This module provides processing routines programs to process and analyze RHESSI
import csv
import re
import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
import sunpy.io
from astropy.time import Time, TimeDelta
from sunpy.coordinates import sun
from sunpy.time import TimeRange, parse_time
__all__ = [
# Measured fixed grid parameters
grid_pitch = (
grid_orientation = (
lc_linecolors = (
def parse_observing_summary_dbase_file(filename):
Parse the RHESSI observing summary database file.
This file lists the name of observing summary files
for specific time ranges along with other info.
.. note::
This API is currently limited to providing data from whole days only.
filename : `str`
The filename of the obssumm dbase file.
Return a `dict` containing the parsed data in the dbase file.
>>> import sunkit_instruments.rhessi as rhessi
>>> rhessi.parse_observing_summary_dbase_file(fname) # doctest: +SKIP
# An example dbase file can be found at:
# https://hesperia.gsfc.nasa.gov/hessidata/dbase/hsi_obssumm_filedb_200311.txt
with open(filename) as fd:
reader = csv.reader(fd, delimiter=" ", skipinitialspace=True)
_ = next(reader) # skip 'HESSI Filedb File:' row
_ = next(reader) # skip 'Created: ...' row
_ = next(reader) # skip 'Number of Files: ...' row
column_names = next(reader) # ['Filename', 'Orb_st', 'Orb_end',...]
obssumm_filename = []
orbit_start = []
orbit_end = []
start_time = []
end_time = []
status_flag = []
number_of_packets = []
for row in reader:
start_time.append(Time.strptime(row[3], "%d-%b-%y")) # skip time
end_time.append(Time.strptime(row[5], "%d-%b-%y")) # skip time
return {
column_names[0].lower(): obssumm_filename,
column_names[1].lower(): orbit_start,
column_names[2].lower(): orbit_end,
column_names[3].lower(): start_time,
column_names[4].lower(): end_time,
column_names[5].lower(): status_flag,
column_names[6].lower(): number_of_packets,
def parse_observing_summary_hdulist(hdulist):
Parse a RHESSI observation summary file.
hdulist : `list`
The HDU list from the fits file.
out : `dict`
Returns a dictionary.
header = hdulist[0].header
reference_time_ut = parse_time(hdulist[5].data.field("UT_REF")[0], format="utime")
time_interval_sec = hdulist[5].data.field("TIME_INTV")[0]
# label_unit = fits[5].data.field('DIM1_UNIT')[0]
# labels = fits[5].data.field('DIM1_IDS')
labels = [
"3 - 6 keV",
"6 - 12 keV",
"12 - 25 keV",
"25 - 50 keV",
"50 - 100 keV",
"100 - 300 keV",
"300 - 800 keV",
"800 - 7000 keV",
"7000 - 20000 keV",
# The data stored in the fits file are "compressed" countrates stored as
# one byte
compressed_countrate = np.array(hdulist[6].data.field("countrate"))
countrate = uncompress_countrate(compressed_countrate)
dim = np.array(countrate[:, 0]).size
time_array = parse_time(reference_time_ut) + TimeDelta(
time_interval_sec * np.arange(dim) * u.second
# TODO generate the labels for the dict automatically from labels
data = {"time": time_array, "data": countrate, "labels": labels}
return header, data
def uncompress_countrate(compressed_countrate):
Convert the compressed count rate inside of observing summary file from a
compressed byte to a true count rate.
compressed_countrate : `byte` array
A compressed count rate returned from an observing summary file.
`Hsi_obs_summ_decompress.pro <https://hesperia.gsfc.nasa.gov/ssw/hessi/idl/qlook_archive/hsi_obs_summ_decompress.pro>`_
# Ensure uncompressed counts are between 0 and 255
if (compressed_countrate.min() < 0) or (compressed_countrate.max() > 255):
raise ValueError(
f"Exepected uncompressed counts {compressed_countrate} to in range 0-255"
# TODO Must be a better way than creating entire lookup table on each call
ll = np.arange(0, 16, 1)
lkup = np.zeros(256, dtype="int")
_sum = 0
for i in range(0, 16):
lkup[16 * i : 16 * (i + 1)] = ll * 2**i + _sum
if i < 15:
_sum = lkup[16 * (i + 1) - 1] + 2**i
return lkup[compressed_countrate]
def hsi_linecolors():
Define discrete colors to use for RHESSI plots.
`tuple` :
A tuple of names of colours.
`hsi_linecolors.pro <https://hesperia.gsfc.nasa.gov/ssw/hessi/idl/gen/hsi_linecolors.pro>`__
return ("black", "magenta", "lime", "cyan", "y", "red", "blue", "orange", "olive")
def _backproject(
calibrated_event_list, detector=8, pixel_size=(1.0, 1.0), image_dim=(64, 64)
Given a stacked calibrated event list fits file create a back projection
image for an individual detectors.
calibrated_event_list : `str`
Filename of a RHESSI calibrated event list.
detector : `int`, optional
The detector number.
pixel_size : `tuple`, optional
A length 2 tuple with the size of the pixels in arcseconds.
Defaults to ``(1, 1)``.
image_dim : `tuple`, optional
A length 2 tuple with the size of the output image in number of pixels.
Defaults to ``(64, 64)``.
A backprojection image.
# info_parameters = fits[2]
# detector_efficiency = info_parameters.data.field('cbe_det_eff$$REL')
afits = sunpy.io.read_file(calibrated_event_list)
fits_detector_index = detector + 2
detector_index = detector - 1
grid_angle = np.pi / 2.0 - grid_orientation[detector_index]
harm_ang_pitch = grid_pitch[detector_index] / 1
phase_map_center = afits[fits_detector_index].data.field("phase_map_ctr")
this_roll_angle = afits[fits_detector_index].data.field("roll_angle")
modamp = afits[fits_detector_index].data.field("modamp")
grid_transmission = afits[fits_detector_index].data.field("gridtran")
count = afits[fits_detector_index].data.field("count")
tempa = (np.arange(image_dim[0] * image_dim[1]) % image_dim[0]) - (
image_dim[0] - 1
) / 2.0
tempb = (
tempa.reshape(image_dim[0], image_dim[1])
.reshape(image_dim[0] * image_dim[1])
pixel = np.array(list(zip(tempa, tempb))) * pixel_size[0]
phase_pixel = (2 * np.pi / harm_ang_pitch) * (
np.outer(pixel[:, 0], np.cos(this_roll_angle - grid_angle))
- np.outer(pixel[:, 1], np.sin(this_roll_angle - grid_angle))
) + phase_map_center
phase_modulation = np.cos(phase_pixel)
gridmod = modamp * grid_transmission
probability_of_transmission = gridmod * phase_modulation + grid_transmission
bproj_image = np.inner(probability_of_transmission, count).reshape(image_dim)
return bproj_image
def backprojection(
pixel_size: u.arcsec = (1.0, 1.0) * u.arcsec,
image_dim: u.pix = (64, 64) * u.pix,
Given a stacked calibrated event list fits file create a back projection
.. warning::
The image will not be in the right orientation.
calibrated_event_list : `str`
Filename of a RHESSI calibrated event list.
pixel_size : `tuple`, optional
A length 2 tuple with the size of the pixels in arcsecond
`~astropy.units.Quantity`. Defaults to ``(1, 1) * u.arcsec``.
image_dim : `tuple`, optional
A length 2 tuple with the size of the output image in number of pixel
`~astropy.units.Quantity` Defaults to ``(64, 64) * u.pix``.
A backprojection map.
# import sunpy.map in here so that net and timeseries don't end up importing map
import sunpy.map
pixel_size = pixel_size.to(u.arcsec)
image_dim = np.array(image_dim.to(u.pix).value, dtype=int)
afits = sunpy.io.read_file(calibrated_event_list)
info_parameters = afits[2]
xyoffset = info_parameters.data.field("USED_XYOFFSET")[0]
time_range = TimeRange(
info_parameters.data.field("ABSOLUTE_TIME_RANGE")[0], format="utime"
image = np.zeros(image_dim)
# find out what detectors were used
det_index_mask = afits[1].data.field("det_index_mask")[0]
detector_list = (np.arange(9) + 1) * np.array(det_index_mask)
for detector in detector_list:
if detector > 0:
image = image + _backproject(
dict_header = {
"DATE-OBS": time_range.center.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"),
"CDELT1": pixel_size[0],
"NAXIS1": image_dim[0],
"CRVAL1": xyoffset[0],
"CRPIX1": image_dim[0] / 2 + 0.5,
"CUNIT1": "arcsec",
"CDELT2": pixel_size[1],
"NAXIS2": image_dim[1],
"CRVAL2": xyoffset[1],
"CRPIX2": image_dim[0] / 2 + 0.5,
"CUNIT2": "arcsec",
"HGLT_OBS": 0,
"HGLN_OBS": 0,
"RSUN_OBS": sun.angular_radius(time_range.center).value,
"RSUN_REF": sunpy.sun.constants.radius.value,
"DSUN_OBS": sun.earth_distance(time_range.center).value
* sunpy.sun.constants.au.value,
result_map = sunpy.map.Map(image, dict_header)
return result_map
def _build_energy_bands(label, bands):
Creates a list of strings with the correct formatting for axis labels.
label: `str`
The ``label`` to use as a basis.
bands: `list` of `str`
The bands to append to the ``label``.
`list` of `str`
Each string is an energy band and its unit.
>>> from sunkit_instruments.rhessi import _build_energy_bands
>>> _build_energy_bands('Energy bands (keV)', ['3 - 6', '6 - 12', '12 - 25'])
['3 - 6 keV', '6 - 12 keV', '12 - 25 keV']
unit_pattern = re.compile(r"^.+\((?P<UNIT>\w+)\)$")
matched = unit_pattern.match(label)
if matched is None:
raise ValueError(
"Unable to find energy unit in '{}' "
"using REGEX '{}'".format(label, unit_pattern.pattern)
unit = matched.group("UNIT").strip()
return [f"{band} {unit}" for band in bands]
def imagecube2map(rhessi_imagecube_file):
Extracts single map images from a RHESSI flare image datacube. Currently
assumes input to be 4D.
This function is analogous to the `hsi_fits2map.pro` functionality available in SSW.
rhessi_imagecube_file : `str`
Path or URL to image datacube .fits
`dict` of `sunpy.map.MapSequence`
Each energy band has a list of maps where the index of the lists represent the time step
# import sunpy.map in here so that net and timeseries don't end up importing map
from sunpy.map import Map
f = sunpy.io.read_file(rhessi_imagecube_file)
header = f[0].header
# make sure datacube is a RHESSI cube
if header["INSTRUME"] != "RHESSI":
raise ValueError(f"Expected a RHESSI datacube, got: {header['INSTRUME']}")
# remove those (non-standard) headers to avoid user warnings (they are 0 anyway)
del header["CROTACN1"]
del header["CROTACN2"]
del header["CROTA"]
d_min = {}
d_max = {}
e_ax = f[1].data[0]["ENERGY_AXIS"].reshape((-1, 2)) # reshape energy axis to be 2D
t_ax = f[1].data[0]["TIME_AXIS"].reshape((-1, 2)) # reshape time axis to be 2D
data = f[0].data.reshape(
tuple([1] * (4 - len(f[0].data.shape))) + f[0].data.shape
) # reshape data to be 4D
for e in range(e_ax.shape[0]):
d_min[e] = 1e10
d_max[e] = -1e10
for t in range(t_ax.shape[0]):
d_min[e] = min(d_min[e], data[t][e].min())
d_max[e] = max(d_max[e], data[t][e].max())
maps = {} # result dictionary
for e in range(e_ax.shape[0]):
header["ENERGY_L"] = e_ax[e][0]
header["ENERGY_H"] = e_ax[e][1]
header["DATAMIN"] = d_min[e]
header["DATAMAX"] = d_max[e]
key = f"{int(header['ENERGY_L'])}-{int(header['ENERGY_H'])} keV"
map_list = []
for t in range(t_ax.shape[0]):
header["DATE_OBS"] = parse_time(t_ax[t][0], format="utime").to_value("isot")
header["DATE_END"] = parse_time(t_ax[t][1], format="utime").to_value("isot")
map_list.append(Map(data[t][e], header)) # extract image Map
maps[key] = Map(map_list, sequence=True)
return maps