Source code for mpl_animators.line

import numpy as np

from .base import ArrayAnimator, edges_to_centers_nd

__all__ = ['LineAnimator']

[docs] class LineAnimator(ArrayAnimator): """ Create a matplotlib backend independent data explorer for 1D plots. The following keyboard shortcuts are defined in the viewer: * 'left': previous step on active slider. * 'right': next step on active slider. * 'top': change the active slider up one. * 'bottom': change the active slider down one. * 'p': play/pause active slider. This viewer can have user defined buttons added by specifying the labels and functions called when those buttons are clicked as keyword arguments. Parameters ---------- data: `numpy.ndarray` The y-axis to be visualized. plot_axis_index: `int`, optional The axis used to plot against ``data``. Defaults to ``-1``, i.e., the last dimension of the array. axis_ranges: `list` of physical coordinates for the `numpy.ndarray`, optional Defaults to `None` and array indices will be used for all axes. The `list` should contain one element for each axis of the `numpy.ndarray`. For the image axes a ``[min, max]`` pair should be specified which will be passed to `matplotlib.pyplot.imshow` as an extent. For the slider axes a ``[min, max]`` pair can be specified or an array the same length as the axis which will provide all values for that slider. For more information, see the Notes section of this docstring. xlabel: `str`, optional Label of x-axis. Defaults to `None`. ylabel: `str`, optional Label of y-axis. Defaults to `None`. xlim: `tuple`, optional Limits of x-axis of plot. Defaults to `None`. ylim: `tuple`, optional Limits of y-axis of plot. Defaults to `None`. Notes ----- Additional information on API of ``axes_ranges`` keyword argument. #. x-axis values must be supplied (if desired) as an array in the element of the ``axis_ranges`` `list` corresponding to the ``plot_axis_index ``in the data array, i.e., ``x_axis_values == axis_ranges[plot_axis_index]`` #. The x-axis values represent the edges of the pixels/bins along the plotted axis, not the centers. Therefore there must be 1 more x-axis value than there are data points along the x-axis. #. The shape of the x-axis values array can take two forms. a) First, it can have a length 1 greater than the length of the data array along the dimension corresponding to the x-axis, i.e., ``len(axis_ranges[plot_axis_index]) == len(data[plot_axis_index])+1``. In this scenario the same x-axis values are used in every frame of the animation. b) Second, the x-axis array can have the same shape as the data array, with the exception of the plotted axis which, as above, must be 1 greater than the length of the data array along that dimension. In this scenario the x-axis is refreshed for each frame. For example, if ``data.shape == axis_ranges[plot_axis_index].shape == (4, 3)``, where ``plot_axis_index == 0``, the 0th frame of the animation will show data from ``data[:, 0]`` with the x-axis described by ``axis_ranges[plot_axis_index][:, 0]``, while the 1st frame will show data from ``data[:, 1]`` with the x-axis described by ``axis_ranges[plot_axis_index][:, 1]``. #. This API holds for slider axes. Extra keywords are passed to `~sunpy.visualization.animator.ArrayAnimator`. """ def __init__(self, data, plot_axis_index=-1, axis_ranges=None, ylabel=None, xlabel=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, aspect='auto', **kwargs): # Check inputs. self.plot_axis_index = int(plot_axis_index) if self.plot_axis_index not in range(-data.ndim, data.ndim): raise ValueError("plot_axis_index must be within range of number of data dimensions" " (or equivalent negative indices).") if data.ndim < 2: raise ValueError("data must have at least two dimensions. One for data " "for each single plot and at least one for time/iteration.") # Define number of slider axes. self.naxis = data.ndim self.num_sliders = self.naxis - 1 # Attach data to class. if axis_ranges is not None and all(axis_range is None for axis_range in axis_ranges): axis_ranges = None if axis_ranges is None or axis_ranges[self.plot_axis_index] is None: self.xdata = np.arange(data.shape[self.plot_axis_index]) # Else derive the xdata as pixel centers from the pixel edges supplied by # the user in axis_ranges[plot_axis_index] else: # If the shape of the array is a 1D array, get the centers about axis=0 if np.asarray(axis_ranges[self.plot_axis_index]).ndim == 1: self.xdata = edges_to_centers_nd(np.asarray(axis_ranges[self.plot_axis_index]), 0) # Else derive the xdata as pixel centers from the pixel edges supplied by # the user in axis_ranges[plot_axis_index] along axis=plot_axis_index else: self.xdata = edges_to_centers_nd(np.asarray(axis_ranges[self.plot_axis_index]), plot_axis_index) if ylim is None: ylim = (np.nanmin(data), np.nanmax(data)) if xlim is None: xlim = (np.nanmin(self.xdata), np.nanmax(self.xdata)) self.ylim = ylim self.xlim = xlim self.xlabel = xlabel self.ylabel = ylabel self.aspect = aspect # Run init for base class super().__init__(data, image_axes=[self.plot_axis_index], axis_ranges=axis_ranges, **kwargs)
[docs] def plot_start_image(self, ax): """ Sets up a plot of initial image. """ ax.set_xlim(self.xlim) ax.set_ylim(self.ylim) ax.set_aspect(self.aspect, adjustable='datalim') if self.xlabel is not None: ax.set_xlabel(self.xlabel) if self.ylabel is not None: ax.set_ylabel(self.ylabel) plot_args = {} plot_args.update(self.imshow_kwargs) if self.xdata.shape == item = [0] * item[self.plot_axis_index] = slice(None) xdata = np.squeeze(self.xdata[tuple(item)]) else: xdata = self.xdata line, = ax.plot(xdata,[self.frame_index], **plot_args) return line
[docs] def update_plot(self, val, line, slider): """ Updates plot based on slider/array dimension being iterated. """ val = int(val) ax_ind = self.slider_axes[slider.slider_ind] self.frame_slice[ax_ind] = val if val != slider.cval: line.set_ydata([self.frame_index]) if self.xdata.shape == item = [int(slid._slider.val) for slid in self.sliders] item[ax_ind] = val if self.plot_axis_index < 0: i = + self.plot_axis_index else: i = self.plot_axis_index item.insert(i, slice(None)) line.set_xdata(self.xdata[tuple(item)]) slider.cval = val # Update slider label to reflect real world values in axis_ranges. super().update_plot(val, line, slider)