Source code for sunkit_pyvista.plotter

import contextlib
from pathlib import Path

import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
import pyvista as pv
from astropy.constants import R_sun
from astropy.coordinates import Longitude, SkyCoord
from astropy.visualization import AsymmetricPercentileInterval
from astropy.visualization.wcsaxes import Quadrangle
from matplotlib import colors
from sunpy.coordinates import HeliocentricInertial, Helioprojective
from sunpy.coordinates.utils import get_rectangle_coordinates
from import all_corner_coords_from_map

from sunkit_pyvista.utils import get_limb_coordinates

__all__ = ["SunpyPlotter"]

[docs] class SunpyPlotter: """ A plotter for 3D data. This class wraps `pyvsita.Plotter` to provide coordinate-aware plotting. For now, all coordinates are converted to a specific frame (`~sunpy.coordinates.HeliocentricInertial` by default), and distance units are such that :math:`R_{sun} = 1`. Parameters ---------- coordinate_frame : `astropy.coordinates.BaseFrame` Coordinate frame of the plot. The x, y, z axes of the pyvista plotter will be the x, y, z axes in this coordinate system. Attributes ---------- all_meshes : `dict` Stores a reference to all the plotted meshes in a dictionary. """ def __init__(self, *, coordinate_frame=None): if coordinate_frame is None: coordinate_frame = HeliocentricInertial() self._coordinate_frame = coordinate_frame self._plotter = pv.Plotter() = self.all_meshes = {} @property def coordinate_frame(self): """ Coordinate frame of the plot. """ return self._coordinate_frame @property def plotter(self): """ `pyvista.Plotter`. """ return self._plotter
[docs] def show(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Show the plot. See `` for accepted arguments. """*args, **kwargs)
def _extract_color(self, mesh_kwargs): """ Converts a given color string to it's equivalent rgb tuple. Parameters ---------- mesh_kwargs : dict Returns ------- tuple A tuple containing the (r, g, b) values from the strings passed to it. Defaults to (255, 255, 255) - white. """ color_string = mesh_kwargs.pop("color", "white") return colors.to_rgb(color_string) def _add_mesh_to_dict(self, block_name, mesh): """ Adds all of the meshes to a `dict` that stores a reference to the meshes. """ if block_name in self.all_meshes: self.all_meshes[block_name].append(mesh) else: self.all_meshes[block_name] = [mesh] def _coords_to_xyz(self, coords): """ Transform coordinates to x, y, z values used internally by pyvista. Parameters ---------- coords : astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord Returns ------- numpy.array This is the same shape as the input *coords* array, with an extra len(3) axis at the end which corresponds to the (x, y, z) components of the coordinates. """ coords = coords.transform_to(self.coordinate_frame) coords.representation_type = "cartesian" return np.stack( ( coords.x.to_value(R_sun), coords.y.to_value(R_sun), coords.z.to_value(R_sun), ), axis=-1, ) def _get_clim(self, data, clip_interval): """ Get vmin, vmax of a data slice when clip_interval is specified. """ percent_limits ="%").value vmin, vmax = AsymmetricPercentileInterval(*percent_limits).get_limits(data) return [vmin, vmax]
[docs] def set_camera_coordinate(self, coord): """ Set the camera position. Parameters ---------- coords : `astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` Camera coordinate. """ camera_position = self._coords_to_xyz(coord) pos = tuple(camera_position) = pos
[docs] @u.quantity_input def set_view_angle(self, angle: u.deg): """ Set the camera view angle. Parameters ---------- angle : `astropy.units.Quantity` The viewing angle. """ view_angle = angle.to_value(u.deg) if not (view_angle > 0 and view_angle <= 180): raise ValueError("specified view angle must be " "0 deg < angle <= 180 deg") zoom_value = / view_angle
def _map_to_mesh(self, m, *, assume_spherical=True): """ Create a mesh from a map. Parameters ---------- m : `` The map to use. assume_spherical : bool, optional If `False`, only on-limb pixels are returned. Returns ------- `pyvista.StructuredGrid` """ corner_coords = all_corner_coords_from_map(m) if assume_spherical: context = Helioprojective.assume_spherical_screen( m.observer_coordinate, only_off_disk=True, ) else: context = contextlib.nullcontext() with context: # Convert SkyCoord to xyz verts = self._coords_to_xyz(corner_coords) nx, ny = verts.shape[:2] nverts = nx * ny verts = verts.reshape(nverts, 3) # Get vertex incices for each face vert_indices = np.arange(nverts).reshape(nx, ny) lower_left = vert_indices[:-1, :-1] lower_right = vert_indices[1:, :-1] upper_right = vert_indices[1:, 1:] upper_left = vert_indices[:-1, 1:] nfaces = (nx - 1) * (ny - 1) faces = np.column_stack( [ np.ones(nfaces).astype(int) * 4, lower_left.ravel(), lower_right.ravel(), upper_right.ravel(), upper_left.ravel(), ], ) # Remove faces that don't have a finite vertex # this can often happen with off-limb vertices) finite = np.sum(np.isfinite(verts[faces[:, 1], :]), axis=1) == 3 finite = finite & (np.sum(np.isfinite(verts[faces[:, 2], :]), axis=1) == 3) finite = finite & (np.sum(np.isfinite(verts[faces[:, 3], :]), axis=1) == 3) finite = finite & (np.sum(np.isfinite(verts[faces[:, 4], :]), axis=1) == 3) faces = faces[finite, :] # Remove any non-finite vertices. This reduces the size of the mesh, # and is also needed for the ipygany backend to work which is used for # showing examples in the documentation vert_mask = np.isfinite(verts[:, 0]) finite_indices = np.cumsum(vert_mask) - 1 # Re-map face indices faces[:, 1:] = finite_indices[faces[:, 1:]] # Remove non-finite vertices verts = verts[vert_mask, :] grid = pv.PolyData(verts, faces.ravel()) grid["data"] = m.plot_settings["norm"]([finite]) return grid
[docs] @u.quantity_input def plot_map( self, m, *, clip_interval: u.percent = None, assume_spherical_screen=True, **kwargs, ): """ Plot a sunpy map. Parameters ---------- m : `` Map to be plotted. clip_interval : two-element `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional If provided, the data will be clipped to the percentile interval bounded by the two numbers. assume_spherical_screen : bool, optional If `True` (default) then off-limb pixels are plotted using :meth:`sunpy.coordinates.Helioprojective.assume_spherical_screen`. If `False`, off-limb pixels are not plotted. **kwargs : Keyword arguments are handed to `pyvista.Plotter.add_mesh`. """ map_mesh = self._map_to_mesh(m, assume_spherical=assume_spherical_screen) if clip_interval is not None: if len(clip_interval) == 2: clim = self._get_clim( data=map_mesh["data"], clip_interval=clip_interval, ) else: raise ValueError( "Clip percentile interval must be " "specified as two numbers.", ) else: clim = [0, 1] cmap = self._get_cmap(kwargs, m) kwargs.setdefault("show_scalar_bar", False) self.plotter.add_mesh(map_mesh, cmap=cmap, clim=clim, **kwargs) map_mesh.add_field_data([cmap], "cmap") self._add_mesh_to_dict(block_name="maps", mesh=map_mesh)
@staticmethod def _get_cmap(kwargs, m): """ Get the colormap as a string. Returns ------- str """ return kwargs.pop("cmap", m.plot_settings["cmap"])
[docs] def plot_coordinates(self, coords, *, radius=0.05, **kwargs): """ Plot a sphere if a single coordinate is passed and plots a line if multiple coordinates are passed. Parameters ---------- coords : `astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` Coordinate(s) to plot as a center of sphere or line. radius : `int`, optional Radius of the sphere times the radius of the sun to be plotted when a single coordinate is passed. Defaults to ``0.05`` times the radius of the sun. **kwargs : Keyword arguments are passed to `pyvista.Plotter.add_mesh`. Notes ----- This plots a `pyvista.Sphere` object if a single coordinate is passed and plots a `pyvista.Spline` object if multiple coordinates are passed. ``radius`` is only considered when a sphere is plotted. """ points = self._coords_to_xyz(coords) if points.ndim == 1 or (points.ndim == 2 and points.shape[0] == 1): # Single coordinate point_mesh = pv.Sphere(radius=radius, center=points) else: point_mesh = pv.Spline(points) color = self._extract_color(kwargs) point_mesh.add_field_data(color, "color") kwargs["render_lines_as_tubes"] = kwargs.pop("render_lines_as_tubes", True) self.plotter.add_mesh(point_mesh, color=color, smooth_shading=True, **kwargs) self._add_mesh_to_dict(block_name="coordinates", mesh=point_mesh)
[docs] def plot_solar_axis(self, *, length=2.5, arrow_kwargs=None, **kwargs): """ Plot the solar rotation axis as an arrow. Parameters ---------- length : float Length of the arrow in multiples of solar radii. arrow_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments to be handed to `pyvista.Arrow`. ``start``, ``direction``, and ``scale`` cannot be manually specified, as they are automatically set. **kwargs : Keyword arguments are handed to `pyvista.Plotter.add_mesh`. """ if arrow_kwargs is None: arrow_kwargs = {} defaults = {"shaft_radius": 0.01, "tip_length": 0.05, "tip_radius": 0.02} defaults.update(arrow_kwargs) arrow_mesh = pv.Arrow( start=(0, 0, -length / 2), direction=(0, 0, length), scale="auto", **defaults, ) color = self._extract_color(kwargs) arrow_mesh.add_field_data(color, "color") self.plotter.add_mesh(arrow_mesh, color=color, **kwargs) self._add_mesh_to_dict(block_name="solar_axis", mesh=arrow_mesh)
[docs] def plot_quadrangle( self, bottom_left, *, top_right=None, width: u.deg = None, height: u.deg = None, radius=0.01, **kwargs, ): """ Plot a quadrangle. This draws a quadrangle that has corners at ``(bottom_left, top_right)``, if ``width`` and ``height`` are specified, they are respectively added to the longitude and latitude of the ``bottom_left`` coordinate to calculate a ``top_right`` coordinate. Parameters ---------- bottom_left :`~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` The bottom-left coordinate of the quadrangle. It can have shape ``(2,)`` to simultaneously define ``top_right``. top_right : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` The top-right coordinate of the quadrangle. width : `astropy.units.Quantity`, optional The width of the quadrangle. Required if ``top_right`` is omitted. height : `astropy.units.Quantity` The height of the quadrangle. Required if ``top_right`` is omitted. radius : `float` Radius of the `pyvista.Spline` used to create the quadrangle. Defaults to ``0.01`` times the radius of the sun. **kwargs : Keyword arguments are handed to `pyvista.Plotter.add_mesh`. """ bottom_left, top_right = get_rectangle_coordinates( bottom_left, top_right=top_right, width=width, height=height, ) width = Longitude(top_right.spherical.lon - bottom_left.spherical.lon) height = - quadrangle_patch = Quadrangle( (bottom_left.lon,, width, height, resolution=1000, ) quadrangle_coordinates = quadrangle_patch.get_xy() c = SkyCoord( quadrangle_coordinates[:, 0] * u.deg, quadrangle_coordinates[:, 1] * u.deg, frame=bottom_left.frame, ) c.transform_to(self.coordinate_frame) quad_grid = self._coords_to_xyz(c) quad_block = pv.Spline(quad_grid) radius = kwargs.get("radius", 0.01) quad_block = color = self._extract_color(kwargs) quad_block.add_field_data(color, "color") self.plotter.add_mesh(quad_block, color=color, **kwargs) self._add_mesh_to_dict(block_name="quadrangles", mesh=quad_block)
[docs] def plot_field_lines(self, field_lines, *, color_func=None, **kwargs): """ Plot magnetic field lines from `pfsspy`. Parameters ---------- field_lines : `pfsspy.fieldline.FieldLines` Field lines to be plotted. color_func : function Function to get the color for each field line. If not given, defaults to showing closed field lines in black, and open field lines in blue (positive polarity) or red (negative polarity). The function must have the signature:: def color_func(field_line: pfsspy.fieldline.FieldLine) -> color: Where ``color`` is any color that `pyvista` recognises (e.g. a RGBA tuple, a RGB tuple, a color string) **kwargs : Keyword arguments are handed to `pyvista.Plotter.add_mesh`. """ if not color_func: def color_func(field_line): color = {0: "black", -1: "tab:blue", 1: "tab:red"}.get( field_line.polarity, ) return colors.to_rgb(color) field_line_meshes = pv.MultiBlock([]) for field_line in field_lines: xyz = self._coords_to_xyz(field_line.coords.ravel()) if not xyz.size: continue spline = pv.Spline(xyz) color = color_func(field_line) if isinstance(color, tuple): color = list(color) if len(color) == 4: kwargs["opacity"] = color[3] color = color[:3] spline.add_field_data([color], "color") kwargs["render_lines_as_tubes"] = kwargs.pop("render_lines_as_tubes", True) kwargs["line_width"] = kwargs.pop("line_width", 2) self.plotter.add_mesh(spline, color=color, **kwargs) field_line_meshes.append(spline) self._add_mesh_to_dict(block_name="field_lines", mesh=spline)
[docs] def save(self, filepath, *, overwrite=False): """ Save all the meshes. This saves the rendered plot as a vtm extended file as well as a directory of the individual meshes with the specified name. Parameters ---------- filepath : `str` or `pathlib.Path` Name of the file to save as, should have vtm or vtmb as an extension. Examples -------- >>> from sunkit_pyvista import SunpyPlotter >>> plotter = SunpyPlotter() >>> plotter.plot_solar_axis() >>>'./filename.vtm') # doctest: +SKIP """ file_path = Path(filepath) directory_path = file_path.with_suffix("") if not overwrite: if file_path.is_file(): raise ValueError( f"VTM file '{directory_path.absolute()}' already exists", ) if directory_path.exists(): raise ValueError(f"Directory '{directory_path.absolute()}' already exists") mesh_block = pv.MultiBlock() for objects in self.all_meshes: for meshes in self.all_meshes[objects]: mesh_block.append(meshes)
def _loop_through_meshes(self, mesh_block): """ Recursively loop to add nested `~pyvista.core.MultiBlock` to the `pyvsita.Plotter` along with the color of the mesh. """ for block in mesh_block: if isinstance(block, pv.MultiBlock): self._loop_through_meshes(block) else: color = dict(block.field_data).get("color", None) cmap = dict(block.field_data).get("cmap", [None])[0] self.plotter.add_mesh(block, color=color, cmap=cmap)
[docs] def load(self, filepath): """ Load saved meshes into this plotter. Parameters ---------- filepath : `str` or `pathlib.Path` Name of the file to load, should have vtm or vtmb as an extension. """ file_path = Path(filepath) mesh_block = self._loop_through_meshes(mesh_block)
[docs] def plot_limb(self, m, *, radius=0.02, **kwargs): """ Draws the solar limb as seen by the map's observer. Parameters ---------- m : `` Map's limb to be plotted. radius : `float` Radius of the `pyvista.Spline` used to create the limb. Defaults to ``0.02`` times the radius of the sun. **kwargs : Keyword arguments are handed to `pyvista.Plotter.add_mesh`. """ limb_coordinates = get_limb_coordinates( m.observer_coordinate, rsun=m.rsun_meters, resolution=1000, ) limb_coordinates.transform_to(self.coordinate_frame) limb_grid = self._coords_to_xyz(limb_coordinates) limb_block = pv.Spline(limb_grid) color = self._extract_color(mesh_kwargs=kwargs) limb_block = limb_block.add_field_data(color, "color") self.plotter.add_mesh(limb_block, color=color, **kwargs) self._add_mesh_to_dict(block_name="limbs", mesh=limb_block)