Source code for radiospectra.spectrogram.spectrogrambase

from radiospectra.exceptions import SpectraMetaValidationError
from radiospectra.mixins import NonUniformImagePlotMixin, PcolormeshPlotMixin

__all__ = ["GenericSpectrogram"]

[docs] class GenericSpectrogram(PcolormeshPlotMixin, NonUniformImagePlotMixin): """ Base spectrogram class all spectrograms inherit. Attributes ---------- meta : `dict-like` Meta data for the spectrogram. data : `numpy.ndarray` The spectrogram data itself a 2D array. """ _registry = {} def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) if hasattr(cls, "is_datasource_for"): cls._registry[cls] = cls.is_datasource_for def __init__(self, data, meta, **kwargs): = data self.meta = meta self._validate_meta() @property def observatory(self): """ The name of the observatory which recorded the spectrogram. """ return self.meta["observatory"].upper() @property def instrument(self): """ The name of the instrument which recorded the spectrogram. """ return self.meta["instrument"].upper() @property def detector(self): """ The detector which recorded the spectrogram. """ return self.meta["detector"].upper() @property def start_time(self): """ The start time of the spectrogram. """ return self.meta["start_time"] @property def end_time(self): """ The end time of the spectrogram. """ return self.meta["end_time"] @property def wavelength(self): """ The wavelength range of the spectrogram. """ return self.meta["wavelength"] @property def times(self): """ The times of the spectrogram. """ return self.meta["times"] @property def frequencies(self): """ The frequencies of the spectrogram. """ return self.meta["freqs"] def _validate_meta(self): """ Validates the meta-information associated with a Spectrogram. This method includes very basic validation checks which apply to all of the kinds of files that radiospectra can read. Datasource-specific validation should be handled in the relevant file in the radiospectra.spectrogram.sources. """ msg = "Spectrogram coordinate units for {} axis not present in metadata." err_message = [] for i, ax in enumerate(["times", "freqs"]): if self.meta.get(ax) is None: err_message.append(msg.format(ax)) if err_message: raise SpectraMetaValidationError("\n".join(err_message)) def __repr__(self): return ( f"<{self.__class__.__name__} {self.observatory}, {self.instrument}, {self.detector}" f" {self.wavelength.min} - {self.wavelength.max}," f" {self.start_time.isot} to {self.end_time.isot}>" )