Source code for

This module implements a SRS File Reader.
import re
import datetime
from collections import OrderedDict

import numpy as np

import astropy.units as u
from astropy.table import Column, MaskedColumn, QTable, vstack

__all__ = ['read_srs']

[docs] def read_srs(filepath): """ Parse a SRS table from NOAA SWPC. Parameters ---------- filepath : `str` The full path to a SRS table. Returns ------- table : `astropy.table.QTable` Table containing a stacked table from all the tables in the SRS file. The header information is stored in the ``.meta`` attribute. """ with open(filepath) as srs: file_lines = srs.readlines() header, section_lines, supplementary_lines = split_lines(file_lines) return make_table(header, section_lines, supplementary_lines)
def make_table(header, section_lines, supplementary_lines): """ From the separated section lines and the header, clean up the data and convert to a `~astropy.table.QTable`. """ meta_data = get_meta_data(header, supplementary_lines) tables = [] for i, lines in enumerate(section_lines): if lines: key = list(meta_data['id'].keys())[i] t1 = # Change column names into titlecase column_names = list(t1.columns) t1.rename_columns(column_names, new_names=[col.title() for col in column_names]) if len(t1) == 0: col_data_types = { # ID : <class 'str'> 'Nmbr': np.dtype('i4'), 'Location': np.dtype('U6'), 'Lo': np.dtype('i8'), 'Area': np.dtype('i8'), 'Z': np.dtype('U3'), 'Ll': np.dtype('i8'), 'Nn': np.dtype('i8'), 'Magtype': np.dtype('S4'), 'Lat': np.dtype('i8'), } for c in t1.itercols(): # Put data types of columns in empty table to correct types, # or else vstack will fail. c.dtype = col_data_types[c._name] t1.add_column( Column(data=None, name="ID", dtype=('S2')), index=0) else: t1.add_column(Column(data=[key] * len(t1), name="ID"), index=0) tables.append(t1) out_table = vstack(tables) # Parse the Location column in Table 1 if 'Location' in out_table.columns: col_lat, col_lon = parse_location(out_table['Location']) del out_table['Location'] out_table.add_column(col_lat) out_table.add_column(col_lon) # Parse the Lat column in Table 3 if 'Lat' in out_table.columns: parse_lat_col(out_table['Lat'], out_table['Latitude']) del out_table['Lat'] # Give columns more sensible names column_mapping = { 'Nmbr': 'Number', 'Nn': 'Number of Sunspots', 'Lo': 'Carrington Longitude', 'Magtype': 'Mag Type', 'Ll': 'Longitudinal Extent', } for old_name, new_name in column_mapping.items(): out_table.rename_column(old_name, new_name) # Define a Solar Hemispere Unit a = {} u.def_unit( "SH", represents=(2 * np.pi * u.solRad**2), prefixes=True, namespace=a, doc="A solar hemisphere is the area of the visible solar disk.") # Set units on the table out_table['Carrington Longitude'].unit = u.deg out_table['Area'].unit = a['uSH'] out_table['Longitudinal Extent'].unit = u.deg out_table.meta = meta_data # Number should be formatted in 10000 after 2002-06-15. if out_table.meta['issued'] > datetime.datetime(2002, 6, 15): out_table['Number'] += 10000 return QTable(out_table) def split_lines(file_lines): """ Given all the lines in the file split based on the three sections and return the lines for the header, a list of lines for each section that is not 'None', and a list of supplementary lines after the main sections if not 'None'. """ section_lines = [] final_section_lines = [] for i, line in enumerate(file_lines): if re.match(r'^(I\.|IA\.|II\.)', line): section_lines.append(i) if re.match(r'^(III|COMMENT|EFFECTIVE 2 OCT 2000|PLAIN|This message is for users of the NOAA/SEC Space|NNN)', line, re.IGNORECASE): final_section_lines.append(i) if final_section_lines and final_section_lines[0] > section_lines[-1]: section_lines.append(final_section_lines[0]) header = file_lines[:section_lines[0]] header += [file_lines[s] for s in section_lines] # Append comments to the comment lines for line in section_lines: file_lines[line] = '# ' + file_lines[line] t1_lines = file_lines[section_lines[0]:section_lines[1]] # Remove the space so table reads it correctly t1_lines[1] = re.sub(r'Mag\s*Type', r'Magtype', t1_lines[1], flags=re.IGNORECASE) t2_lines = file_lines[section_lines[1]:section_lines[2]] # SRS files before 2000-10-02 files may have an empty `COMMENT` column in ``t2_lines`` if "COMMENT" in t2_lines[1].split(): expected_pattern_dict = { 'Nmbr': r'^\d+$', 'Location': r'^(?:[NESW](?:\d{2})){1,2}$', 'Lo': r'^\d+$', } # Try to drop the comment column and return in original format t2_lines[1:] = _try_drop_empty_column("COMMENT", t2_lines[1:], expected_pattern_dict) if len(section_lines) > 3: t3_lines = file_lines[section_lines[2]:section_lines[3]] supplementary_lines = file_lines[section_lines[3]:] else: t3_lines = file_lines[section_lines[2]:] supplementary_lines = None lines = [t1_lines, t2_lines, t3_lines] for i, ll in enumerate(lines): if len(ll) > 2 and ll[2].strip().title() == 'None': del ll[2] return header, lines, supplementary_lines def get_meta_data(header, supplementary_lines): """ Convert a list of header lines and a list of supplementary lines (if not 'None') into a meta data dict. """ meta_lines = [] for line in header: if line.startswith(':'): meta_lines.append(line) meta_data = {} for m in meta_lines: if'Corrected\s*Copy', m, re.IGNORECASE): meta_data['corrected'] = True continue k, v = m.strip().split(':')[1:] meta_data[k.lower()] = v.strip() meta_data['issued'] = datetime.datetime.strptime(meta_data['issued'], "%Y %b %d %H%M UTC") # Get ID descriptions meta_data['id'] = OrderedDict() for h in header: if h.startswith(("I.", "IA.", "II.")): i = h.find('.') k = h[:i] v = h[i + 2:] meta_data['id'][k] = v.strip() meta_data['header'] = [h.strip() for h in header] if supplementary_lines: meta_data['supplementary_lines'] = [sl.strip() for sl in supplementary_lines] return meta_data def parse_longitude(value): """ Parse longitude in the form "W10" or "E10". """ lonsign = {'W': 1, 'E': -1} if "W" in value or "E" in value: return lonsign[value[3]] * float(value[4:]) def parse_latitude(value): """ Parse latitude in the form "S10" or "N10". """ latsign = {'N': 1, 'S': -1} if "N" in value or "S" in value: return latsign[value[0]] * float(value[1:3]) def parse_location(column): """ Given a column of location data in the form "S10E10" convert to two columns of angles. """ latitude = MaskedColumn(name="Latitude", unit=u.deg) longitude = MaskedColumn(name="Longitude", unit=u.deg) for i, loc in enumerate(column): if loc: lati = parse_latitude(loc) longi = parse_longitude(loc) latitude = latitude.insert(i, lati) longitude = longitude.insert(i, longi) else: latitude = latitude.insert(i, None, mask=True) longitude = longitude.insert(i, None, mask=True) return latitude, longitude def parse_lat_col(column, latitude_column): """ Given an input column of "latitudes" in the form "S10" parse them and add them to an existing column of "latitudes". """ for i, loc in enumerate(column): if loc: latitude_column.mask[i] = False latitude_column[i] = parse_latitude(loc) return latitude_column def _try_drop_empty_column(column_name_to_drop, data_lines, pattern_dict): """ Try dropping an empty ``column_name_to_drop`` from ``data_lines``. Parameters ---------- column_name_to_drop : `str` Name of the empty column to be dropped. data_lines : `list[str]` List of lines extracted from a file (each line is a string) corresponding to the header (e.g. ``header = data_lines[0]``) and the data (``data = data_lines[1:]``) pattern_dict : `dict` A dictionary specifying the patterns to match for each column Returns ------- `list[str]` The modified ``data_lines`` in titlecase with the specified column dropped, if all validations pass. """ # Create a lowercase pattern dict pattern_dict_lower = {key.lower(): value for key, value in pattern_dict.items()} # Extract columns and rows header_line, *row_lines = data_lines column_list = [column.strip().lower() for column in header_line.split()] # Drop ``column_name_to_drop`` if exists try: column_index = column_list.index(column_name_to_drop.strip().lower()) column_list.pop(column_index) except ValueError: raise ValueError(f"The column '{column_name_to_drop}' does not exist.") # Remove the dropped column from pattern_dict pattern_dict_lower.pop(column_name_to_drop.strip().lower(), None) # If the data is `None`, just return the header/data if row_lines[0].strip().title() == 'None': # Return as titlecase column_list = [col.title() for col in column_list] return [" ".join(column_list)] + row_lines # Check if the remaining columns are a subset of the columns in pattern_dict remaining_columns_set = set(column_list) pattern_columns_set = set(pattern_dict_lower.keys()) if not remaining_columns_set.issubset(pattern_columns_set): raise ValueError("The remaining columns are not a subset of the columns in ``pattern_dict``.") # Check if all rows have the same length as the remaining columns row_lengths_equal = all(len(row.split()) == len(column_list) for row in row_lines) if not row_lengths_equal: raise ValueError("not all rows have the same number of values as the remaining columns.") # Check that the row values are consistent with the provided pattern dictionary matching_pattern = all(all(re.match(pattern_dict_lower[column], value) for column, value in zip(column_list, row.split())) for row in row_lines) if not matching_pattern: raise ValueError("not all rows match the provided pattern.") # Return as titlecase column_list = [col.title() for col in column_list] return [" ".join(column_list)] + row_lines