
Bases: GenericClient

Provides access to eCallisto radio spectrometer data archive.

Further information.


Specific information on the meaning of the filename.

From the filename alone there’s no way to tell about either the frequency or duration. Therefore we only return a start time.


>>> from radiospectra import net
>>> from import Fido, attrs as a
>>> query ='2019/10/05 23:00', '2019/10/05 23:30'),
...                     a.Instrument('eCALLISTO'), net.Observatory('ALASKA'))  
>>> query  
< object at ...>
Results from 1 Provider:

3 Results from the eCALLISTOClient:
       Start Time        Provider Instrument Observatory  ID
----------------------- --------- ---------- ----------- ---
2019-10-05 23:00:00.000 ECALLISTO  ECALLISTO      ALASKA  59
2019-10-05 23:15:00.000 ECALLISTO  ECALLISTO      ALASKA  59
2019-10-05 23:30:00.000 ECALLISTO  ECALLISTO      ALASKA  59

Attributes Summary



Methods Summary

post_search_hook(exdict, matchdict)

Helper function used after search() which makes the extracted metadata representable in a query response table.

pre_search_hook(*args, **kwargs)

Helper function to return the baseurl, pattern and matchdict for the client required by search() before using the scraper.


This enables the client to register what kind of Attrs it can use directly.

Attributes Documentation

baseurl = '{obs}_%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.*.fit.gz'#
pattern = '{}/2002-20yy_Callisto/{year:4d}/{month:2d}/{day:2d}/{Observatory}_{year:4d}{month:2d}{day:2d}_{hour:2d}{minute:2d}{second:2d}{suffix}.fit.gz'#

Methods Documentation

post_search_hook(exdict, matchdict)[source]#

Helper function used after search() which makes the extracted metadata representable in a query response table.

  • exdict (dict) – Represents metadata extracted from files.

  • matchdict (dict) – Contains attr values accessed from register_values() and the search query itself.


rowdict (OrderedDict) – An Ordered Dictionary which is used by QueryResponse to show results.

classmethod pre_search_hook(*args, **kwargs)[source]#

Helper function to return the baseurl, pattern and matchdict for the client required by search() before using the scraper.

classmethod register_values()[source]#

This enables the client to register what kind of Attrs it can use directly.


dict – A dictionary with key values of Attrs and the values are a tuple of (“Attr Type”, “Name”, “Description”).