Source code for

This module contains an implementation of the Automated Swirl Detection
Algorithm (ASDA).

import warnings
from itertools import product

import numpy as np
from skimage import measure

from sunkit_image.utils import calculate_gamma, points_in_poly, reform2d, remove_duplicate

__all__ = ["Asda", "Lamb_Oseen"]

[docs] class Asda: """ Version 2.0 of Automated Swirl Detection Algorithm (ASDA). References ---------- * `ASDA Source Code <>`__. """ def __init__(self, vx, vy, r=3, factor=1): """ Parameters ---------- vx : `numpy.ndarray` Velocity field in the x direction. vy : `numpy.ndarray` Velocity field in the y direction. r : `int`, optional Maximum distance of neighbor points from target point. Default value is 3. factor : `int`, optional Magnify the original data to find sub-grid vortex center and boundary. Default value is 1. References ---------- * Laurent Graftieaux, Marc Michard and Nathalie Grosjean. Combining PIV, POD and vortex identification algorithms for the study of unsteady turbulent swirling flows. Meas. Sci. Technol. 12, 1422, 2001. ( * Jiajia Liu, Chris Nelson, Robert Erdelyi. Automated Swirl Detection Algorithm (ASDA) and Its Application to Simulation and Observational Data. Astrophys. J., 872, 22, 2019. ( """ if vx.shape != vy.shape: raise ValueError("Shape of velocity field's vx and vy do not match") if not isinstance(r, int): raise ValueError("Keyword 'r' must be an integer") if not isinstance(factor, int): raise ValueError("Keyword 'factor' must be an integer") self.vx = vx self.vy = vy self.dshape = np.shape(vx) self.r = r self.factor = factor
[docs] def gen_vel(self, i, j): """ Given a point ``[i, j]``, generate a velocity field which contains a region with a size of ``(2r+1) x (2r+1)`` centered at ``[i, j]`` from the original velocity field ``self.vx`` and ``self.vy``. Parameters ---------- i : `int` first dimension of the pixel position of a target point. j : `int` second dimension of the pixel position of a target point. Returns ------- `numpy.ndarray` The first dimension is a velocity field which contains a region with a size of ``(2r+1) x (2r+1)`` centered at ``[i, j]`` from the original velocity field ``self.vx`` and ``self.vy``. the second dimension is similar as the first dimension, but with the mean velocity field subtracted from the original velocity field. """ vel = np.array( [ [self.vx[i + im, j + jm], self.vy[i + im, j + jm]] for im in np.arange(-self.r, self.r + 1) for jm in np.arange(-self.r, self.r + 1) ], ) return np.array([vel, vel - vel.mean(axis=0)])
[docs] def gamma_values(self): """ Calculate ``gamma1`` and ``gamma2`` values of velocity field vx and vy. Returns ------- `tuple` A tuple in form of ``(gamma1, gamma2)``, where ``gamma1`` is useful in finding vortex centers and ``gamma2`` is useful in finding vortex edges. """ # This part of the code was written in (x, y) order # but numpy is in (y, x) order so we need to transpose it self.vx = self.vx.T self.vy = self.vy.T if self.factor > 1: self.vx = reform2d(self.vx, self.factor) self.vy = reform2d(self.vy, self.factor) self.gamma = np.array([np.zeros_like(self.vx), np.zeros_like(self.vy)]).T # pm vectors, see equation (8) in Graftieaux et al. 2001 or Equation (1) in Liu et al. 2019 pm = np.array( [[i, j] for i in np.arange(-self.r, self.r + 1) for j in np.arange(-self.r, self.r + 1)], dtype=float, ) # Mode of vector pm pnorm = np.linalg.norm(pm, axis=1) # Number of points in the concerned region N = (2 * self.r + 1) ** 2 index = np.array( [ [i, j] for i in np.arange(self.r, self.dshape[0] - self.r) for j in np.arange(self.r, self.dshape[1] - self.r) ], ) index = index.T vel = self.gen_vel(index[1], index[0]) for d, (i, j) in enumerate( product(np.arange(self.r, self.dshape[0] - self.r, 1), np.arange(self.r, self.dshape[1] - self.r, 1)), ): self.gamma[i, j, 0], self.gamma[i, j, 1] = calculate_gamma(pm, vel[..., d], pnorm, N) # Transpose back vx & vy self.vx = self.vx.T self.vy = self.vy.T return self.gamma
[docs] def center_edge(self, rmin=4, gamma_min=0.89): """ Find all swirls from ``gamma1``, and ``gamma2``. Parameters ---------- rmin : `int`, optional Minimum radius of swirls, all swirls with radius less than ``rmin`` will be rejected. Defaults to 4. gamma_min : `float`, optional Minimum value of ``gamma1``, all potential swirls with peak ``gamma1`` values less than ``gamma_min`` will be rejected. Returns ------- `dict` The keys and their meanings of the dictionary are: ``center`` : Center locations of vortices, in the form of ``[x, y]``. ``edge`` : Edge locations of vortices, in the form of ``[x, y]``. ``points`` : All points within vortices, in the form of ``[x, y]``. ``peak`` : Maximum/minimum gamma1 values in vortices. ``radius`` : Equivalent radius of vortices. All results are in pixel coordinates. """ self.edge_prop = {"center": (), "edge": (), "points": (), "peak": (), "radius": ()} cs = np.array(measure.find_contours(self.gamma[..., 1].T, -2 / np.pi), dtype=object) cs_pos = np.array(measure.find_contours(self.gamma[..., 1].T, 2 / np.pi), dtype=object) if len(cs) == 0: cs = cs_pos elif len(cs_pos) != 0: cs = np.append(cs, cs_pos, 0) for i in range(np.shape(cs)[0]): v = np.rint(cs[i].astype(np.float32)) v = remove_duplicate(v) # Find all points in the contour ps = points_in_poly(v) # gamma1 value of all points in the contour dust = [] for p in ps: dust.append(self.gamma[..., 0][int(p[1]), int(p[0])]) # Determine swirl properties if len(dust) > 1: # Effective radius re = np.sqrt(np.array(ps).shape[0] / np.pi) / self.factor # Only consider swirls with re >= rmin and maximum gamma1 value greater than gamma_min if np.max(np.fabs(dust)) >= gamma_min and re >= rmin: # Extract the index, only first dimension idx = np.where(np.fabs(dust) == np.max(np.fabs(dust)))[0][0] self.edge_prop["center"] += (np.array(ps[idx]) / self.factor,) self.edge_prop["edge"] += (np.array(v) / self.factor,) self.edge_prop["points"] += (np.array(ps) / self.factor,) self.edge_prop["peak"] += (dust[idx],) self.edge_prop["radius"] += (re,) return self.edge_prop
[docs] def vortex_property(self, image=None): """ Calculate expanding, rotational speed, equivalent radius and average intensity of given swirls. Parameters ---------- image : `numpy.ndarray` Has to have the same shape as ``self.vx`` observational image, which will be used to calculate the average observational values of all swirls. Returns ------- `tuple` The returned tuple has four components, which are: ``ve`` : expanding speed, in the same unit as ``self.vx`` or ``self.vy``. ``vr`` : rotational speed, in the same unit as ``self.vx`` or ``self.vy``. ``vc`` : velocity of the center, in the form of ``[vx, vy]``. ``ia`` : average of the observational values within the vortices if the parameter image is given. """ ve, vr, vc, ia = (), (), (), () for i in range(len(self.edge_prop["center"])): # Centre and edge of i-th swirl cen = self.edge_prop["center"][i] edg = self.edge_prop["edge"][i] # Points of i-th swirl pnt = np.array(self.edge_prop["points"][i], dtype=int) # Calculate velocity of the center vc += ( [ self.vx[int(round(cen[1])), int(round(cen[0]))], self.vy[int(round(cen[1])), int(round(cen[0]))], ], ) # Calculate average the observational values if image is None: ia += (None,) else: value = 0 for pos in pnt: value += image[pos[1], pos[0]] ia += (value / pnt.shape[0],) ve0, vr0 = [], [] for j in range(edg.shape[0]): # Edge position idx = [edg[j][0], edg[j][1]] # Eadial vector from swirl center to a point at its edge pm = [idx[0] - cen[0], idx[1] - cen[1]] # Tangential vector tn = [cen[1] - idx[1], idx[0] - cen[0]] # Velocity vector v = [self.vx[int(idx[1]), int(idx[0])], self.vy[int(idx[1]), int(idx[0])]] ve0.append(, pm) / np.linalg.norm(pm)) vr0.append(, tn) / np.linalg.norm(tn)) ve += (np.nanmean(ve0),) vr += (np.nanmean(vr0),) return ve, vr, vc, ia
[docs] class Lamb_Oseen(Asda): """ Creates an Lamb Oseen vortex. References ---------- * """ def __init__(self, vmax=2.0, rmax=5, ratio_vradial=0, gamma=None, rcore=None, r=3, factor=1): """ Parameters ---------- vmax : `float`, optional Rotating speed of the vortex, negative value for clockwise vortex. Defaults to 2.0. rmax : `float`, optional Radius of of the vortex. Defaults to 5. ratio_vradial : `float`, optional Ratio between expanding/shrinking speed and rotating speed. Defaults to 0. gamma : `float`, optional A replacement for ``vmax`` and only used if both ``gamma`` and ``rcore``are not `None`. Defaults to `None`. rcore : `float`, optional A replacement for ``rmax`` and only used if both ``gamma`` and ``rcore``are not `None`. Defaults to `None`. r : `int`, optional Maximum distance of neighbor points from target point. Default value is 3. factor : `int`, optional Magnify the original data to find sub-grid vortex center and boundary. Default value is 1. """ if not isinstance(r, int): raise ValueError("Keyword 'r' must be an integer") if not isinstance(factor, int): raise ValueError("Keyword 'factor' must be an integer") # Alpha of Lamb Oseen vortices self.alpha = 1.256430 self.ratio_vradial = ratio_vradial if gamma is None or rcore is None: if gamma != rcore: warnings.warn("One of the input parameters is missing, setting both to 'None'", stacklevel=3) gamma, rcore = None, None # Radius of the position where v_theta reaches vmax self.rmax = rmax # Maximum value of v_theta self.vmax = vmax # Core radius self.rcore = self.rmax / np.sqrt(self.alpha) self.gamma = 2 * np.pi * self.vmax * self.rmax * (1 + 1 / (2 * self.alpha)) else: # Radius self.rmax = self.rcore * np.sqrt(self.alpha) # Rotating speed self.vmax = self.gamma / (2 * np.pi * self.rmax * (1 + 1 / (2 * self.alpha))) # Core radius self.rcore = rcore self.gamma = gamma # Calculating core speed self.vcore = (1 - np.exp(-1.0)) * self.gamma / (2 * np.pi * self.rcore) self.r = r self.factor = factor
[docs] def get_grid(self, x_range, y_range): """ Returns a meshgrid of the coordinates of the vortex. Parameters ---------- x_range : `list` Range of the x coordinates of the meshgrid. y_range : `list` Range of the y coordinates of the meshgrid. Return ------ `tuple` Contains the meshgrids generated. """ self.xx, self.yy = np.meshgrid(np.arange(x_range[0], x_range[1]), np.arange(y_range[0], y_range[1])) self.dshape = np.shape(self.xx) return self.xx, self.yy
[docs] def get_vtheta(self, r=0): """ Calculate rotation speed at radius of ``r``. Parameters ---------- r : `float`, optional Radius which defaults to 0. Return ------ `float` Rotating speed at radius of ``r``. """ r = r + 1e-10 return self.gamma * (1.0 - np.exp(0 - np.square(r) / np.square(self.rcore))) / (2 * np.pi * r)
[docs] def get_vradial(self, r=0): """ Calculate radial (expanding or shrinking) speed at radius of ``r``. Parameters ---------- r : `float`, optional Radius which defaults to 0. Return ------ `float` Radial speed at the radius of ``r``. """ r = r + 1e-10 return self.get_vtheta(r) * self.ratio_vradial
[docs] def get_vxvy(self, x_range, y_range, x=None, y=None): """ Calculates the velocity field in a meshgrid generated with ``x_range`` and ``y_range``. Parameters ---------- x_range : `list` Range of the x coordinates of the meshgrid. y_range : `list` range of the y coordinates of the meshgrid. x, y : `numpy.meshgrid`, optional If both are given, ``x_range`` and ``y_range`` will be ignored. Defaults to None``. Return ------ `tuple` The generated velocity field ``(vx, vy)``. """ if len(x_range) != 2: self.x_range = [0 - self.rmax, self.rmax] if len(y_range) != 2: self.y_range = [0 - self.rmax, self.rmax] if x is None or y is None: # Check if one of the input parameters is None but the other one is not None if x != y: warnings.warn("One of the input parameters is missing, setting both to 'None'", stacklevel=3) x, y = None, None # Creating mesh grid x, y = self.get_grid(x_range=x_range, y_range=y_range) # Calculate radius r = np.sqrt(np.square(x) + np.square(y)) + 1e-10 # Calculate velocity vector vector = [ 0 - self.get_vtheta(r) * y + self.get_vradial(r) * x, self.get_vtheta(r) * x + self.get_vradial(r) * y, ] self.vx = vector[0] / r self.vy = vector[1] / r return self.vx, self.vy