Source code for sunkit_image.granule

This module contains functions that will segment images for granule detection.
import logging

import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import scipy
import skimage
import sunpy

__all__ = ["segment", "segments_overlap_fraction"]

[docs] def segment(smap, *, skimage_method="li", mark_dim_centers=False, bp_min_flux=None): """ Segment an optical image of the solar photosphere into tri-value maps with: * 0 as intergranule * 1 as granule * 2 as brightpoint If mark_dim_centers is set to True, an additional label, 3, will be assigned to dim granule centers. Parameters ---------- smap : `` `` containing data to segment. Must have square pixels. skimage_method : {"li", "otsu", "isodata", "mean", "minimum", "yen", "triangle"}, optional scikit-image thresholding method, defaults to "li". Depending on input data, one or more of these methods may be significantly better or worse than the others. Typically, 'li', 'otsu', 'mean', and 'isodata' are good choices, 'yen' and 'triangle' over- identify intergranule material, and 'minimum' over identifies granules. mark_dim_centers : `bool`, optional Whether to mark dim granule centers as a separate category for future exploration. bp_min_flux : `float`, optional Minimum flux per pixel for a region to be considered a brightpoint. Default is `None` which will use data mean + 0.5 * sigma. Returns ------- segmented_map : `` `` containing a segmented image (with the original header). """ if not isinstance(smap, raise TypeError("Input must be an instance of a") if smap.scale[0].value == smap.scale[1].value: resolution = smap.scale[0].value else: raise ValueError("Currently only maps with square pixels are supported.") # Obtain local histogram equalization of map. # min-max normalization to [0, 1] map_norm = ( - np.nanmin( / (np.nanmax( - np.nanmin( map_he = skimage.filters.rank.equalize( skimage.util.img_as_ubyte(map_norm), footprint=skimage.morphology.disk(radius=100), ) # Apply initial skimage threshold. median_filtered = scipy.ndimage.median_filter(map_he, size=3) threshold = _get_threshold(median_filtered, skimage_method) segmented_image = np.uint8(median_filtered > threshold) # Fix the extra intergranule material bits in the middle of granules. seg_im_fixed = _trim_intergranules(segmented_image, mark=mark_dim_centers) # Mark brightpoint and get final granule and brightpoint count. seg_im_markbp, brightpoint_count, granule_count = _mark_brightpoint( seg_im_fixed,, map_he, resolution, bp_min_flux, )"Segmentation has identified {granule_count} granules and {brightpoint_count} brightpoint") # Create output map using input wcs and adding colormap such that 0 (intergranules) = black, 1 (granule) = white, 2 (brightpoints) = yellow, 3 (dim_centers) = blue. segmented_map =, smap.wcs) cmap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(["black", "white", "#ffc406", "blue"]) norm = matplotlib.colors.BoundaryNorm(boundaries=[-0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5], ncolors=cmap.N) segmented_map.plot_settings["cmap"] = cmap segmented_map.plot_settings["norm"] = norm return segmented_map
def _get_threshold(data, method): """ Get the threshold value using given skimage segmentation type. Parameters ---------- data : `numpy.ndarray` Data to threshold. method : {"li", "otsu", "isodata", "mean", "minimum", "yen", "triangle"} scikit-image thresholding method. Returns ------- threshold : `float` Threshold value. """ if not isinstance(data, np.ndarray): raise ValueError("Input data must be an instance of a np.ndarray") if len(data.flatten()) > 500**2: "Input image is large (> 500**2), so threshold computation will be based on a random 500x500 sample of pixels", ) rng = np.random.default_rng() # Computing threshold based on random sample works well and saves significant computational time data = rng.choice( data.flatten(), (500, 500), ) method = method.lower() method_funcs = { "li": skimage.filters.threshold_li, "otsu": skimage.filters.threshold_otsu, "yen": skimage.filters.threshold_yen, "mean": skimage.filters.threshold_mean, "minimum": skimage.filters.threshold_minimum, "triangle": skimage.filters.threshold_triangle, "isodata": skimage.filters.threshold_isodata, } if method not in method_funcs: raise ValueError("Method must be one of: " + ", ".join(list(method_funcs.keys()))) return method_funcs[method](data) def _trim_intergranules(segmented_image, mark=False): """ Remove the erroneous identification of intergranule material in the middle of granules that the pure threshold segmentation produces. Parameters ---------- segmented_image : `numpy.ndarray` The segmented image containing incorrect extra intergranules. mark : `bool` If `False` (the default), remove erroneous intergranules. If `True`, mark them as 3 instead (for later examination). Returns ------- segmented_image_fixed : `numpy.ndarray` The segmented image without incorrect extra intergranules. """ if len(np.unique(segmented_image)) > 2: raise ValueError("segmented_image must only have values of 1 and 0.") # Float conversion for correct region labeling. segmented_image_fixed = np.copy(segmented_image).astype(float) # Add padding of intergranule around edges. # Avoids the case where all edge pixels are granule, # which will result in all dim centers as intergranules. pad = int(np.shape(segmented_image)[0] / 200) segmented_image_fixed[:, 0:pad] = 0 segmented_image_fixed[0:pad, :] = 0 segmented_image_fixed[:, -pad:] = 0 segmented_image_fixed[-pad:, :] = 0 labeled_seg = skimage.measure.label(segmented_image_fixed + 1, connectivity=2) values = np.unique(labeled_seg) # Find value of the large continuous 0-valued region. size = 0 for value in values: if len(labeled_seg[labeled_seg == value]) > size and sum(segmented_image[labeled_seg == value] == 0): real_IG_value = value size = len(labeled_seg[labeled_seg == value]) # Set all other 0 regions to mark value (3). for value in values: if np.sum(segmented_image[labeled_seg == value]) == 0: if value != real_IG_value: if not mark: segmented_image_fixed[labeled_seg == value] = 1 elif mark: segmented_image_fixed[labeled_seg == value] = 3 return segmented_image_fixed def _mark_brightpoint(segmented_image, data, he_data, resolution, bp_min_flux=None): """ Mark brightpoints separately from granules - give them a value of 2. Parameters ---------- segmented_image : `numpy.ndarray` The segmented image containing incorrect middles. data : `numpy array` The original image. he_data : `numpy array` Original image with local histogram equalization applied. resolution : `float` Spatial resolution (arcsec/pixel) of the data. bp_min_flux : `float`, optional Minimum flux per pixel for a region to be considered a brightpoint. Default is `None` which will use data mean + 0.5 * sigma. Returns ------- segmented_image_fixed : `numpy.ndrray` The segmented image with brightpoints marked as 2. brightpoint_count: `int` The number of brightpoints identified in the image. granule_count: `int` The number of granules identified, after re-classifcation of brightpoint. """ # General size limits bp_size_limit = ( 0.1 # Approximate max size of a photosphere bright point in square arcsec (see doi 10.3847/1538-4357/aab150) ) bp_pix_upper_limit = (bp_size_limit / resolution) ** 2 # Max area in pixels bp_pix_lower_limit = 4 # Very small bright regions are likely artifacts # General flux limit determined by visual inspection (set using equalized map) if bp_min_flux is None: stand_devs = 1.25 # General flux limit determined by visual inspection (set using equalized map) bp_brightness_limit = np.nanmean(he_data) + stand_devs * np.nanstd(he_data) else: bp_brightness_limit = bp_min_flux if len(np.unique(segmented_image)) > 3: raise ValueError("segmented_image must have only values of 1, 0 and 3 (if dim centers marked)") # Obtain gradient map and set threshold for gradient on BP edges grad = np.abs(np.gradient(data)[0] + np.gradient(data)[1]) bp_min_grad = np.quantile(grad, 0.95) # Label all regions of flux greater than brightness limit (candidate regions) bright_dim_seg = np.zeros_like(data) bright_dim_seg[he_data > bp_brightness_limit] = 1 labeled_bright_dim_seg = skimage.measure.label(bright_dim_seg + 1, connectivity=2) values = np.unique(labeled_bright_dim_seg) # From candidate regions, select those within pixel limit and gradient limit segmented_image_fixed = np.copy(segmented_image.astype(float)) # Make type float to enable adding float values bp_count = 0 for value in values: if (bright_dim_seg[labeled_bright_dim_seg == value])[0] == 1: # Check region is not the non-bp region # check that region is within pixel limits. region_size = len(labeled_bright_dim_seg[labeled_bright_dim_seg == value]) if region_size < bp_pix_upper_limit and region_size > bp_pix_lower_limit: # check that region has high average gradient (maybe try max gradient?) region_mean_grad = np.mean(grad[labeled_bright_dim_seg == value]) if region_mean_grad > bp_min_grad: segmented_image_fixed[labeled_bright_dim_seg == value] = 2 bp_count += 1 gran_count = len(values) - 1 - bp_count # Subtract 1 for IG region. return segmented_image_fixed, bp_count, gran_count
[docs] def segments_overlap_fraction(segment1, segment2): """ Compute the fraction of overlap between two segmented ``. Designed for comparing output Map from `segment` with other segmentation methods. Parameters ---------- segment1: `` Main `` to compare against. Must have 0 = intergranule, 1 = granule. segment2 :`` Comparison ``. Must have 0 = intergranule, 1 = granule. As an example, this could come from a simple segment using sklearn.cluster.KMeans Returns ------- confidence : `float` The numeric confidence metric: 0 = no agreement and 1 = complete agreement. """ segment1 = np.array( segment2 = np.array( total_granules = np.count_nonzero(segment1 == 1) total_intergranules = np.count_nonzero(segment1 == 0) if total_granules == 0: raise ValueError("No granules in `segment1`. It is possible the clustering failed.") if total_intergranules == 0: raise ValueError("No intergranules in `segment1`. It is possible the clustering failed.") granule_agreement_count = 0 intergranule_agreement_count = 0 granule_agreement_count = ((segment1 == 1) * (segment2 == 1)).sum() intergranule_agreement_count = ((segment1 == 0) * (segment2 == 0)).sum() percentage_agreement_granules = granule_agreement_count / total_granules percentage_agreement_intergranules = intergranule_agreement_count / total_intergranules return np.mean([percentage_agreement_granules, percentage_agreement_intergranules])