Source code for ndcube.global_coords

import abc
import copy
from typing import Any
from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
from import Mapping

import numpy as np

from astropy.coordinates.sky_coordinate import SkyCoord
from astropy.wcs.wcsapi.high_level_api import default_order
from astropy.wcs.wcsapi.utils import deserialize_class

from ndcube.utils.wcs import validate_physical_types

[docs] class GlobalCoordsABC(Mapping): """ A structured representation of coordinate information applicable to a whole `~ndcube.ndcube.NDCubeABC`. This class acts as a mapping between coordinate name and the coordinate object. In addition to this a physical type is stored for each coordinate name. A concrete implementation of this class must fulfill the `Mapping` ABC, including methods such as ``__iter__`` and ``__len__``. Parameters ---------- ndcube : `~ndcube.NDCube`, optional The parent ndcube for this object. Used to extract global coordinates from the wcs and extra coords of the ndcube. If not specified only coordinates explicitly added will be shown. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def add(self, name: str, physical_type: str, coord: Any): """ Add a new coordinate to the collection. Parameters ---------- name: `str` The name for the coordinate. physical_type: `str` An `IOVA UCD1+ physical type description for the coordinate <>`__. If no matching UCD type exists, this can instead be ``"custom:xxx"``, where ``xxx`` is an arbitrary string. If not known, can be `None`. coord The object describing the coordinate value, for example a `~astropy.units.Quantity` or a `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def remove(self, name: str): """ Remove a coordinate from the collection. """
@property @abc.abstractmethod def physical_types(self): """ A mapping of names to physical types for each coordinate. """ @abc.abstractmethod def __getitem__(self, item: str): """ Indexing the object by name should return the coordinate object. """ @abc.abstractmethod def __iter__(self): """ Iterate over the collection. """ @abc.abstractmethod def __len__(self): """ Establish the length of the collection. """
[docs] class GlobalCoords(GlobalCoordsABC): # Docstring in GlobalCoordsABC def __init__(self, ndcube=None): super().__init__() self._ndcube = ndcube self._internal_coords = OrderedDict() @staticmethod def _convert_dropped_to_internal(dropped_dimensions): """ Convert the `~astropy.wcs.wcsapi.SlicedLowLevelWCS` style ``dropped_world_dimensions`` dictionary to the GlobalCoords internal representation. """ # Most of this method is adapted from # astropy.wcs.wcsapi.high_level_wcs.HighLevelWCSMixin.pixel_to_world new_internal_coords = {} world = dropped_dimensions.pop("value") components = dropped_dimensions.pop("world_axis_object_components") classes = dropped_dimensions.pop("world_axis_object_classes") # Deserialize classes if dropped_dimensions.get("serialized_classes", False): classes_new = {} for key, value in classes.items(): classes_new[key] = deserialize_class(value, construct=False) classes = classes_new args = defaultdict(list) kwargs = defaultdict(dict) for i, (key, attr, _) in enumerate(components): if isinstance(attr, str): kwargs[key][attr] = world[i] else: while attr > len(args[key]) - 1: args[key].append(None) args[key][attr] = world[i] # key is the unique names of the classes in the order they appear in components for key in default_order(components): key_ele = [i for i, components in enumerate(components) if components[0] == key] physical_types = [dropped_dimensions["world_axis_physical_types"][i] for i in key_ele] # Use name if it's set, drop back to physical type if not names = tuple([dropped_dimensions["world_axis_names"][i] or dropped_dimensions["world_axis_physical_types"][i] for i in key_ele]) # convert lists to strings if a single coordinate physical_types = physical_types[0] if len(physical_types) == 1 else tuple(physical_types) names = names[0] if len(set(names)) == 1 else names klass, ar, kw, *rest = classes[key] if len(rest) == 0: klass_gen = klass elif len(rest) == 1: klass_gen = rest[0] else: raise ValueError("Tuples in world_axis_object_classes should have length 3 or 4") high_level_object = klass_gen(*args[key], *ar, **kwargs[key], **kw) # Special case SkyCoord to get a pretty name if isinstance(high_level_object, SkyCoord): names = new_internal_coords[names] = (physical_types, high_level_object) return new_internal_coords @property def _all_coords(self): """ A dynamic dictionary of all global coordinates, stored here or derived from the ndcube object. """ if self._ndcube is None: return self._internal_coords all_coords = {**self._internal_coords} if hasattr(self._ndcube.wcs.low_level_wcs, "dropped_world_dimensions"): dropped_world = copy.deepcopy(self._ndcube.wcs.low_level_wcs.dropped_world_dimensions) if dropped_world: wcs_dropped = self._convert_dropped_to_internal(dropped_world) all_coords.update(wcs_dropped) ec_dropped = self._ndcube.extra_coords.dropped_world_dimensions if "value" in ec_dropped: all_coords.update(self._convert_dropped_to_internal(ec_dropped)) return all_coords
[docs] def add(self, name, physical_type, coord): # Docstring in GlobalCoordsABC if name in self._internal_coords.keys(): raise ValueError("coordinate with same name already exists: " f"{name}: {self._internal_coords[name]}") # Ensure the physical type is valid validate_physical_types((physical_type,)) self._internal_coords[name] = (physical_type, coord)
[docs] def remove(self, name): # Docstring in GlobalCoordsABC del self._internal_coords[name]
@property def physical_types(self): # Docstring in GlobalCoordsABC return dict((name, value[0]) for name, value in self._all_coords.items())
[docs] def filter_by_physical_type(self, physical_type): """ Filter this object to coordinates with a given physical type. Parameters ---------- physical_type: `str` The physical type to filter by. Returns ------- `.GlobalCoords` A new object storing just the coordinates with the given physical type. """ gc = GlobalCoords() gc._internal_coords = dict(filter(lambda x: x[1][0] == physical_type, self._all_coords.items())) return gc
def __getitem__(self, item): # Docstring in GlobalCoordsABC if item not in self._all_coords: for key, value in self._all_coords.items(): if isinstance(key, tuple) and item in key: return value[1] return self._all_coords[item][1] def __iter__(self): # Docstring in GlobalCoordsABC return iter(self._all_coords) def __len__(self): # Docstring in GlobalCoordsABC return len(self._all_coords) def __str__(self): classname = self.__class__.__name__ elements = [f"{name} {[ptype]}:\n{repr(coord)}" for (name, coord), ptype in zip(self.items(), self.physical_types.values())] length = len(classname) + 2 * len(elements) + sum(len(e) for e in elements) if length > np.get_printoptions()['linewidth']: joiner = ',\n ' + len(classname) * ' ' else: joiner = ', ' return f"{classname}({joiner.join(elements)})" def __repr__(self): return f"{object.__repr__(self)}\n{str(self)}"