
class sunkit_instruments.response.SourceSpectra(temperature: Unit('K'), wavelength: Unit('Angstrom'), spectra: Unit('cm3 ph / (Angstrom s sr)'), density: Unit('1 / cm3') = None, meta=None)[source]#

Bases: object

Source spectra as a function of temperature and wavelength.

The source spectra describes how a plasma emits (under the optically-thin assumption) as a function of both temperature and wavelength. This source spectra is typically computed using a database like CHIANTI by summing the emission spectra of many ions as well as the continuum emission. For more information, see the topic guide on instrument response.

  • temperature (Quantity) – 1D array describing the variation along the temperature axis.

  • wavelength (Quantity) – 1D array describing the variation along the wavelength axis.

  • spectra (Quantity) – Source spectra as a 2D array. The first axis should correspond to temperature and the second axis should correspond to wavelength.

  • density (Quantity, optional) – 1D array describing the variation in density along the temperature axis. It is assumed that temperature and density are dependent.

  • meta (dict, optional) – Any optional metadata to attach to the spectra, e.g. abundance model, CHIANTI version.

Attributes Summary

Methods Summary

temperature_response(channel[, obstime])

Temperature response function for a given instrument channel.

Attributes Documentation


Methods Documentation

temperature_response(channel, obstime=None)[source]#

Temperature response function for a given instrument channel.

The temperature response function describes the sensitivity of an imaging instrument as a function of temperature. The temperature response is calculated by integrating the source spectra over the wavelength dimension, weighted by the wavelength response of the instrument.

  • channel (AbstractChannel) – The relevant instrument channel object used to compute the wavelength response function.

  • obstime (any format parsed by sunpy.time.parse_time, optional) – A time of a particular observation. This is used to calculated any time-dependent instrument degradation.