Open flux and radial grid points (calculations)#

Comparing total unsigned flux to analytic solutions.

This script calculates the ratio of numeric to analytic total unsigned open fluxes in PFSS solutions of spherical harmonics, as a function of the number of radial grid cells in the sunkit_magex.pfss grid.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm

from examples.testing.helpers import open_flux_analytic, open_flux_numeric, result_dir

Set the source surface height and range of radial grid points.

zss = 2
nrhos = np.arange(10, 51, 2)

Loop through spherical harmonics and do the calculations. Only the ratio of fluxes between the analytic and numeric solutions is saved.

df = pd.DataFrame(index=nrhos, columns=[])

for l in range(1, 6):
    for m in range(-l, l+1):
        lm = str(l) + str(m)
        print(f"l={l}, m={m}")
        flux_analytic = open_flux_analytic(l, m, zss)
        flux_numeric = [open_flux_numeric(l, m, zss, nrho) for nrho in tqdm(nrhos)]
        flux_numeric = np.array(flux_numeric)
        flux_ratio = flux_numeric / flux_analytic
        df[lm] = flux_ratio

Save a copy of the data.

df.to_csv(result_dir / 'open_flux_results.csv')

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