
This module contains an implementation of the Automated Swirl Detection Algorithm (ASDA).


calculate_gamma_values(vx, vy[, factor, r])

Calculate gamma1 and gamma2 values of velocity field vx and vy.

generate_velocity_field(vx, vy, i, j[, r])

Given a point [i, j], generate a velocity field which contains a region with a size of (2r+1) x (2r+1) centered at [i, j] from the original velocity field vx and vy.

get_radial_velocity(gamma, rcore, ratio_vradial)

Calculate radial (expanding or shrinking) speed at radius of r.

get_rotational_velocity(gamma, rcore[, r])

Calculate rotation speed at radius of r.

get_velocity_field(gamma, rcore, ...[, x, y])

Calculates the velocity field in a meshgrid generated with x_range and y_range.

get_vortex_edges(gamma[, rmin, gamma_min, ...])

Find all swirls from gamma1, and gamma2.

get_vortex_meshgrid(x_range, y_range)

Returns a meshgrid of the coordinates of the vortex.

get_vortex_properties(vx, vy, edge_prop[, image])

Calculate expanding, rotational speed, equivalent radius and average intensity of given swirls.