Source code for radiospectra.spectrogram.spectrogram_factory

import gzip
import struct
import pathlib
import warnings
import functools
from pathlib import Path
from collections import OrderedDict
from urllib.request import Request

import cdflib
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from import readsav

import astropy.units as u
from import fits
from import Header
from astropy.time import Time
from sunpy import log
from import cache
from import attrs as a
from sunpy.time import parse_time
from sunpy.util.datatype_factory_base import (
from sunpy.util.exceptions import SunpyUserWarning, warn_user
from import is_url, parse_path, possibly_a_path
from sunpy.util.metadata import MetaDict
from sunpy.util.util import expand_list

from radiospectra.exceptions import NoSpectrogramInFileError, SpectraMetaValidationError
from radiospectra.spectrogram.spectrogrambase import GenericSpectrogram
from radiospectra.utils import subband_to_freq

    import dask.array

    SUPPORTED_ARRAY_TYPES += (dask.array.Array,)
except ImportError:

__all__ = ["SpectrogramFactory", "Spectrogram"]

[docs] class SpectrogramFactory(BasicRegistrationFactory): """ A factory for generating spectrograms. Parameters ---------- \\*inputs `str` or `pathlib.Path` to the file. Returns ------- `radiospectra.spectrogram.Spectrogram` The spectrogram for the give file """ def _validate_meta(self, meta): """ Validate a meta argument. """ if isinstance(meta, Header): return True elif isinstance(meta, dict): return True else: return False def _parse_args(self, *args, silence_errors=False, **kwargs): """ Parses an args list into data-header pairs. args can contain any mixture of the following entries: * tuples of data,header * data, header not in a tuple * data, wcs object in a tuple * data, wcs object not in a tuple * filename, as a str or pathlib.Path, which will be read * directory, as a str or pathlib.Path, from which all files will be read * glob, from which all files will be read * url, which will be downloaded and read * lists containing any of the above. Example ------- self._parse_args(data, header, (data, header), ['file1', 'file2', 'file3'], 'file4', 'directory1', '*.fits') """ # Account for nested lists of items args = expand_list(args) # Sanitize the input so that each 'type' of input corresponds to a different # class, so single dispatch can be used later nargs = len(args) i = 0 while i < nargs: arg = args[i] if isinstance(arg, SUPPORTED_ARRAY_TYPES): # The next two items are data and a header data = args.pop(i) header = args.pop(i) args.insert(i, (data, header)) nargs -= 1 elif isinstance(arg, str) and is_url(arg): # Repalce URL string with a Request object to dispatch on later args[i] = Request(arg) elif possibly_a_path(arg): # Repalce path strings with Path objects args[i] = pathlib.Path(arg) i += 1 # Parse the arguments # Note that this list can also contain GenericMaps if they are directly given to the factory data_header_pairs = [] for arg in args: try: data_header_pairs += self._parse_arg(arg, **kwargs) except NoSpectrogramInFileError as e: if not silence_errors: raise warn_user(f"One of the arguments failed to parse with error: {e}") return data_header_pairs @functools.singledispatchmethod def _parse_arg(self, arg, **kwargs): """ Take a factory input and parse into (data, header) pairs. Must return a list, even if only one pair is returned. """ raise ValueError(f"Invalid input: {arg}") @_parse_arg.register(tuple) def _parse_tuple(self, arg, **kwargs): # Data-header data, header = arg pair = data, header if self._validate_meta(header): pair = (data, OrderedDict(header)) return [pair] @_parse_arg.register(GenericSpectrogram) def _parse_map(self, arg, **kwargs): return [arg] @_parse_arg.register(Request) def _parse_url(self, arg, **kwargs): url = arg.full_url path = str( pairs = self._read_file(path, **kwargs) return pairs @_parse_arg.register(pathlib.Path) def _parse_path(self, arg, **kwargs): return parse_path(arg, self._read_file, **kwargs)
[docs] def __call__(self, *args, silence_errors=False, **kwargs): """ Method for running the factory. Takes arbitrary arguments and keyword arguments and passes them to a sequence of pre-registered types to determine which is the correct spectrogram- type to build. Arguments args and kwargs are passed through to the validation function and to the constructor for the final type. For spectrogram types, validation function must take a data-header pair as an argument. Parameters ---------- silence_errors : `bool`, optional If set, ignore data-header pairs which cause an exception. Default is ``False``. Notes ----- Extra keyword arguments are passed through to `` such as `memmap` for FITS files. """ data_header_pairs = self._parse_args(*args, silence_errors=silence_errors, **kwargs) new_maps = list() # Loop over each registered type and check to see if WidgetType # matches the arguments. If it does, use that type. for pair in data_header_pairs: if isinstance(pair, GenericSpectrogram): new_maps.append(pair) continue data, header = pair meta = MetaDict(header) try: new_map = self._check_registered_widgets(data, meta, **kwargs) new_maps.append(new_map) except (NoMatchError, MultipleMatchError, ValidationFunctionError, SpectraMetaValidationError) as e: if not silence_errors: raise warnings.warn(f"One of the data, header pairs failed to validate with: {e}", SunpyUserWarning) if not len(new_maps): raise RuntimeError("No maps loaded") if len(new_maps) == 1: return new_maps[0] return new_maps
def _check_registered_widgets(self, data, meta, **kwargs): candidate_widget_types = list() for key in self.registry: # Call the registered validation function for each registered class if self.registry[key](data, meta, **kwargs): candidate_widget_types.append(key) n_matches = len(candidate_widget_types) if n_matches == 0: if self.default_widget_type is None: raise NoMatchError("No types match specified arguments and no default is set.") else: candidate_widget_types = [self.default_widget_type] elif n_matches > 1: raise MultipleMatchError( "Too many candidate types identified " f"({candidate_widget_types}). " "Specify enough keywords to guarantee unique type " "identification." ) # Only one is found WidgetType = candidate_widget_types[0] return WidgetType(data, meta, **kwargs) def _read_file(self, file, **kwargs): file = Path(file) extensions = file.suffixes first_extension = extensions[0].lower() if first_extension == ".dat": return self._read_dat(file) elif first_extension in (".r1", ".r2"): return [self._read_idl_sav(file, instrument="waves")] elif first_extension == ".cdf": cdf = self._read_cdf(file) if isinstance(cdf, list): return cdf return [cdf] elif first_extension == ".srs": return [self._read_srs(file)] elif first_extension in (".fits", ".fit", ".fts", "fit.gz"): return [self._read_fits(file)] else: raise ValueError(f"Extension {extensions[0]} not supported.") @staticmethod def _read_dat(file): if "swaves" in name, prod, date, spacecraft, receiver = file.stem.split("_") # frequency range freqs = np.genfromtxt(file, max_rows=1) * u.kHz # bg which is already subtracted from data bg = np.genfromtxt(file, skip_header=1, max_rows=1) # data data = np.genfromtxt(file, skip_header=2) times = data[:, 0] * u.min data = data[:, 1:].T meta = { "instrument": name, "observatory": f"STEREO {spacecraft.upper()}", "product": prod, "start_time": Time.strptime(date, "%Y%m%d"), "wavelength": a.Wavelength(freqs[0], freqs[-1]), "detector": receiver, "freqs": freqs, "background": bg, } meta["times"] = meta["start_time"] + times meta["end_time"] = meta["start_time"] + times[-1] return data, meta elif "bst" in subbands = (np.arange(54, 454, 2), np.arange(54, 454, 2), np.arange(54, 230, 2)) num_subbands = 488 data = np.fromfile(file) polarisation = file.stem[-1] num_times = data.shape[0] / num_subbands if not num_times.is_integer(): log.warning("BST file seems incomplete dropping incomplete frequencies") num_times = np.floor(num_times).astype(int) truncate = num_times * num_subbands data = data[:truncate] data = data.reshape(-1, num_subbands).T # (Freq x Time).T = (Time x Freq) dt = np.arange(num_times) * 1 * u.s start_time = Time.strptime("_bst")[0], "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") times = start_time + dt obs_mode = (3, 5, 7) freqs = [subband_to_freq(sb, mode) for sb, mode in zip(subbands, obs_mode)] # 1st 200 sbs mode 3, next 200 sbs mode 5, last 88 sbs mode 7 spec = {0: data[:200, :], 1: data[200:400, :], 2: data[400:, :]} data_header_pairs = [] for i in range(3): meta = { "instrument": "ILOFAR", "observatory": "Birr (IE613)", "start_time": times[0], "mode": obs_mode[i], "wavelength": a.Wavelength(freqs[i][0], freqs[i][-1]), "freqs": freqs[i], "times": times, "end_time": times[-1], "detector": "ILOFAR", "polarisation": polarisation, } data_header_pairs.append((spec[i], meta)) return data_header_pairs else: raise ValueError(f"File {file} not supported.") @staticmethod def _read_srs(file): with"rb") as buff: data = if file.suffixes[-1] == ".gz": data = gzip.decompress(data) # Data is store as a series of records made of different numbers of bytes # General header information # 1 Year (last 2 digits) Byte integer (unsigned) # 2 Month number (1 to 12) " # 3 Day (1 to 31) " # 4 Hour (0 to 23 UT) " # 5 Minute (0 to 59) " # 6 Second at start of scan (0 to 59) " # 7 Site Number (0 to 255) " # 8 Number of bands in the record (2) " # # Band 1 (A-band) header information # 9,10 Start Frequency (MHz) Word integer (16 bits) # 11,12 End Frequency (MHz) " # 13,14 Number of bytes in data record (401)" # 15 Analyser reference level Byte integer # 16 Analyser attenuation (dB) " # # Band 2 (B-band) header information # 17-24 As for band 1 # # Spectrum Analyser data # 25-425 401 data bytes for band 1 (A-band) # 426-826 401 data bytes for band 2 (B-band) record_struc = struct.Struct("B" * 8 + "H" * 3 + "B" * 2 + "H" * 3 + "B" * 2 + "B" * 401 + "B" * 401) records = record_struc.iter_unpack(data) # Map of numeric records to locations site_map = {1: "Palehua", 2: "Holloman", 3: "Learmonth", 4: "San Vito"} df = pd.DataFrame([(*r[:18], np.array(r[18:419]), np.array(r[419:820])) for r in records]) df.columns = [ "year", "month", "day", "hour", "minute", "second", "site", " num_bands", "start_freq1", "end_freq1", "num_bytes1", "analyser_ref1", "analyser_atten1", "start_freq2", "end_freq2", "num_bytes2", "analyser_ref2", "analyser_atten2", "spec1", "spec2", ] # Hack to make to_datetime work - earliest dates seem to be 2000 and won't be # around in 3000! df["year"] = df["year"] + 2000 df["time"] = pd.to_datetime(df[["year", "month", "day", "hour", "minute", "second"]]) # Equations taken from document n = np.arange(1, 402) freq_a = (25 + 50 * (n - 1) / 400) * u.MHz freq_b = (75 + 105 * (n - 1) / 400) * u.MHz freqs = np.hstack([freq_a, freq_b]) data = np.hstack([np.vstack(df[name].to_numpy()) for name in ["spec1", "spec2"]]).T times = Time(df["time"]) meta = { "instrument": "RSTN", "observatory": site_map[df["site"][0]], "start_time": times[0], "end_time": times[-1], "detector": "RSTN", "wavelength": a.Wavelength(freqs[0], freqs[-1]), "freqs": freqs, "times": times, } return data, meta @staticmethod def _read_cdf(file): cdf = cdflib.CDF(file) cdf_globals = cdf.globalattsget() if ( cdf_globals.get("Project", "")[0] == "PSP" and cdf_globals.get("Source_name")[0] == "PSP_FLD>Parker Solar Probe FIELDS" and "Radio Frequency Spectrometer" in cdf_globals.get("Descriptor")[0] ): short, _long = cdf_globals["Descriptor"][0].split(">") detector = short[4:].lower() times, data, freqs = [ cdf.varget(name) for name in [ f"epoch_{detector}_auto_averages_ch0_V1V2", f"psp_fld_l2_rfs_{detector}_auto_averages_ch0_V1V2", f"frequency_{detector}_auto_averages_ch0_V1V2", ] ] times = Time("J2000.0", scale="tt") + (times << u.ns) freqs = freqs[0, :] << u.Hz data = data.T << u.Unit("Volt**2/Hz") meta = { "cdf_globals": cdf_globals, "detector": detector, "instrument": "FIELDS/RFS", "observatory": "PSP", "start_time": times[0], "end_time": times[-1], "wavelength": a.Wavelength(freqs.min(), freqs.max()), "times": times, "freqs": freqs, } return data, meta elif "SOLO" in cdf_globals.get("Project", "")[0]: if "RPW-HFR-SURV" not in cdf_globals.get("Descriptor", "")[0]: raise ValueError( f"Currently radiospectra supports Level 2 HFR survey data the file" f'{} is {cdf_globals.get("Descriptor", "")}' ) # FREQUENCY_BAND_LABELS = ["HF1", "HF2"] # SURVEY_MODE_LABELS = ["SURVEY_NORMAL", "SURVEY_BURST"] # CHANNEL_LABELS = ["1", "2"] SENSOR_MAPPING = { 1: "V1", 2: "V2", 3: "V3", 4: "V1-V2", 5: "V2-V3", 6: "V3-V1", 7: "B_MF", 9: "HF_V1-V2", 10: "HF_V2-V3", 11: "HF_V3-V1", } # Extract variables all_times = Time("J2000.0") + cdf.varget("EPOCH") * u.Unit(cdf.varattsget("EPOCH")["UNITS"]) all_freqs = cdf.varget("FREQUENCY") << u.Unit(cdf.varattsget("FREQUENCY")["UNITS"]) sweep_start_indices = np.asarray(np.diff(cdf.varget("SWEEP_NUM")) != 0).nonzero() sweep_start_indices = np.insert((sweep_start_indices[0] + 1), 0, 0) times = all_times[sweep_start_indices] sensor = cdf.varget("SENSOR_CONFIG") np.unique(cdf.varget("FREQUENCY")) band = cdf.varget("HFR_BAND") u.Unit(cdf.varattsget("AGC1").get("UNIT", "V^2/Hz")) agc1 = cdf.varget("AGC1") agc2 = cdf.varget("AGC2") # Define number of records n_rec = band.shape[0] # Get Epoch times of first sample of each sweep in the file sweep_times = times nt = len(sweep_times) # Get complete list of HFR frequency values hfr_frequency = 375 + 50 * np.arange(321) # This is a guess something between 320 and 324 nf = len(hfr_frequency) # Initialize output 2D array containing voltage spectral power values in V^2/Hz # Dims = (channels[2], time of the first sweep sample[len(time)], frequency[192]) specs = np.empty((2, nt, nf)) # Fill 2D array with NaN for HRF frequencies not actually measured in the file specs[:] = np.nan # Get list of first index of sweeps isweep = sweep_start_indices[:] # Get number of sweeps n_sweeps = len(isweep) # Insert an element in the end of the isweep list # containing the end of the latest sweep # (required for the loop below, in order to have # a start/end index range for each sweep) isweep = np.insert(isweep, n_sweeps, n_rec) # Initialize sensor_config sensor_config = np.zeros((2, nt), dtype=object) tm = [] # Perform a loop on each sweep for i in range(n_sweeps): # Get first and last index of the sweep i0 = isweep[i] i1 = isweep[i + 1] ts = all_times[i0] te = all_times[i1 - 1] tt = (te - ts) * 0.5 + ts tm.append(tt) # Get indices of the actual frequency channels in the frequency vector freq_indices = ((all_freqs[i0:i1].value - 375) / 50).astype(int) # fill output 2D array specs[0, i, freq_indices] = agc1[i0:i1] specs[1, i, freq_indices] = agc2[i0:i1] # Fill sensor config sensor_config[0, i] = SENSOR_MAPPING[sensor[i0, 0]] sensor_config[1, i] = SENSOR_MAPPING[sensor[i0, 1]] # Define hfr bands hfc = np.array(["HF1", "HF2"]) hfr_bands = hfc[band[:100] - 1] hfr_frequency = hfr_frequency << u.kHz res = [] if np.any(agc1): meta1 = { "cdf_globals": cdf_globals, "detector": "RPW-AGC1", "instrument": "RPW", "observatory": "SOLO", "start_time": times[0], "end_time": times[-1], "wavelength": a.Wavelength(hfr_frequency.min(), hfr_frequency.max()), "times": times, "freqs": hfr_frequency, } res.append((specs[0].T, meta1)) if np.any(agc2): meta2 = { "cdf_globals": cdf_globals, "detector": "RPW-AGC2", "instrument": "RPW", "observatory": "SOLO", "start_time": times[0], "end_time": times[-1], "wavelength": a.Wavelength(hfr_frequency.min(), hfr_frequency.max()), "times": times, "freqs": hfr_frequency, } res.append((specs[1].T, meta2)) return res @staticmethod def _read_fits(file): hd_pairs = if "e-CALLISTO" in hd_pairs[0].header.get("CONTENT", ""): data = hd_pairs[0].data times = hd_pairs[1].data["TIME"].flatten() * u.s freqs = hd_pairs[1].data["FREQUENCY"].flatten() * u.MHz start_time = parse_time(hd_pairs[0].header["DATE-OBS"] + " " + hd_pairs[0].header["TIME-OBS"]) try: end_time = parse_time(hd_pairs[0].header["DATE-END"] + " " + hd_pairs[0].header["TIME-END"]) except ValueError: # See time_comps = hd_pairs[0].header["TIME-END"].split(":") time_comps[0] = "00" fixed_time = ":".join(time_comps) date_offset = parse_time(hd_pairs[0].header["DATE-END"] + " " + fixed_time) end_time = date_offset + 1 * times = start_time + times meta = { "fits_meta": hd_pairs[0].header, "detector": "e-CALLISTO", "instrument": "e-CALLISTO", "observatory": hd_pairs[0].header["INSTRUME"], "start_time": start_time, "end_time": end_time, "wavelength": a.Wavelength(freqs.min(), freqs.max()), "times": times, "freqs": freqs, } return data, meta elif hd_pairs[0].header.get("TELESCOP", "") == "EOVSA": times = Time(hd_pairs[2].data["mjd"] + hd_pairs[2].data["time"] / 1000.0 / 86400.0, format="mjd") freqs = hd_pairs[1].data["sfreq"] * u.GHz data = hd_pairs[0].data start_time = parse_time(hd_pairs[0].header["DATE_OBS"]) end_time = parse_time(hd_pairs[0].header["DATE_END"]) meta = { "fits_meta": hd_pairs[0].header, "detector": "EOVSA", "instrument": "EOVSA", "observatory": "Owens Valley", "start_time": start_time, "end_time": end_time, "wavelength": a.Wavelength(freqs.min(), freqs.max()), "times": times, "freqs": freqs, } return data, meta # Semi standard - spec in primary and time and freq in 1st extension try: data = hd_pairs[0].data times = hd_pairs[1].data["TIME"].flatten() * u.s freqs = hd_pairs[1].data["FREQUENCY"].flatten() * u.MHz start_time = parse_time(hd_pairs[0].header["DATE-OBS"] + " " + hd_pairs[0].header["TIME-OBS"]) end_time = parse_time(hd_pairs[0].header["DATE-END"] + " " + hd_pairs[0].header["TIME-END"]) times = start_time + times meta = { "fits_meta": hd_pairs[0].header, "start_time": start_time, "end_time": end_time, "wavelength": a.Wavelength(freqs.min(), freqs.max()), "times": times, "freqs": freqs, "instrument": hd_pairs[0].header.get("INSTRUME", ""), "observatory": hd_pairs[0].header.get("INSTRUME", ""), "detector": hd_pairs[0].header.get("DETECTOR", ""), } if "e-CALLISTO" in hd_pairs[0].header["CONTENT"]: meta["detector"] = "e-CALLISTO" meta["instrument"] = "e-CALLISTO" return data, meta except Exception as e: raise ValueError(f"Could not load fits file: {file} into Spectrogram.") from e @staticmethod def _read_idl_sav(file, instrument=None): data = readsav(file) if instrument == "waves": # See data_array = data["arrayb"] # frequency range if file.suffix == ".R1": freqs = np.linspace(20, 1040, 256) * u.kHz receiver = "RAD1" elif file.suffix == ".R2": freqs = np.linspace(1.075, 13.825, 256) * u.MHz receiver = "RAD2" else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown WIND/WAVES file type: {file.suffix}") # bg which is already subtracted from data ? bg = data_array[:, -1] data = data_array[:, :-1] start_time = Time.strptime(file.stem, "%Y%m%d") end_time = start_time + 86399 * u.s times = start_time + (np.arange(1440) * 60 + 30) * u.s meta = { "instrument": "WAVES", "observatory": "WIND", "start_time": start_time, "end_time": end_time, "wavelength": a.Wavelength(freqs[0], freqs[-1]), "detector": receiver, "freqs": freqs, "times": times, "background": bg, } return data, meta else: raise ValueError(f"Unrecognized IDL .sav file: {file}")
Spectrogram = SpectrogramFactory(registry=GenericSpectrogram._registry, default_widget_type=GenericSpectrogram)