Source code for ndcube.visualization.plotting_utils

import astropy.units as u

__all__ = ['prep_plot_kwargs', 'set_wcsaxes_format_units']

def _expand_ellipsis(ndim, plist):
    if Ellipsis in plist:
        if plist.count(Ellipsis) > 1:
            raise IndexError("Only single ellipsis ('...') is permitted.")

        # Replace the Ellipsis with the correct number of slice(None)s
        e_ind = plist.index(Ellipsis)
        n_e = ndim - len(plist)
        for i in range(n_e):
            ind = e_ind + i
            plist.insert(ind, None)

    return plist

def _expand_ellipsis_axis_coordinates(plist, wapt):
    if Ellipsis in plist:
        if plist.count(Ellipsis) > 1:
            raise IndexError("Only single ellipsis ('...') is permitted.")

        # Replace the Ellipsis with the correct number of slice(None)s
        e_ind = plist.index(Ellipsis)
        n_e = len(wapt) - len(plist)
        for i in range(n_e):
            ind = e_ind + i
            plist.insert(ind, wapt[i])

    return plist

[docs] def prep_plot_kwargs(naxis, wcs, plot_axes, axes_coordinates, axes_units): """ Prepare the kwargs for the plotting functions. This function accepts things in array order and returns things in WCS order. """ # If plot_axes, axes_coordinates, axes_units are not None and not lists, # convert to lists for consistent indexing behaviour. if (not isinstance(plot_axes, (tuple, list))) and (plot_axes is not None): plot_axes = [plot_axes] if (not isinstance(axes_coordinates, (tuple, list))) and (axes_coordinates is not None): axes_coordinates = [axes_coordinates] if (not isinstance(axes_units, (tuple, list))) and (axes_units is not None): axes_units = [axes_units] # Set default value of plot_axes if not set by user. if plot_axes is None: plot_axes = [..., 'y', 'x'] # We flip the plot axes here so they are in the right order for WCSAxes plot_axes = plot_axes[::-1] plot_axes = _expand_ellipsis(naxis, plot_axes) if 'x' not in plot_axes: raise ValueError("'x' must be in plot_axes.") if axes_coordinates is not None: axes_coordinates = _expand_ellipsis_axis_coordinates(axes_coordinates, wcs.world_axis_physical_types) # Ensure all elements in axes_coordinates are of correct types. ax_coord_types = (str, type(None)) for axis_coordinate in axes_coordinates: if isinstance(axis_coordinate, str): # coordinates can be accessed by either name or type if axis_coordinate not in set(wcs.world_axis_physical_types).union(set(wcs.world_axis_names)): raise ValueError(f"{axis_coordinate} is not one of this cubes world axis physical types.") if not isinstance(axis_coordinate, ax_coord_types): raise TypeError(f"axes_coordinates must be one of {ax_coord_types} or list of those, not {type(axis_coordinate)}.") if axes_units is not None: axes_units = _expand_ellipsis(wcs.world_n_dim, axes_units) if len(axes_units) != wcs.world_n_dim: raise ValueError(f"The length of the axes_units argument must be {wcs.world_n_dim}.") # Convert all non-None elements to astropy units axes_units = list(map(lambda x: u.Unit(x) if x is not None else None, axes_units))[::-1] for i, axis_unit in enumerate(axes_units): wau = wcs.world_axis_units[i] if axis_unit is not None and not axis_unit.is_equivalent(wau): raise u.UnitsError( f"Specified axis unit '{axis_unit}' is not convertible to world axis unit '{wau}'") return plot_axes, axes_coordinates, axes_units
[docs] def set_wcsaxes_format_units(coord_map, wcs, axes_units=None): """ Given an `~astropy.visualization.wcsaxes.coordinates_map.CoordinatesMap` object set the format units. """ for i, coord in enumerate(coord_map): if axes_units is not None and axes_units[i] is not None: coord.set_format_unit(axes_units[i])