Source code for

This module provides a generic file reader for internal use.
import re
import gzip
import pathlib

    from . import _fits as fits
except ImportError:
    fits = None

    from . import _jp2
except ImportError:
    _jp2 = None

    from . import ana
except ImportError:
    ana = None

__all__ = ['read_file', 'read_file_header', 'write_file', 'detect_filetype']

# File formats supported by SunPy
_known_extensions = {
    ('fts', 'fits'): 'fits',
    ('jp2', 'j2k', 'jpc', 'jpt'): 'jp2',
    ('fz', 'f0'): 'ana'

# Define a dict which raises a custom error message if the value is None
class Readers(dict):
    def __init__(self, *args):
        dict.__init__(self, *args)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        val = dict.__getitem__(self, key)
        if val is None:
            raise ReaderError(f"The Reader{key} is not available, "
                              "please check that you have the required dependencies "
        return val

# Map the readers
_readers = Readers({
    'fits': fits,
    'jp2': _jp2,
    'ana': ana

[docs] def read_file(filepath, filetype=None, **kwargs): """ Automatically determine the filetype and read the file. Parameters ---------- filepath : `str`, path-like The file to be read. filetype : `str`, optional Supported reader or extension to manually specify the filetype. Supported readers are ('jp2', 'fits', 'ana') memmap : `bool`, optional Should memory mapping be used, i.e. keep data on disk rather than in RAM. This is currently only supported by the FITS reader. **kwargs : `dict` All extra keyword arguments are passed to ``.read`` for the file specific reader. Returns ------- pairs : `list` A list of (data, header) tuples. """ # Convert Path objects to strings as the filepath can also be a URL filepath = str(filepath) # Use the explicitly passed filetype if filetype is not None: return _readers[filetype].read(filepath, **kwargs) # Go through the known extensions for extension, readername in _known_extensions.items(): if filepath.endswith(extension) or filetype in extension: return _readers[readername].read(filepath, **kwargs) # If filetype is not apparent from the extension, attempt to detect it readername = _detect_filetype(filepath) return _readers[readername].read(filepath, **kwargs)
[docs] def read_file_header(filepath, filetype=None, **kwargs): """ Reads the header from a given file. This should always return a instance of ``. Parameters ---------- filepath : `str` The file from which the header is to be read. filetype : `str` Supported reader or extension to manually specify the filetype. Supported readers are ('jp2', 'fits'). **kwargs : `dict` All extra keyword arguments are passed to ``.get_header`` for the file specific reader. Returns ------- headers : `list` A list of headers. """ # Use the explicitly passed filetype if filetype is not None: return _readers[filetype].get_header(filepath, **kwargs) # Go through the known extensions for extension, readername in _known_extensions.items(): if filepath.endswith(extension) or filetype in extension: return _readers[readername].get_header(filepath, **kwargs) # If filetype is not apparent from the extension, attempt to detect it readername = _detect_filetype(filepath) return _readers[readername].get_header(filepath, **kwargs)
[docs] def write_file(fname, data, header, filetype='auto', **kwargs): """ Write a file from a data & header pair using one of the defined file types. Parameters ---------- fname : `str` Filename of file to save. data : `numpy.ndarray` Data to save to a fits file. header : `collections.OrderedDict` Meta data to save with the data. filetype : `str`, {'auto', 'fits', 'jp2'}, optional Filetype to save if ``auto`` the filename extension will be detected, else specify a supported file extension. **kwargs : `dict` All extra keyword arguments are passed to ``.write`` for the file specific reader. Notes ----- * This routine currently only supports saving a single HDU. """ if filetype == 'auto': # Get the extension without the leading dot filetype = pathlib.Path(fname).suffix[1:] for extension, readername in _known_extensions.items(): if filetype in extension: return _readers[readername].write(fname, data, header, **kwargs) # Nothing has matched, report an error raise ValueError(f"The filetype provided ({filetype}) is not supported")
def _detect_filetype(filepath): """ Attempts to determine the type of data contained in a file and returns the filetype if the available readers exist within Parameters ---------- filepath : `str` Where the file is. Returns ------- filetype : `str` The type of file. """ if detect_filetype(filepath) in _readers.keys(): return detect_filetype(filepath) # Raise an error if an unsupported filetype is encountered raise UnrecognizedFileTypeError("The requested filetype is not currently " "supported by SunPy.")
[docs] def detect_filetype(filepath): """ Attempts to determine the type of file a given filepath is. Parameters ---------- filepath : `str` Where the file is. Returns ------- filetype : `str` The type of file. """ # Open file and read in first two lines with open(filepath, 'rb') as fp: line1 = fp.readline() line2 = fp.readline() # Some FITS files do not have line breaks at the end of header cards. first80 = # first 8 bytes of netcdf4/hdf5 to determine filetype as have same sequence first_8bytes = # first 4 bytes of CDF cdf_magic_number = # FITS # Checks for gzip signature. # If found, decompresses first few bytes and checks for FITS if first80[:3] == b"\x1f\x8b\x08": with, 'rb') as fp: first80 = # Check for "KEY_WORD =" at beginning of file match = re.match(br"[A-Z0-9_]{0,8} *=", first80) if match is not None: return 'fits' # JPEG 2000 # Checks for one of two signatures found at beginning of all JP2 files. # Adapted from ExifTool # [1] # [2] # [3] jp2_signatures = [b"\x00\x00\x00\x0cjP \x0d\x0a\x87\x0a", b"\x00\x00\x00\x0cjP\x1a\x1a\x0d\x0a\x87\x0a"] for sig in jp2_signatures: if line1 + line2 == sig: return 'jp2' # netcdf4 and hdf5 files if first_8bytes == b'\x89HDF\r\n\x1a\n': return 'hdf5' if cdf_magic_number in ['cdf30001', 'cdf26002', '0000ffff']: return 'cdf' # Raise an error if an unsupported filetype is encountered raise UnrecognizedFileTypeError("The requested filetype is not currently " "supported by SunPy.")
class UnrecognizedFileTypeError(OSError): """ Exception to raise when an unknown file type is encountered. """ class ReaderError(ImportError): """ Exception to raise when a reader errors. """ class InvalidJPEG2000FileExtension(OSError): """ Exception to raise when an invalid JPEG2000 file type is encountered. """