Source code for ndcube.tests.helpers

Helpers for testing ndcube.
import unittest
from pathlib import Path
from functools import wraps

import astropy
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mpl_animators
import numpy as np
import pytest
from astropy.wcs.wcsapi.fitswcs import SlicedFITSWCS
from astropy.wcs.wcsapi.low_level_api import BaseLowLevelWCS
from astropy.wcs.wcsapi.wrappers.sliced_wcs import sanitize_slices
from numpy.testing import assert_equal

from ndcube import NDCube, NDCubeSequence

__all__ = ['figure_test',

[docs] def get_hash_library_name(): """ Generate the hash library name for this env. """ ft2_version = f"{mpl.ft2font.__freetype_version__.replace('.', '')}" animators_version = "dev" if "dev" in mpl_animators.__version__ else mpl_animators.__version__.replace('.', '') mpl_version = "dev" if "+" in mpl.__version__ else mpl.__version__.replace('.', '') astropy_version = "dev" if "dev" in astropy.__version__ else astropy.__version__.replace('.', '') return f"figure_hashes_mpl_{mpl_version}_ft_{ft2_version}_astropy_{astropy_version}_animators_{animators_version}.json"
[docs] def figure_test(test_function): """ A decorator for a test that verifies the hash of the current figure or the returned figure, with the name of the test function as the hash identifier in the library. A PNG is also created in the 'result_image' directory, which is created on the current path. All such decorated tests are marked with ``pytest.mark.mpl_image`` for convenient filtering. """ hash_library_name = get_hash_library_name() hash_library_file = Path(__file__).parent / ".." / "visualization" / "tests" / hash_library_name @pytest.mark.remote_data @pytest.mark.mpl_image_compare(hash_library=hash_library_file.resolve(), savefig_kwargs={'metadata': {'Software': None}}, style='default') @wraps(test_function) def test_wrapper(*args, **kwargs): ret = test_function(*args, **kwargs) if ret is None: ret = plt.gcf() return ret return test_wrapper
[docs] def assert_extra_coords_equal(test_input, extra_coords): assert set(test_input.keys()) == set(extra_coords.keys()) if extra_coords._lookup_tables is None: assert test_input._lookup_tables is None for ec_idx, key in enumerate(extra_coords.keys()): test_idx = np.where(np.asarray(test_input.keys()) == key)[0][0] assert test_input.mapping[test_idx] == extra_coords.mapping[ec_idx] if extra_coords._lookup_tables is not None: test_table = test_input._lookup_tables[test_idx][1].table ec_table = extra_coords._lookup_tables[ec_idx][1].table if not isinstance(ec_table, tuple): test_table = (test_table,) ec_table = (ec_table,) for test_tab, ec_tab in zip(test_table, ec_table): if ec_tab.isscalar: assert test_tab == ec_tab else: assert all(test_tab == ec_tab) if extra_coords._wcs is None: assert test_input._wcs is None else: assert_wcs_are_equal(test_input._wcs, extra_coords._wcs)
[docs] def assert_metas_equal(test_input, expected_output): if not (test_input is None and expected_output is None): assert test_input.keys() == expected_output.keys() for key in list(test_input.keys()): assert test_input[key] == expected_output[key]
[docs] def assert_cubes_equal(test_input, expected_cube): unittest.TestCase() assert isinstance(test_input, type(expected_cube)) assert np.all(test_input.mask == expected_cube.mask) assert_wcs_are_equal(test_input.wcs, expected_cube.wcs) if test_input.uncertainty: assert test_input.uncertainty.array.shape == expected_cube.uncertainty.array.shape assert all(test_input.dimensions.value == expected_cube.dimensions.value) assert test_input.dimensions.unit == expected_cube.dimensions.unit if type(test_input.extra_coords) is not type(expected_cube.extra_coords): raise AssertionError("NDCube extra_coords not of same type: {0} != {1}".format( type(test_input.extra_coords), type(expected_cube.extra_coords))) if test_input.extra_coords is not None: assert_extra_coords_equal(test_input.extra_coords, expected_cube.extra_coords)
[docs] def assert_cubesequences_equal(test_input, expected_sequence): assert isinstance(test_input, type(expected_sequence)) assert_metas_equal(test_input.meta, expected_sequence.meta) assert test_input._common_axis == expected_sequence._common_axis for i, cube in enumerate( assert_cubes_equal(cube,[i])
[docs] def assert_wcs_are_equal(wcs1, wcs2): """ Assert function for testing two wcs object. Used in testing NDCube. Also checks if both the wcs objects are instance of `~astropy.wcs.wcsapi.SlicedLowLevelWCS`. """ if not isinstance(wcs1, BaseLowLevelWCS): wcs1 = wcs1.low_level_wcs if not isinstance(wcs2, BaseLowLevelWCS): wcs2 = wcs2.low_level_wcs # Check the APE14 attributes of both the WCS assert wcs1.pixel_n_dim == wcs2.pixel_n_dim assert wcs1.world_n_dim == wcs2.world_n_dim assert wcs1.array_shape == wcs2.array_shape assert wcs1.pixel_shape == wcs2.pixel_shape assert wcs1.world_axis_physical_types == wcs2.world_axis_physical_types assert wcs1.world_axis_units == wcs2.world_axis_units assert_equal(wcs1.axis_correlation_matrix, wcs2.axis_correlation_matrix) assert wcs1.pixel_bounds == wcs2.pixel_bounds
def create_sliced_wcs(wcs, item, dim): """ Creates a sliced `SlicedFITSWCS` object from the given slice item """ # Sanitize the slices item = sanitize_slices(item, dim) return SlicedFITSWCS(wcs, item) def assert_collections_equal(collection1, collection2): assert collection1.keys() == collection2.keys() assert collection1.aligned_axes == collection2.aligned_axes for cube1, cube2 in zip(collection1.values(), collection2.values()): # Check cubes are same type. assert type(cube1) is type(cube2) if isinstance(cube1, NDCube): assert_cubes_equal(cube1, cube2) elif isinstance(cube1, NDCubeSequence): assert_cubesequences_equal(cube1, cube2) else: raise TypeError("Unsupported Type in NDCollection: {0}".format(type(cube1)))