Source code for sunraster.instr.spice

import copy
import numbers
import textwrap

import astropy.units as u
import numpy as np
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from import fits
from astropy.time import Time
from astropy.wcs import WCS
from ndcube import NDCollection

from sunraster import RasterSequence, SpectrogramCube, SpectrogramSequence
from sunraster.meta import Meta, SlitSpectrographMetaABC

__all__ = ["read_spice_l2_fits", "SPICEMeta"]


[docs] def read_spice_l2_fits(filenames, windows=None, memmap=True, read_dumbbells=False): """ Read SPICE level 2 FITS file. Parameters ---------- filenames: iterable of `str` The name(s), including path, of the SPICE FITS file(s) to read. windows: iterable of `str` The names of the windows to read. All windows must of the same type: dumbbell and regular. Default=None implies all narrow-slit or dumbbell windows read out depending on value of read_dumbells kwarg. See below. memmap: `bool` If True, FITS file is reading with memory mapping. read_dumbbells: `bool` Defines whether dumbbell or regular windows are returned. If True, returns the dumbbell windows. If False, returns regular windows. Default=False Ignored if windows kwarg is set. Returns ------- output: `ndcube.NDCollection` or `sunraster.SpectrogramCube`, `sunraster.RasterSequence`, `sunraster.SpectrogramSequence` A collection of spectrogram/raster cubes/sequences, one for each window. If only one window present or requested, a single spectrogram cube or sequence is returned. """ # Sanitize inputs. if isinstance(filenames, str): filenames = [filenames] # Read first file. first_cubes = _read_single_spice_l2_fits( filenames[0], windows=windows, memmap=memmap, read_dumbbells=read_dumbbells ) # Derive information for consistency checks between files and read subsequent files. if len(filenames) > 1: # Wrap windows from first file in lists # so windows from other files can be appended. cube_lists = dict([(key, [value]) for key, value in first_cubes.items()]) # Get info from first file for consistency checks between files. first_meta = _get_meta_from_last_added(cube_lists) first_obs_id = _get_obsid(first_meta) if windows is None: windows = list(cube_lists.keys()) # Read subsequent files and append output to relevant window in cube_lists. for i, filename in enumerate(filenames[1:]): try: cube_lists = _read_single_spice_l2_fits( filename, windows=windows, memmap=memmap, read_dumbbells=read_dumbbells, output=cube_lists, spice_id=first_obs_id, ) except ValueError as err: err_message = err.args[0] if INCORRECT_OBSID_MESSAGE in err_message: this_obs_id = err_message.split()[-1] raise ValueError( "All files must correspond to same observing campaign/SPICE OBS ID. " f"First file SPICE OBS ID: {first_obs_id}; " f"{i+1}th file SPICE OBS ID: {this_obs_id}" ) from err # Depending on type of file, combine data from different files into # SpectrogramSequences and RasterSequences. is_raster = "ras" in first_meta.get("FILENAME") and not any( window[1].meta.contains_dumbbell for window in cube_lists.values() ) sequence_class = RasterSequence if is_raster else SpectrogramSequence window_sequences = [ (key, sequence_class([v[0] for v in value], common_axis=-1)) for key, value in cube_lists.items() ] else: # If only one file being read, leave data in SpectrogramCube objects. window_sequences = list(first_cubes.items()) if len(window_sequences) > 1: # Data should be aligned along all axes except the spectral axis. # But they should be aligned along all axes if they come from the # same spectral window, e.g. because they are dumbbell windows. first_sequence = window_sequences[0][1] first_spectral_window = first_sequence[0].meta.spectral_window if all(window[1][0].meta.spectral_window == first_spectral_window for window in window_sequences): aligned_axes = tuple(range(len(first_sequence.dimensions))) else: aligned_axes = tuple( i for i, phys_type in enumerate(first_sequence.array_axis_physical_types) if "em.wl" not in phys_type ) else: aligned_axes = None return NDCollection(window_sequences, aligned_axes=aligned_axes)
def _get_meta_from_last_added(obj): return list(obj.values())[0][-1].meta def _get_obsid(spice_meta): return spice_meta.spice_observation_id def _read_single_spice_l2_fits( filename, windows=None, memmap=True, read_dumbbells=False, output=None, spice_id=None, ): """ Read SPICE level 2 FITS file(s). Parameters ---------- filename: `str` The name, including path, of the SPICE FITS file to read. windows: iterable of `str` The names of the windows to read. All windows must of the same type: dumbbell and regular. Default=None implies all narrow-slit or dumbbell windows read out depending on value of read_dumbells kwarg. See below. memmap: `bool` If True, FITS file is reading with memory mapping. read_dumbbells: `bool` Defines whether dumbbell or regular windows are returned. If True, returns the dumbbell windows. If False, returns regular windows. Default=False Ignored if windows kwarg is set. output: `dict` of `list`s (optional) A dictionary of lists with the same keys are the windows kwarg. The output for each window will be appended to the list corresponding the window's name. spice_id: `int` (optional) If not None, file must have a SPIOBSID equal to this value. Otherwise an error is raised Returns ------- output: `dict` of `sunraster.SpectrogramCube` A collection of spectrogram cubes, one for each window. """ window_cubes = [] dumbbell_label = "DUMBBELL" excluded_labels = ["WCSDVARR"] with, memmap=memmap) as hdulist: if isinstance(spice_id, numbers.Integral) and hdulist[0].header["SPIOBSID"] != spice_id: raise ValueError(f"{INCORRECT_OBSID_MESSAGE} Expected {spice_id}. Got {hdulist[0].header['SPIOBSID']}.") # Derive names of windows to be read. if windows is None: if read_dumbbells: windows = [ hdu.header["EXTNAME"] for hdu in hdulist if ( isinstance( hdu, ( fits.hdu.image.PrimaryHDU, fits.hdu.image.ImageHDU, ), ) ) and dumbbell_label in hdu.header["EXTNAME"] ] else: windows = [ hdu.header["EXTNAME"] for hdu in hdulist if ( isinstance( hdu, ( fits.hdu.image.PrimaryHDU, fits.hdu.image.ImageHDU, ), ) ) and dumbbell_label not in hdu.header["EXTNAME"] and hdu.header["EXTNAME"] not in excluded_labels ] dumbbells_requested = [dumbbell_label in window for window in windows] if any(dumbbells_requested) and not all(dumbbells_requested): raise ValueError("Cannot read dumbbell and other window types simultaneously.") # Retrieve window names from FITS file. for hdu in hdulist: if hdu.header["EXTNAME"] in windows: # Define metadata object. meta = SPICEMeta( hdu.header, comments=_convert_fits_comments_to_key_value_pairs(hdu.header),, ) # Rename WCS time axis to time. meta.update([("CTYPE4", "TIME")]) new_header = copy.deepcopy(hdu.header) new_header["CTYPE4"] = "TIME" # Define WCS from new header wcs = WCS(new_header) # Define exposure times from metadata. exp_times = u.Quantity(np.zeros([-1]) + meta.get("XPOSURE"), unit=u.s) # Define data cube. data = spectrogram = SpectrogramCube( data=data, wcs=wcs, mask=np.isnan(data), unit=u.Unit(meta.get("BUNIT"), format="fits"), meta=meta, instrument_axes=("raster scan", "spectral", "slit", "slit step"), ) spectrogram.meta.add("exposure time", exp_times, None, 3) window_name = meta.get("EXTNAME") if output is None: window_cubes.append((window_name, spectrogram)) else: output[window_name].append(spectrogram) return dict(window_cubes) if output is None else output def _convert_fits_comments_to_key_value_pairs(fits_header): keys = np.unique(np.array(list(fits_header.keys()))) keys = keys[keys != ""] return [(key, fits_header.comments[key]) for key in keys]
[docs] class SPICEMeta(Meta, metaclass=SlitSpectrographMetaABC): # ---------- SPICE-specific convenience methods ---------- def _get_unit(self, key): if comment := self.comments.get(key): try: return [s.split("]") for s in comment.split("[")[1:]][0][:-1][0] except IndexError: pass return None def _construct_quantity(self, key): val = self.get(key) if val: val *= u.Unit(self._get_unit(key)) return val def _construct_time(self, key): val = self.get(key) scale = self._get_unit(key).lower() if val: val = Time(val, format="fits", scale=scale) return val def __str__(self): return textwrap.dedent( f"""\ SPICEMeta --------- Observatory:\t\t\t\t{self.observatory} Instrument:\t\t\t\t{self.instrument} Detector:\t\t\t\t{self.detector} Spectral Window:\t\t\t{self.spectral_window} Date:\t\t\t\t\t{self.date_reference} OBS_ID (SOC Observation ID):\t\t{self.observing_mode_id_solar_orbiter} SPIOBSID (SPICE Observation ID):\t{self.spice_observation_id} """ ) def __repr__(self): return f"{object.__repr__(self)}\n{str(self)}" # ---------- Inherited ABC properties ---------- @property def spectral_window(self): spectral_window = self.get("EXTNAME") # Remove redundant text associated with dumbbells. joiner = "_" if self.contains_dumbbell: dummy_txt = "" spectral_window = spectral_window.replace("DUMBBELL", dummy_txt) spectral_window = spectral_window.replace("UPPER", dummy_txt) spectral_window = spectral_window.replace("LOWER", dummy_txt) spectral_window = joiner.join(list(filter((dummy_txt).__ne__, spectral_window.split(joiner)))) # Remove other redundant text from window name. redundant_txt = "WINDOW" if redundant_txt in spectral_window: spectral_window = joiner.join([comp for comp in spectral_window.split(joiner) if "WINDOW" not in comp]) return spectral_window @property def detector(self): return self.get("DETECTOR") @property def instrument(self): return self.get("INSTRUME") @property def observatory(self): return self.get("OBSRVTRY") @property def processing_level(self): return self.get("LEVEL") @property def rsun_meters(self): return self._construct_quantity("RSUN_REF") @property def rsun_angular(self): return self._construct_quantity("RSUN_ARC") @property def spice_observation_id(self): return self.get("SPIOBSID") @property def observer_radial_velocity(self): return self._construct_quantity("OBS_VR") @property def distance_to_sun(self): return self._construct_quantity("DSUN_OBS") @property def date_reference(self): return self._construct_time("DATE-OBS") @property def date_start(self): return self._construct_time("DATE-BEG") @property def date_end(self): return self._construct_time("DATE-END") @property def observer_location(self): from sunpy.coordinates import HeliographicStonyhurst lon_unit = u.deg lat_unit = u.deg radius_unit = u.m lon_key = "HGLN_OBS" lat_key = "HGLT_OBS" kwargs = { "lon": u.Quantity(self.get(lon_key), unit=self._get_unit(lon_key)).to_value(lon_unit), "lat": u.Quantity(self.get(lat_key), unit=self._get_unit(lat_key)).to_value(lat_unit), "radius": self.distance_to_sun.to_value(radius_unit), "unit": (lon_unit, lat_unit, radius_unit), "frame": HeliographicStonyhurst, } return SkyCoord(obstime=self.date_reference, **kwargs) @property def version(self): return self.get("VERSION") # ---------- SPICE-specific metadata properties ---------- @property def observing_mode_id_solar_orbiter(self): return self.get("OBS_ID") @property def darkmap_subtracted_onboard(self): return bool(self.get("DARKMAP")) @property def bias_frame_subtracted_onboard(self): return bool(self.get("BLACKLEV")) @property def window_type(self): return self.get("WIN_TYPE") @property def slit_id(self): return self.get("SLIT_ID") @property def slit_width(self): return self._construct_quantity("SLIT_WID") @property def contains_dumbbell(self): return self.get("DUMBBELL") in [1, 2] @property def dumbbell_type(self): dumbbell_types = [None, "lower", "upper"] dumbbell_idx = self.get("DUMBBELL") return dumbbell_types[dumbbell_idx] @property def solar_B0(self): """ Tilt angle of solar north toward spacecraft. """ return self._construct_quantity("SOLAR_B0") @property def solar_P0(self): """ Angle from spacecraft celestial north to solar north. """ return self._construct_quantity("SOLAR_P0") @property def solar_ep(self): """ Angle from spacecraft ecliptic north to solar north angle. """ return self._construct_quantity("SOLAR_EP") @property def carrington_rotation(self): """ Carrington Rotation number of observation. """ return self.get("CAR_ROT") @property def date_start_earth(self): """ Time at which photons reaching SPICE at start time would have reach Earth. """ return self._construct_time("DATE_EAR") @property def date_start_sun(self): """ Time at which photons reaching SPICE at start time would have left Sun. The Sun is defined as the center of the Sun assuming photon was not impeded. """ return self._construct_time("DATE_SUN")