Tracer step size (calculations)#

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

import astropy.constants as const
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord

from examples.testing.helpers import pffspy_output, phi_fline_coords, result_dir, theta_fline_coords
from sunkit_magex.pfss import tracing

l = 3
m = 3
nphi = 360
ns = 180
nr = 40
rss = 2

Calculate PFSS solution

pfsspy_out = pffspy_output(nphi, ns, nr, rss, l, m)

Trace an array of field lines from the source surface down to the solar surface

n = 90
# Create 1D theta, phi arrays
phi = np.linspace(0, 360, n * 2)
phi = phi[:-1] + np.diff(phi) / 2
theta = np.arcsin(np.linspace(-0.98, 0.98, n, endpoint=False) + 1/n)
# Mesh into 2D arrays
theta, phi = np.meshgrid(theta, phi, indexing='ij')
theta, phi = theta * u.rad, phi * u.deg
rss = rss * const.R_sun
seeds = SkyCoord(radius=rss, lat=theta.ravel(), lon=phi.ravel(),

step_sizes = [32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1, 0.5]
dthetas = []
dphis = []
for step_size in step_sizes:
    print(f'Tracing {step_size}...')
    # Trace
    tracer = tracing.FortranTracer(step_size=step_size)
    flines = tracer.trace(seeds, pfsspy_out)
    # Set a mask of open field lines
    mask = flines.connectivities.astype(bool).reshape(theta.shape)

    # Get solar surface latitude
    phi_solar = np.ones_like(phi) * np.nan
    phi_solar[mask] = flines.open_field_lines.solar_feet.lon
    theta_solar = np.ones_like(theta) * np.nan
    theta_solar[mask] =
    r_out = np.ones_like(theta.value) * const.R_sun * np.nan
    r_out[mask] = flines.open_field_lines.solar_feet.radius

    # Calculate analytical solution
    theta_analytic = theta_fline_coords(r_out, rss, l, m, theta)
    dtheta = (theta_solar - theta_analytic).to_value(u.deg)
    phi_analytic = phi_fline_coords(r_out, rss, l, m, theta, phi)
    dphi = (phi_solar - phi_analytic).to_value(u.deg)
    # Wrap phi values
    dphi[dphi > 180] -= 360
    dphi[dphi < -180] += 360

Tracing 32...
/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: At least one field line ran out of steps during tracing.
You should probably increase max_steps (currently set to auto) and try again.
Tracing 16...
Tracing 8...
Tracing 4...
Tracing 2...
Tracing 1...
Tracing 0.5...

Save results. This saves the maximum error in both phi and theta as a function of thet tracer step size.

dthetas = pd.DataFrame(data=np.array(dthetas), index=step_sizes)
dthetas = dthetas.mask(np.abs(dthetas) > 30).max(axis=1)

dphis = pd.DataFrame(data=np.array(dphis), index=step_sizes)
dphis = dphis.mask(np.abs(dphis) > 30).max(axis=1)

dthetas.to_csv(result_dir / f'flines/dthetas_{l}{m}.csv', header=False)
dphis.to_csv(result_dir / f'flines/dphis_{l}{m}.csv', header=False)

Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 29.138 seconds)

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