Source code for sunkit_instruments.goes_xrs.goes_xrs

import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from sunpy.time import parse_time

    "X": u.Quantity(1e-4, "W/m^2"),
    "M": u.Quantity(1e-5, "W/m^2"),
    "C": u.Quantity(1e-6, "W/m^2"),
    "B": u.Quantity(1e-7, "W/m^2"),
    "A": u.Quantity(1e-8, "W/m^2"),

__all__ = [

[docs] def get_goes_event_list(timerange, goes_class_filter=None): """ Retrieve list of flares detected by GOES within a given time range. Parameters ---------- timerange : `sunpy.time.TimeRange` The time range to download the event list for. goes_class_filter: `str`, optional A string specifying a minimum GOES class for inclusion in the list, e.g., "M1", "X2". Returns ------- `list`: A list of all the flares found for the given time range. """ # Importing hek here to avoid calling code that relies on optional dependencies. from import attrs, hek # use HEK module to search for GOES events client = hek.HEKClient() event_type = "FL" tstart = timerange.start tend = timerange.end # query the HEK for a list of events detected by the GOES instrument # between tstart and tend (using a GOES-class filter) if goes_class_filter: result = attrs.Time(tstart, tend), attrs.hek.EventType(event_type), attrs.hek.FL.GOESCls > goes_class_filter, attrs.hek.OBS.Observatory == "GOES", ) else: result = attrs.Time(tstart, tend), attrs.hek.EventType(event_type), attrs.hek.OBS.Observatory == "GOES", ) # want to condense the results of the query into a more manageable # dictionary # keep event data, start time, peak time, end time, GOES-class, # location, active region source (as per GOES list standard) # make this into a list of dictionaries goes_event_list = [] for r in result: goes_event = { "event_date": parse_time(r["event_starttime"]).strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), "start_time": parse_time(r["event_starttime"]), "peak_time": parse_time(r["event_peaktime"]), "end_time": parse_time(r["event_endtime"]), "goes_class": str(r["fl_goescls"]), "goes_location": (r["event_coord1"], r["event_coord2"]), "noaa_active_region": r["ar_noaanum"], } goes_event_list.append(goes_event) return goes_event_list
[docs] def flareclass_to_flux(flareclass): """ Converts a GOES flare class into the corresponding X-ray flux. Parameters ---------- flareclass : str The case-insensitive flare class (e.g., 'X3.2', 'm1.5', 'A9.6'). Returns ------- flux : `~astropy.units.Quantity` X-ray flux between 1 and 8 Angstroms as measured near Earth in W/m^2. Raises ------ TypeError Input must be a string. Examples -------- >>> from sunkit_instruments.goes_xrs import flareclass_to_flux >>> flareclass_to_flux('A1.0') <Quantity 1.e-08 W / m2> >>> flareclass_to_flux('c4.7') <Quantity 4.7e-06 W / m2> >>> flareclass_to_flux('X2.4') <Quantity 0.00024 W / m2> """ if not isinstance(flareclass, type("str")): raise TypeError(f"Input must be a string, not {type(goests)}") # TODO should probably make sure the string is in the expected format. flareclass = flareclass.upper() # invert the conversion dictionary # conversion_dict = {v: k for k, v in GOES_CONVERSION_DICT.items()} return float(flareclass[1:]) * GOES_CONVERSION_DICT[flareclass[0]]
[docs] @u.quantity_input def flux_to_flareclass(goesflux: u.watt / u.m**2): """ Converts X-ray flux into the corresponding GOES flare class. Parameters ---------- flux : `~astropy.units.Quantity` X-ray flux between 1 and 8 Angstroms (usually measured by GOES) as measured at the Earth in W/m^2 Returns ------- flareclass : str The flare class e.g.: 'X3.2', 'M1.5', 'A9.6'. Raises ------ ValueError Flux cannot be negative. References ---------- `Solar Flare Classification <>`_ Examples -------- >>> from sunkit_instruments.goes_xrs import flux_to_flareclass >>> import astropy.units as u >>> flux_to_flareclass(1e-08 * u.watt/u.m**2) 'A1' >>> flux_to_flareclass(4.7e-06 * u.watt/u.m**2) 'C4.7' >>> flux_to_flareclass(0.00024 * u.watt/u.m**2) 'X2.4' >>> flux_to_flareclass(7.8e-09 * u.watt/u.m**2) 'A0.78' >>> flux_to_flareclass(0.00682 * u.watt/u.m**2) 'X68.2' """ if goesflux.value < 0: raise ValueError("Flux cannot be negative") decade = np.floor(np.log10("W/m**2").value)) # invert the conversion dictionary conversion_dict = {v: k for k, v in GOES_CONVERSION_DICT.items()} if decade < -8: str_class = "A" decade = -8 elif decade > -4: str_class = "X" decade = -4 else: str_class = conversion_dict.get(u.Quantity(10**decade, "W/m**2")) goes_subclass = 10**-decade *"W/m**2").value return f"{str_class}{goes_subclass:.3g}"