrame', 'get_body', 'get_fov', 'initialize', 'install_frame', 'get_rotation_matrix']

# Note that this epoch is very slightly different from the typical definition of J2000.0 (in TT)
_ET_REF_EPOCH = Time('J2000', scale='tdb')

_CLASS_TYPES = {1: 'inertial', 2: 'PCK', 3: 'CK', 4: 'TK', 5: 'dynamic', 6: 'switch'}

# Registry of the generated frame classes and center classes
_frame_registry = {}
_center_registry = {'SOLAR SYSTEM BARYCENTER': ICRS}

[docs] @add_common_docstring(**_variables_for_parse_time_docstring()) class SpiceBaseCoordinateFrame(SunPyBaseCoordinateFrame): """ Base class for all frames generated to represent SPICE frames. This class is not intended to be used directly and has no transformations defined. Parameters ---------- obstime : {parse_time_types} The time of the observation. This is used to determine the position of solar-system bodies (e.g., the Sun and the Earth) as needed to define the origin and orientation of the frame. """ def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): cls._frame_name = kwargs.pop('frame_name', None) cls._center_name = kwargs.pop('center_name', None) super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) cls.__doc__ = (f"Coordinate frame for the SPICE frame '{cls._frame_name}'\n\n" f"Origin: '{cls._center_name}'\n\n" "Parameters\n----------\n" f"obstime : {_variables_for_parse_time_docstring()['parse_time_types']}\n" " The time of the observation. This is used to determine the\n" " position of solar-system bodies (e.g., the Sun and the Earth) as\n" " needed to define the origin and orientation of the frame.\n")
[docs] def to_helioprojective(self): """ Convert this coordinate to the Helioprojective frame. The center of the frame center is used as the ``observer`` of the `~sunpy.coordinates.Helioprojective` frame. Examples -------- .. minigallery:: sunpy.coordinates.spice.SpiceBaseCoordinate.to_helioprojective """ et = _convert_to_et(self.obstime) # Get the matrix to rotate from the SPICE frame to heliographic coordinates # matrix needs to be contiguous (see frame_to_iau = np.ascontiguousarray(spiceypy.sxform(self._frame_name, 'IAU_SUN', et)[..., :3, :3]) # Get the observer location in heliographic coordinates obs_iau = spiceypy.spkpos(self._center_name, et, 'IAU_SUN', 'NONE', 'SUN')[0] << obs_iau = CartesianRepresentation(obs_iau.T).represent_as(SphericalRepresentation) # Construct the matrix to rotate from heliographic coordinates to HPC-like coordinates iau_to_hpc = rotation_matrix(, axis='y') @ rotation_matrix(obs_iau.lon, axis='z') # To get to actual HPC coordinates, need to flip the X axis flip_x = np.array([[-1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) # Transform the data by all of the sequence of these matrices to get the HPC vector hpc_repr = self.cartesian.transform(flip_x @ iau_to_hpc @ frame_to_iau) # Get the observer location in ICRS, with obstime define to be able to transform to HGS obs_icrs = spiceypy.spkpos(self._center_name, et, 'J2000', 'NONE', 'SSB')[0] << obs_sc = SkyCoord(CartesianRepresentation(obs_icrs.T), frame='icrs', obstime=self.obstime) # Construct the HPC coordinate from the vector and the observer out_sc = SkyCoord(hpc_repr, frame='helioprojective', obstime=self.obstime, observer=obs_sc) if _is_2d(hpc_repr): out_sc.representation_type = 'unitspherical' return out_sc
def _convert_to_et(time): return (time - _ET_REF_EPOCH).to_value('s') def _astropy_frame_name(spice_frame_name): # Replace plus/minus characters in the SPICE frame name with lowercase 'p'/'n' return f"spice_{spice_frame_name.translate(str.maketrans('+-', 'pn'))}" def _astropy_center_name(spice_center_id): # Use the center ID directly, changing a negative sign to 'n' return f"_spice_center_{str(spice_center_id).replace('-', 'n')}" def _is_2d(data): return data.norm().unit is and u.allclose(data.norm(), 1* def _install_center_by_id(center_id): center_name = spiceypy.bodc2n(center_id) if center_name in _center_registry.keys(): return"Creating ICRF frame with {center_name} ({center_id}) origin") astropy_center_name = _astropy_center_name(center_id) center_cls = type(astropy_center_name, (SpiceBaseCoordinateFrame,), {}, frame_name=None, center_name=center_name) @frame_transform_graph.transform(FunctionTransformWithFiniteDifference, ICRS, center_cls) def icrs_to_shifted(from_icrs_coord, to_shifted_frame): if _is_2d( raise ConvertError("Cannot transform a 2D coordinate due to a shift in origin.") icrs_offset = spiceypy.spkpos(center_name, _convert_to_et(to_shifted_frame.obstime), 'J2000', 'NONE', 'SSB')[0] << shifted_pos = from_icrs_coord.cartesian - CartesianRepresentation(icrs_offset.T) return to_shifted_frame.realize_frame(shifted_pos) @frame_transform_graph.transform(FunctionTransformWithFiniteDifference, center_cls, ICRS) def shifted_to_icrs(from_shifted_coord, to_icrs_frame): if _is_2d( raise ConvertError("Cannot transform a 2D coordinate due to a shift in origin.") icrs_offset = spiceypy.spkpos(center_name, _convert_to_et(from_shifted_coord.obstime), 'J2000', 'NONE', 'SSB')[0] << icrs_pos = from_shifted_coord.cartesian + CartesianRepresentation(icrs_offset.T) return to_icrs_frame.realize_frame(icrs_pos) frame_transform_graph._add_merged_transform(center_cls, ICRS, center_cls) _center_registry[center_name] = center_cls def _install_frame_by_id(frame_id): frame_name = spiceypy.frmnam(frame_id) astropy_frame_name = _astropy_frame_name(frame_name) center_id, class_num, _ = spiceypy.frinfo(frame_id) center_name = spiceypy.bodc2n(center_id)"Installing {frame_name} {_CLASS_TYPES[class_num]} frame ({frame_id}) " f"as '{astropy_frame_name}'") # Create a center class (if needed) _install_center_by_id(center_id) center_cls = _center_registry[center_name] frame_cls = type(astropy_frame_name, (SpiceBaseCoordinateFrame,), {}, frame_name=frame_name, center_name=center_name) # Force the capitalization pattern of lowercase "spice_" followed by uppercase SPICE frame name = frame_cls.__name__ @frame_transform_graph.transform(FunctionTransformWithFiniteDifference, center_cls, frame_cls) def rotate_from_icrf(from_shifted_coord, to_spice_frame): et = _convert_to_et(to_spice_frame.obstime) # matrix needs to be contiguous (see matrix = np.ascontiguousarray(spiceypy.sxform('J2000', frame_name, et)[..., :3, :3]) new_pos = return to_spice_frame.realize_frame(new_pos) @frame_transform_graph.transform(FunctionTransformWithFiniteDifference, frame_cls, center_cls) def rotate_to_icrf(from_spice_coord, to_shifted_frame): et = _convert_to_et(from_spice_coord.obstime) # matrix needs to be contiguous (see matrix = np.ascontiguousarray(spiceypy.sxform(frame_name, 'J2000', et)[..., :3, :3]) shifted_pos = return to_shifted_frame.realize_frame(shifted_pos) frame_transform_graph._add_merged_transform(frame_cls, center_cls, frame_cls) _frame_registry[frame_name] = (frame_cls, center_cls) def _uninstall_frame_by_class(target_class, from_class): frame_transform_graph.remove_transform(target_class, target_class, None) frame_transform_graph.remove_transform(from_class, target_class, None) frame_transform_graph.remove_transform(target_class, from_class, None) del target_class
[docs] def initialize(kernels): """ Load one more more SPICE kernels and create corresponding frame classes. Parameters ---------- kernels : `str`, `list` of `str` One or more SPICE kernel files Notes ----- If a kernel file is a meta-kernel, make sure that the relative paths therein are correct for the current working directory, which may not be the same as the location of the meta-kernel file. This function has simple support for being called multiple times in a session in order to load multiple sets of kernels. However, there may be unexpected behavior if this function is called after the frame classes start being used. Examples -------- .. minigallery:: sunpy.coordinates.spice.initialize """ if not isinstance(kernels, list): kernels = [kernels] # furnsh() needs path strings spiceypy.furnsh([str(kernel) for kernel in kernels]) # Remove all existing SPICE frame classes global _frame_registry if _frame_registry:"Removing {len(_frame_registry)} existing SPICE frame classes") for spice_frame_name in _frame_registry.keys(): frame_cls, center_cls = _frame_registry[spice_frame_name] _uninstall_frame_by_class(frame_cls, center_cls) _frame_registry.clear() # Remove all non-default SPICE center classes global _center_registry if len(_center_registry) > 1:"Removing {len(_center_registry) - 1} existing SPICE origin classes") for spice_center_name, center_cls in _center_registry.items(): if center_cls != ICRS: _uninstall_frame_by_class(center_cls, ICRS) _center_registry = {'SOLAR SYSTEM BARYCENTER': ICRS} # Generate all SPICE frame classes for class_num in _CLASS_TYPES.keys(): frames = spiceypy.kplfrm(class_num) for frame_id in frames: install_frame(frame_id)
[docs] def install_frame(spice_frame): """ Install a specified SPICE frame. Installing a SPICE frame creates a corresponding frame class. All frames defined in the kernel pool are already automatically installed in the call to :func:`~sunpy.coordinates.spice.initialize`, so this function is used to manually install built-in frames, namely inertial or body-fixed (PCK) frames. Some common built-in frames include 'IAU_SUN', 'IAU_EARTH', and 'ITRF93'. Parameters ---------- spice_frame : `str`, `int` The SPICE frame name or frame ID to be installed. Examples -------- .. minigallery:: sunpy.coordinates.spice.install_frame """ if isinstance(spice_frame, str): frame_name = spice_frame.upper() frame_id = spiceypy.namfrm(frame_name) if frame_id == 0: raise ValueError(f"{frame_name} is not a valid SPICE frame name.") else: frame_id = spice_frame frame_name = spiceypy.frmnam(frame_id) if frame_name == '': raise ValueError(f"{frame_id} is not a valid SPICE frame ID.") if frame_name in _frame_registry:"{frame_name} (frame_id) has already been installed.") else: _install_frame_by_id(frame_id)
[docs] @add_common_docstring(**_variables_for_parse_time_docstring()) def get_body(body, time, *, spice_frame='J2000', observer=None): """ Get the location of a body via SPICE. Parameters ---------- body : `int`, `str` The NAIF body ID, or a string that is resolvable to a body ID time : {parse_time_types} Time to use in a parse_time-compatible format. spice_frame : `str` The SPICE frame name to use for the returned coordinate. Defaults to ``'J2000'``, which is equivalent to Astropy's `~astropy.coordinates.ICRS`. observer : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` If `None`, the returned coordinate is the instantaneous or “true” location. If not `None`, the returned coordinate is the astrometric location (i.e., accounts for light travel time to the specified observer). Examples -------- .. minigallery:: sunpy.coordinates.spice.get_body """ body_name = spiceypy.bodc2n(body) if isinstance(body, int) else body obstime = parse_time(time) et = _convert_to_et(obstime) frame_center = spiceypy.frinfo(spiceypy.namfrm(spice_frame))[0] if observer is None: pos = spiceypy.spkpos(body_name, et, spice_frame, 'NONE', spiceypy.bodc2n(frame_center))[0] << else: obspos ='km') pos, lt = spiceypy.spkcpo(body_name, et, spice_frame, 'OBSERVER', 'CN', obspos, 'SSB', 'J2000')"Apparent body location accounts for {lt:.2f} seconds of light travel time") pos = pos[:3] << if spice_frame != 'J2000': shift = spiceypy.spkpos(spiceypy.bodc2n(frame_center), et, 'J2000', 'NONE', 'SSB')[0] obspos -= shift matrix = spiceypy.pxform('J2000', spice_frame, _convert_to_et(obstime)) obspos = matrix @ obspos pos += obspos << frame_name = 'icrs' if spice_frame == 'J2000' else _astropy_frame_name(spice_frame) return SkyCoord(CartesianRepresentation(pos.T), frame=frame_name, obstime=obstime)
[docs] @add_common_docstring(**_variables_for_parse_time_docstring()) def get_fov(instrument, time, *, resolution=100): """ Get the field of view (FOV) for an instrument via SPICE. Rectangular and polygonal FOVs are represented by their vertices. Circular FOVs are approximated by a series of points. This function does not yet support elliptical FOVs. .. note:: The FOV determined from SPICE kernels may not be as accurate as the FOV obtained from other sources of information, particularly if the instrument is an imager. Parameters ---------- instrument : `int`, `str` The NAIF ID for the instrument, or a string that is resolvable to an instrument ID time : {parse_time_types} Time to use in a parse_time-compatible format. resolution : `int` Number of points to use for a circular FOV. Defaults to 100. Examples -------- .. minigallery:: sunpy.coordinates.spice.get_fov """ instrument_name = spiceypy.bodc2n(instrument) if isinstance(instrument, int) else instrument obstime = parse_time(time) fov_shape, spice_frame, boresight, num_vectors, vectors = spiceypy.getfvn(instrument_name, 1000) if fov_shape == "ELLIPSE": raise ValueError("Elliptical FOVs are not yet supported.") # If circular FOV, we have only one vector, so we have to rotate for the rest of the points if fov_shape == "CIRCLE": angles = np.arange(0, 1, 1/resolution) * 360*u.deg matrix = rotation_matrix(angles, axis=boresight) vectors = matrix @ vectors[0] num_vectors = resolution # The FOV vectors need to be replicated if obstime is a time array if not obstime.isscalar: vectors = np.broadcast_to(vectors[:, np.newaxis, :], (num_vectors, *obstime.shape, 3)) obstime = Time(np.tile(obstime, num_vectors)).reshape((num_vectors, *obstime.shape)).T fov = SkyCoord(CartesianRepresentation(vectors.T), frame=_frame_registry[spice_frame][0], obstime=obstime, representation_type='unitspherical') return fov
[docs] @add_common_docstring(**_variables_for_parse_time_docstring()) def get_rotation_matrix(source_frame, target_frame, from_time, to_time=None): """ Get the rotation matrix between the orientations of two SPICE frames. Parameters ---------- source_frame : `str` The source frame specified by SPICE frame name. target_frame : `str` The target frame specified by SPICE frame name. from_time : {parse_time_types} The time of the source frame. to_time : {parse_time_types} The time of the target frame. Defaults to ``None``, which means ``from_time`` is used. Returns ------- `~numpy.ndarray` A 3x3 rotation matrix for the change in orientation. Examples -------- >>> from sunpy.coordinates.spice import get_rotation_matrix >>> source_frame = "J2000" >>> target_frame = "Galactic" >>> from_time = '2001-01-01T00:00:00' >>> rotation_matrix = get_rotation_matrix(source_frame, target_frame, from_time) >>> rotation_matrix array([[-0.05487554, -0.8734371 , -0.48383499], [ 0.49410945, -0.44482959, 0.74698225], [-0.86766614, -0.19807639, 0.45598379]]) This rotation matrix can be used to re-orient a vector (field), e.g.: >>> vec_components = [1, 0, 0] * u.T >>> transformed_matrix = rotation_matrix @ vec_components >>> transformed_matrix <Quantity [-0.05487554, 0.49410945, -0.86766614] T> """ source_frame_spice = source_frame.upper() target_frame_spice = target_frame.upper() from_time = parse_time(from_time) to_time = parse_time(to_time) if to_time else from_time from_time_et = _convert_to_et(from_time) to_time_et = _convert_to_et(to_time) # First transformation: from source frame at from_time to J2000 from_source_to_j2000 = spiceypy.sxform(source_frame_spice, "J2000", from_time_et) # Second transformation: from J2000 at to_time to target frame from_j2000_to_target = spiceypy.sxform("J2000", target_frame_spice, to_time_et) # Combine: source -> J2000 -> target combined_transform = spiceypy.mxmg(from_j2000_to_target, from_source_to_j2000) # Extract the rotation matrix (upper left 3x3 block) rotation_matrix = combined_transform[:3, :3] return rotation_matrix