Source code for ndcube.extra_coords.table_coord

import abc
import copy
from numbers import Integral
from collections import defaultdict

import gwcs
import gwcs.coordinate_frames as cf
import numpy as np

import astropy.units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy.modeling import models
from astropy.modeling.models import tabular_model
from astropy.modeling.tabular import _Tabular
from astropy.time import Time
from astropy.wcs.wcsapi.wrappers.sliced_wcs import combine_slices, sanitize_slices

    import scipy.interpolate
except ImportError:

__all__ = ['TimeTableCoordinate', 'SkyCoordTableCoordinate', 'QuantityTableCoordinate', "BaseTableCoordinate", "MultipleTableCoordinate"]

class Length1Tabular(_Tabular):
    _input_units_allow_dimensionless = True
    _has_inverse_bounding_box = True
    _separable = True

    n_inputs = 1
    n_outputs = 1

    lookup_table = np.zeros([1])
    points = np.zeros([1])

    def __init__(self, points=None, lookup_table=None, point_width=None, value_width=None,
                 method='linear', bounds_error=True, fill_value=np.nan, **kwargs):
        """Create a Length-1 1-D Tabular model.

        points: `astropy.units.Quantity`
            The point/index of the lookup table.
        lookup_table: `astropy.units.Quantity`
            The real world value at the point in the lookup table.
        point_width: `astropy.units.Quantity`
            The width of the point in point units.
        value_width: `astropy.units.Quantity`
            The width of the point in world units.
            Equivalent of CDELT in FITS-WCS.

        Other parameters are defined by the parent class.
        if len(lookup_table) != 1:
            raise ValueError("lookup_table must have length 1.")
        super().__init__(points=points, lookup_table=lookup_table, method=method,
                         bounds_error=bounds_error, fill_value=fill_value, **kwargs)
        self._value_width = value_width  # Width of point in world units.
        if self._value_width is None:
            self._value_width = 0 * self.lookup_table.unit
        self._point_width = point_width  # Width of point in point units.
        if self._point_width is None:
            self._point_width = 1 * self.points[0].unit

    def evaluate(self, x):
        output = np.full(x.shape, self.fill_value)
        diff = abs(x - self.points[0])
        margin = self._point_width / 2
        if margin.value == 0:
            idx = diff == margin
            idx = np.logical_and(diff >= -1 * margin, diff < margin)
        output[idx] = self.lookup_table[0].value
        return output * self.lookup_table.unit

    def inverse(self):
        return InverseLength1Tabular(points=self.points[0], lookup_table=self.lookup_table,
                                     point_width=self._point_width, value_width=self._value_width,
                                     method=self.method, bounds_error=self.bounds_error,

class InverseLength1Tabular(Length1Tabular):
    """A Length1Tabular class whose forward transform goes from lookup table value to point.

    This is the opposite direction to Length1Tabular.

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        # Same inputs as Length1Tabular
        points = kwargs.pop("points", None)
        lookup_table = kwargs.pop("lookup_table", None)
        point_width = kwargs.pop("point_width", None)
        value_width = kwargs.pop("value_width", None)
        super().__init__(points=lookup_table, lookup_table=points,
                         point_width=value_width, value_width=point_width, **kwargs)

    def evaluate(self, x):
        # When calling evaluate with a bounding box, astropy strips the units.
        x = u.Quantity(x, unit=self.input_units['x'], copy=False)
        return super().evaluate(x)

def _generate_generic_frame(naxes, unit, names=None, physical_types=None):
    Generate a simple frame, where all axes have the same type and unit.
    axes_order = tuple(range(naxes))

    name = None
    axes_type = "CUSTOM"

    if isinstance(unit, (u.Unit, u.IrreducibleUnit, u.CompositeUnit)):
        unit = tuple([unit] * naxes)

    if all([u.m.is_equivalent(un) for un in unit]):
        axes_type = "SPATIAL"

    if all([u.pix.is_equivalent(un) for un in unit]):
        name = "PixelFrame"
        axes_type = "PIXEL"

    axes_type = tuple([axes_type] * naxes)

    return cf.CoordinateFrame(naxes, axes_type, axes_order, unit=unit,
                              axes_names=names, name=name, axis_physical_types=physical_types)

def _generate_tabular(lookup_table, interpolation='linear', points_unit=u.pix, **kwargs):
    Generate a Tabular model class and instance.
    if not isinstance(lookup_table, u.Quantity):
        raise TypeError("lookup_table must be a Quantity.")  # pragma: no cover

    ndim = lookup_table.ndim
    TabularND = tabular_model(ndim, name=f"Tabular{ndim}D")

    # The integer location is at the centre of the pixel.
    points = [(np.arange(size) - 0) * points_unit for size in lookup_table.shape]
    if len(points) == 1:
        points = points[0]

    kwargs = {'bounds_error': False,
              'fill_value': np.nan,
              'method': interpolation,

    if len(lookup_table) == 1:
        t = Length1Tabular(points, lookup_table, **kwargs)
        t = TabularND(points, lookup_table, **kwargs)

        # TODO: Remove this when there is a new gWCS release
        # Work around
        t.bounding_box = None

    return t

def _generate_compound_model(*lookup_tables, mesh=True):
    Takes a set of quantities and returns a ND compound model.
    model = _generate_tabular(lookup_tables[0])
    for lt in lookup_tables[1:]:
        model = model & _generate_tabular(lt)

    if mesh:
        return model

    # If we are not meshing the inputs duplicate the inputs across all models
    mapping = list(range(lookup_tables[0].ndim)) * len(lookup_tables)
    return models.Mapping(mapping) | model

def _model_from_quantity(lookup_tables, mesh=False):
    if len(lookup_tables) > 1:
        return _generate_compound_model(*lookup_tables, mesh=mesh)

    return _generate_tabular(lookup_tables[0])

[docs] class BaseTableCoordinate(abc.ABC): """ A Base LookupTable contains a single lookup table coordinate. This can be multi-dimensional, to support use cases for coupled dimensions, such as SkyCoord, or a 3D grid of distances where three 1D lookup tables are supplied for each of the axes. The upshot of this is that each BaseLookupTable has only one gWCS frame. The contrasts with LookupTableCoord which can contain multiple physical coordinates, meaning it can have multiple gWCS frames. """ def __init__(self, *tables, mesh=False, names=None, physical_types=None): self.table = tables self.mesh = mesh self.names = names if not isinstance(names, str) else [names] self.physical_types = physical_types if not isinstance(physical_types, str) else [physical_types] self._dropped_world_dimensions = defaultdict(list) self._dropped_world_dimensions["world_axis_object_classes"] = dict() @abc.abstractmethod def __getitem__(self, item): pass # pragma: no cover def __and__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, BaseTableCoordinate): return NotImplemented if isinstance(other, MultipleTableCoordinate): # By returning NotImplemented here we trigger python calling # __rand__ on LookupTableCoord, which will work if other is a # BaseTableCoordinate but fail otherwise return NotImplemented return MultipleTableCoordinate(self, other) def __str__(self): header = f"{self.__class__.__name__} {self.names or ''} {self.physical_types or '[None]'}:" content = str(self.table).lstrip('(').rstrip(',)') if len(header) + len(content) >= np.get_printoptions()['linewidth']: return '\n'.join((header, content)) else: return ' '.join((header, content)) def __repr__(self): return f"{object.__repr__(self)}\n{self}" @property @abc.abstractmethod def n_inputs(self): """ Number of pixel dimensions in this table. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def is_scalar(self): """ Return a boolean if this coordinate is a scalar. This is used by `.MultipleTableCoordinate` and `ndcube.ExtraCoords` to know if the dimension has been "dropped". """
@property @abc.abstractmethod def frame(self): """ Generate the Frame for this LookupTable. """ @property @abc.abstractmethod def model(self): """ Generate the Astropy Model for this LookupTable. """ @property def wcs(self): """ A gWCS object representing all the coordinates. """ model = self.model return gwcs.WCS(forward_transform=model, input_frame=_generate_generic_frame(model.n_inputs, u.pix), output_frame=self.frame) @property def dropped_world_dimensions(self): return self._dropped_world_dimensions
[docs] class QuantityTableCoordinate(BaseTableCoordinate): """ A lookup table up built on `~astropy.units.Quantity`. Quantities must be 1-D but more than one can be provided to represent different dimensions of an N-D coordinate. Parameters ---------- tables: one or more `~astropy.units.Quantity` The coordinates. Must be 1 dimensionsal. If coordinate system is >1D, multiple 1-D Quantities can be provided representing the different dimensions names: `str` or `list` of `str` Custom names for the components of the QuantityTableCoord. If provided, a name must be given for each input Quantity. physical_types: str` or `list` of `str` Physical types for the components of the QuantityTableCoord. If provided, a physical type must be given for each input Quantity. Physical types of the components of the SkyCoord. If provided, a physical type must be given for each component. """ def __init__(self, *tables, names=None, physical_types=None): if not all([isinstance(t, u.Quantity) for t in tables]): raise TypeError("All tables must be astropy Quantity objects") if not all([t.unit.is_equivalent(tables[0].unit) for t in tables]): raise u.UnitsError("All tables must have equivalent units.") ndim = len(tables) dims = np.array([t.ndim for t in tables]) if any(dims > 1): raise ValueError( "Currently all tables must be 1-D. If you need >1D support, please " "raise an issue at https://github.con/sunpy/ndcube/issues") if isinstance(names, str): names = [names] if names is not None and len(names) != ndim: raise ValueError("The number of names should match the number of world dimensions") if isinstance(physical_types, str): physical_types = [physical_types] if physical_types is not None and len(physical_types) != ndim: raise ValueError("The number of physical types should match the number of world dimensions") self.unit = tables[0].unit super().__init__(*tables, mesh=True, names=names, physical_types=physical_types) def _slice_table(self, i, table, item, new_components, whole_slice): """ Apply a slice, or part of a slice to one of the quantity arrays. i is the index of the element in `self.table` table is the element in `self.table` item is the part of the slice to be applied to `table` new_components is the dictionary to append the output to whole_slice is the complete slice being applied to the whole Table object. """ # If mesh is True then we can drop a dimension # If mesh is false then all the dimensions contained in this Table are # coupled so we can never drop only one of them only this whole Table # can be dropped. if isinstance(item, Integral) and ( isinstance(whole_slice, tuple) and not (all(isinstance(k, Integral) for k in whole_slice))): dwd = new_components["dropped_world_dimensions"] dwd["value"].append(table[item]) dwd["world_axis_names"].append(self.names[i] if self.names else None) dwd["world_axis_physical_types"].append(self.frame.axis_physical_types[i]) dwd["world_axis_units"].append(table.unit.to_string()) dwd["world_axis_object_components"].append((f"quantity{i}", 0, "value")) dwd["world_axis_object_classes"].update({f"quantity{i}": (u.Quantity, tuple(), {"unit", table.unit.to_string()})}) return new_components["tables"].append(table[item]) if self.names: new_components["names"].append(self.names[i]) if self.physical_types: new_components["physical_types"].append(self.physical_types[i]) def __getitem__(self, item): if isinstance(item, (slice, Integral)): item = (item,) if not (len(item) == len(self.table) or len(item) == self.table[0].ndim): raise ValueError("Can not slice with incorrect length") new_components = defaultdict(list) new_components["dropped_world_dimensions"] = copy.deepcopy(self._dropped_world_dimensions) for i, (ele, table) in enumerate(zip(item, self.table)): self._slice_table(i, table, ele, new_components, whole_slice=item) names = new_components["names"] or None physical_types = new_components["physical_types"] or None ret_table = type(self)(*new_components["tables"], names=names, physical_types=physical_types) ret_table._dropped_world_dimensions = new_components["dropped_world_dimensions"] return ret_table @property def n_inputs(self): return len(self.table)
[docs] def is_scalar(self): return all(t.shape == tuple() for t in self.table)
@property def frame(self): """ Generate the Frame for this LookupTable. """ return _generate_generic_frame(len(self.table), self.unit, self.names, self.physical_types) @property def model(self): """ Generate the Astropy Model for this LookupTable. """ return _model_from_quantity(self.table, True) @property def ndim(self): """ Number of array dimensions to which this TableCoordinate corresponds. Note this may be different from the number of the dimensions in the underlying table(s) if different tables represent different dimensions. """ return len(self.table) @property def shape(self): """ Shape of the array grid to which this TableCoordinate corresponds. Note this may be different from the shape of the underlying table(s) if different tables represent a different dimensions. """ return tuple(len(t) for t in self.table)
[docs] def interpolate(self, *new_array_grids, **kwargs): """ Interpolate QuantityTableCoordinate to new array index grids. Parameters ---------- new_array_grids: array-like The array index values at which the the new values of the coords are desired. An array grid must be provided as a separate arg for each array dimension and corresponding elements in all arrays represent a single location in the pixel grid. Therefore, array grids must all have the same shape. kwargs All remaining kwargs are passed to underlying interpolation function. Returns ------- new_coord: `~ndcube.extra_coords.table_coord.QuantityTableCoordinate` New TableCoordinate object holding the interpolated coords. """ if self.is_scalar(): raise ValueError("Cannot interpolate a scalar QuantityTableCoordinate.") # Sanitize input. ndim = self.ndim if len(new_array_grids) != ndim: raise ValueError( f"A new array grid must be given for each array axis/table, i.e. {ndim}") if any(new_grid.shape != new_array_grids[0].shape for new_grid in new_array_grids): raise ValueError("New array grids must all be same shape.") # Build array grids for non-interpolated table. old_array_grids = tuple(np.arange(d) for d in self.shape) # Iterate through tables and interpolate each. new_tables = [ np.interp(new_grid, old_grid, t.value, **kwargs) * t.unit for new_grid, old_grid, t in zip(new_array_grids, old_array_grids, self.table)] # Rebuild return interpolated coord. new_coord = type(self)(*new_tables, names=self.names, physical_types=self.physical_types) new_coord._dropped_world_dimensions = self._dropped_world_dimensions return new_coord
[docs] class SkyCoordTableCoordinate(BaseTableCoordinate): """ A lookup table created from a `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`. Parameters ---------- table: `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` SkyCoord of coordinates. Only one can be provided. mesh: `bool` If True, world components of input SkyCoord are interpreted to represent different array dimensions. Input SkyCoord must be 1-D. names: `str` or `list` of `str` Custom names for the components of the SkyCoord. If provided, a name must be given for each component. physical_types: str` or `list` of `str` Physical types of the components of the SkyCoord. If provided, a physical type must be given for each component. Notes ----- If mesh is True, underlying SkyCoord must always be "square" due to nature of `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`, i.e. the lat and lon components are always the same length. """ def __init__(self, *tables, mesh=False, names=None, physical_types=None): if not len(tables) == 1 and isinstance(tables[0], SkyCoord): raise ValueError("SkyCoordLookupTable can only be constructed from a single SkyCoord object") if mesh and tables[0].ndim > 1: raise ValueError("If mesh is True, input SkyCoord must be 1-D.") if isinstance(names, str): names = [names] n_components = len(tables[0].data.components) if names is not None and len(names) != n_components: raise ValueError("The number of names must equal number of components in the input " f"SkyCoord: {n_components}.") if physical_types is not None and len(physical_types) != n_components: raise ValueError("The number of physical types must equal number of components in " f"the input SkyCoord: {n_components}.") sc = tables[0] super().__init__(sc, mesh=mesh, names=names, physical_types=physical_types) self.table = self.table[0] self._slice = sanitize_slices(np.s_[...], self.n_inputs) @property def n_inputs(self): return len(
[docs] def is_scalar(self): return self.table.shape == tuple()
[docs] @staticmethod def combine_slices(slice1, slice2): ints = [isinstance(s, Integral) for s in (slice1, slice2)] if all(ints): raise ValueError("Can not combine two integers") if any(ints): return (slice1, slice2)[ints.index(True)] return combine_slices(slice1, slice2)
def __getitem__(self, item): # override the error for consistency try: sane_item = sanitize_slices(item, self.n_inputs) except ValueError as ex: raise ValueError("Can not slice with incorrect length") from ex if not self.mesh: return type(self)(self.table[item], mesh=False, names=self.names, physical_types=self.physical_types) else: self._slice = [self.combine_slices(a, b) for a, b in zip(sane_item, self._slice)] if all([isinstance(s, Integral) for s in self._slice]): # Here we rebuild the SkyCoord with the slice applied to the individual components. new_sc = SkyCoord(self.table.realize_frame(type(*self._sliced_components))) return type(self)(new_sc, mesh=False, names=self.names, physical_types=self.physical_types) return self @property def frame(self): """ Generate the Frame for this LookupTable. """ sc = self.table components = tuple(getattr(, comp) for comp in ref_frame = sc.frame.replicate_without_data() units = list(c.unit for c in components) # TODO: Currently this limits you to 2D due to gwcs#120 return cf.CelestialFrame(reference_frame=ref_frame, unit=units, axes_names=self.names, axis_physical_types=self.physical_types, name="CelestialFrame") @property def _sliced_components(self): return tuple(getattr(, comp)[slc] for comp, slc in zip(, self._slice)) @property def model(self): """ Generate the Astropy Model for this LookupTable. """ return _model_from_quantity(self._sliced_components, mesh=self.mesh) @property def ndim(self): """ Number of array dimensions to which this TableCoordinate corresponds. Note that if mesh is False, this is equivalent to the number of dimensions in the underlying SkyCoord. However, if mesh is True it is equivalent to the number of components, e.g. lon, lat, etc. """ if self.mesh: return len( else: return self.table.ndim @property def shape(self): """ Shape of the array grid to which this TableCoordinate corresponds. Note this may be different from the shape of the underlying SkyCoord if mesh is True. In this case the components (e.g. lon, lat) represent different dimensions and the length of each dimension is dictated by the attached _slice. """ if self.mesh: return tuple(list(self.table.shape) * self.ndim) else: return self.table.shape
[docs] def interpolate(self, *new_array_grids, mesh_output=None, **kwargs): """ Interpolate SkyCoordTableCoordinate to new array index grids. Parameters ---------- new_array_grids: array-like The array index values at which the new values of the coords are desired. An array grid must be provided as a separate arg for each array dimension and corresponding elements in all arrays represent a single location in the pixel grid. Therefore, array grids must all have the same shape. mesh_output: `bool` If new_array_grids are 1-D, this keyword sets whether the resulting SkyCoordTableCoordinate's mesh setting is True or False. If new_array_grids are >1-D, mesh is always set to False. Default is to maintain mesh setting from pre-interpolated object. kwargs All remaining kwargs are passed to underlying interpolation function. Returns ------- new_coord: `~ndcube.extra_coords.table_coord.SkyCoordTableCoordinate` New TableCoordinate object holding the interpolated coords. """ if self.is_scalar(): raise ValueError("Cannot interpolate a scalar SkyCoordTableCoordinate.") # SkyCoords have multiple world components, e.g. lat and lon, even if # it 1-D. Interpolate the components separately then recombine into a new SkyCoord. # First, inspect underlying SkyCoord. # Sanitize input. ndim = self.ndim shape = self.shape if len(new_array_grids) != ndim: raise ValueError(f"A new array grid must be given for each array axis, i.e. {ndim}") if any(new_grid.shape != new_array_grids[0].shape for new_grid in new_array_grids): raise ValueError("New array grids must all be same shape.") if mesh_output is None: if new_array_grids[0].ndim > 1: mesh_output = False else: mesh_output = self.mesh # Build old array grids. Note self._slice give the slice item(s) required to # make the underlying SkyCoord match the dimensionality of the associated data cube. old_array_grids = [np.arange(d)[slc] for d, slc in zip(shape, self._slice)] # Iterate through components and interpolate each. if self.mesh: new_components = [np.interp(new_grid, old_grid, comp, **kwargs) for new_grid, old_grid, comp in zip(new_array_grids, old_array_grids, self._sliced_components)] elif ndim == 1: new_components = [np.interp(*new_array_grids, *old_array_grids, comp, **kwargs) for comp in self._sliced_components] else: new_components = [ scipy.interpolate.interpn(old_array_grids, component, new_array_grids, **kwargs) for component in self._sliced_components] # Build new SkyCoord and return new TableCoordinate based on it. new_skycoord = SkyCoord(*new_components, unit=self.table.representation_component_units.values(), frame=self.table.frame) new_coord = type(self)(new_skycoord, mesh=mesh_output, names=self.names, physical_types=self.physical_types) new_coord._dropped_world_dimensions = self._dropped_world_dimensions return new_coord
[docs] class TimeTableCoordinate(BaseTableCoordinate): """ A lookup table based on a `~astropy.time.Time`, will always be one dimensional. Parameters ---------- table: `~astropy.time.Time` Time coordinates. Only one can be provided and must be 1D. names: `str` or `list` of `str` Custom names for the components of the SkyCoord. If provided, a name must be given for each component. physical_types: str` or `list` of `str` Physical types of the components of the SkyCoord. If provided, a physical type must be given for each component. reference_time: `~astropy.time.Time`, optional The reference time of the time coordinates. Default is first time coordinate in table input. """ def __init__(self, *tables, names=None, physical_types=None, reference_time=None): if not len(tables) == 1 and isinstance(tables[0], Time): raise ValueError("TimeLookupTable can only be constructed from a single Time object.") if isinstance(names, str): names = [names] if isinstance(physical_types, str): physical_types = [physical_types] if names is not None and len(names) != 1: raise ValueError("A Time coordinate can only have one name.") if physical_types is not None and len(physical_types) != 1: raise ValueError("A Time coordinate can only have one physical type.") super().__init__(*tables, mesh=False, names=names, physical_types=physical_types) self.table = self.table[0] self.reference_time = reference_time or self.table[0] def __getitem__(self, item): if not (isinstance(item, (slice, Integral)) or len(item) == 1): raise ValueError("Can not slice with incorrect length") return type(self)(self.table[item], names=self.names, physical_types=self.physical_types, reference_time=self.reference_time) @property def n_inputs(self): return 1 # The time table has to be one dimensional
[docs] def is_scalar(self): return self.table.shape == tuple()
@property def frame(self): """ Generate the Frame for this LookupTable. """ return cf.TemporalFrame(self.reference_time, unit=u.s, axes_names=self.names, name="TemporalFrame") @property def model(self): """ Generate the Astropy Model for this LookupTable. """ time = self.table deltas = (time - self.reference_time).to(u.s) return _model_from_quantity((deltas,), mesh=False)
[docs] def interpolate(self, new_array_grids, **kwargs): """ Interpolate TimeTableCoordinate to new array index grids. Kwargs are passed to underlying interpolation function. Parameters ---------- new_array_grids: array-like The array index values at which the the new values of the coords are desired. A grid must be supplied for each pixel axis (in array-axis order). All grids must be the same shape. Returns ------- new_coord: `~ndcube.extra_coords.table_coord.TimeTableCoordinate` New TableCoordinate object holding the interpolated coords. """ if self.is_scalar(): raise ValueError("Cannot interpolate a scalar TimeTableCoordinate.") # Build pixel grids for current TimeTableCoord. old_array_grids = np.arange(len(self.table)) # Interpolate using MJD format and convert back to a Time object. new_table = np.interp(new_array_grids, old_array_grids, self.table.mjd, **kwargs) new_table = Time(new_table, scale=self.table.scale, format="mjd") new_table.format = self.table.format # Rebuild new TimeTableCoord and return. new_coord = type(self)(new_table, names=self.names, physical_types=self.physical_types) new_coord._dropped_world_dimensions = self._dropped_world_dimensions return new_coord
[docs] class MultipleTableCoordinate(BaseTableCoordinate): """ A Holder for multiple `ndcube.extra_coords.BaseTableCoordinate` objects. This class allows the generation of a gWCS from many `.BaseTableCoordinate` objects. Parameters ---------- lookup_tables : `BaseTableCoordinate` One or more lookup table coordinate classes to combine into a gWCS object. Notes ----- The most useful method of constructing a ``LookupTableCoord`` class is to combine multiple instances of `.BaseTableCoordinate` with the ``&`` operator. """ def __init__(self, *table_coordinates): if not all(isinstance(lt, BaseTableCoordinate) and not (isinstance(lt, MultipleTableCoordinate)) for lt in table_coordinates): raise TypeError("All arguments must be BaseTableCoordinate instances, such as QuantityTableCoordinate, " "and not instances of MultipleTableCoordinate.") self._table_coords = list(table_coordinates) self._dropped_coords = list() def __str__(self): classname = self.__class__.__name__ length = len(classname) + sum(len(str(t)) for t in self._table_coords) + 10 if length > np.get_printoptions()['linewidth']: joiner = ',\n ' + (len(classname) + 8) * ' ' else: joiner = ', ' return f"{classname}(tables=[{joiner.join([str(t) for t in self._table_coords])}])" def __and__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, BaseTableCoordinate): return NotImplemented if isinstance(other, MultipleTableCoordinate): others = other._table_coords else: others = [other] return type(self)(*(self._table_coords + others)) def __rand__(self, other): # This method should never be called if the left hand operand is a MultipleTableCoordinate if not isinstance(other, BaseTableCoordinate) or isinstance(other, MultipleTableCoordinate): return NotImplemented return type(self)(*([other] + self._table_coords)) def __getitem__(self, item): if isinstance(item, (slice, Integral)): item = (item,) if not len(item) == self.n_inputs: raise ValueError( f"length of the slice ({len(item)}) must match the number of coordinates {self.n_inputs}") new_tables = [] dropped_tables = [] i = 0 for table in self._table_coords: tslice = item[i:i+table.n_inputs] i += table.n_inputs new_table = table[tslice] if new_table.is_scalar(): dropped_tables.append(new_table) else: new_tables.append(new_table) new = MultipleTableCoordinate(*new_tables) new._dropped_coords = dropped_tables return new @property def n_inputs(self): return sum(t.n_inputs for t in self._table_coords)
[docs] def is_scalar(self): return False
@property def model(self): """ The combined astropy model for all the lookup tables. """ model = self._table_coords[0].model for m2 in self._table_coords[1:]: model = model & m2.model return model @property def frame(self): """ The gWCS coordinate frame for all the lookup tables. """ if len(self._table_coords) == 1: return self._table_coords[0].frame else: frames = [t.frame for t in self._table_coords] # We now have to set the axes_order of all the frames so that we # have one consistent WCS with the correct number of pixel # dimensions. ind = 0 for f in frames: new_ind = ind + f.naxes f._axes_order = tuple(range(ind, new_ind)) ind = new_ind return cf.CompositeFrame(frames) @property def dropped_world_dimensions(self): dropped_world_dimensions = defaultdict(list) dropped_world_dimensions["world_axis_object_classes"] = dict() # Combine the dicts on the tables with our dict for lutc in self._table_coords: for key, value in lutc.dropped_world_dimensions.items(): if key == "world_axis_object_classes": dropped_world_dimensions[key].update(value) else: dropped_world_dimensions[key] += value dropped_multi_table = MultipleTableCoordinate(*self._dropped_coords) dropped_world_dimensions["world_axis_names"] += [name or None for name in dropped_multi_table.frame.axes_names] dropped_world_dimensions["world_axis_physical_types"] += list(dropped_multi_table.frame.axis_physical_types) dropped_world_dimensions["world_axis_units"] += [u.to_string() for u in dropped_multi_table.frame.unit] dropped_world_dimensions["world_axis_object_components"] += dropped_multi_table.frame._world_axis_object_components dropped_world_dimensions["world_axis_object_classes"].update(dropped_multi_table.frame._world_axis_object_classes) for dropped in self._dropped_coords: # If the table is a tuple (QuantityTableCoordinate) then we need to # squish the input if isinstance(dropped.table, tuple): coord = dropped.frame.coordinate_to_quantity(*dropped.table) else: coord = dropped.frame.coordinate_to_quantity(dropped.table) # We want the value in the output dict to be a flat list of values # in the order of world_axis_object_components, so if we get a # tuple of coordinates out of gWCS then append them to the list, if # we only get one quantity out then append to the list. if isinstance(coord, tuple): dropped_world_dimensions["value"] += list(coord) else: dropped_world_dimensions["value"].append(coord) return dropped_world_dimensions
[docs] def interpolate(self, new_array_grids, **kwargs): """ Interpolate MultipleTableCoordinate to new array index grids. Kwargs are passed to underlying interpolation function. Parameters ---------- new_array_grids: array-like The array index values at which the the new values of the coords are desired. A grid must be supplied for each pixel axis (in array-axis order). All grids must be the same shape. Returns ------- new_coord: `~ndcube.extra_coords.table_coord.MultipleTableCoordinate` New TableCoordinate object holding the interpolated coords. """ new_table_coordinates = [coord.interpolate(new_array_grids, **kwargs) for coord in self.table_coords] new_obj = type(self)(*new_table_coordinates) new_obj._dropped_coords = self._dropped_coords return new_obj