Customizing the Theme#

While all the default settings and styling for this theme are for the site, we have endeavored to make all the settings configurable.

Changing the Theme Settings#

As well as all the default configuration settings we inherit from the pydata-sphinx-theme the sunpy-sphinx-theme provides the following configuration options. All of these options should be set inside the html_theme_options dictionary in your file.


This is the root URL for all the relative links in the top navbar when sst_is_root is False. This functionality allows you to have a sphinx project where instead of linking to the absolute URL of some or all of the links in the topnav bar they are relative to that sphinx build instead.


Set this to true if you are building the project which will be deployed to sst_site_root.

If this is set to True then this sphinx build is the root of your many-sphinx trees and links in the topnav (see below) should be relative to this site and not the sst_site_root configuration variable.

Adjusting the Styling#

This theme makes some minor CSS tweaks from the pydata-sphinx-theme both to adjust the styling for SunPy’s branding and to make our customisations work. We have tried to use CSS variables to control the styling the key variables are:

--sst-header-background: var(--sst-dark-color);
--sst-header-text: var(--sst-lighter-color);
--sst-sidebar-background-color: var(--pst-color-background);

The included CSS uses “light” (light, lighter, lightest) colors for the background on the light theme and “dark” colors for the text, and the inverse on the dark theme. The bright accent color is used for some text (e.g. links) on the dark theme, and the muted variant on the light theme to increase contrast.