Source code for drms.utils

import re

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from packaging.version import Version

__all__ = ["to_datetime"]

PD_VERSION = Version(pd.__version__)

def _pd_to_datetime_coerce(arg):
    if PD_VERSION >= Version("2.0.0"):
        return pd.to_datetime(arg, errors="coerce", format="mixed", dayfirst=False)
    return pd.to_datetime(arg, errors="coerce")

def _pd_to_numeric_coerce(arg):
    return pd.to_numeric(arg, errors="coerce")

def _split_arg(arg):
    Split a comma-separated string into a list.
    if isinstance(arg, str):
        return [it for it in re.split(r"[\s,]+", arg) if it]
    return arg

def _extract_series_name(ds):
    Extract series name from record set.
    m = re.match(r"^\s*([\w\.]+).*$", ds)
    return if m is not None else None

[docs] def to_datetime(tstr, *, force=False): """ Parse JSOC time strings. In general, this is quite complicated, because of the many different (non-standard) time strings supported by the DRMS. For more (much more!) details on this matter, see `Rick Bogart's notes <>`__. The current implementation only tries to convert typical HMI time strings, with a format like "%Y.%m.%d_%H:%M:%S_TAI", to an ISO time string, that is then parsed by pandas. Note that "_TAI", as well as other timezone identifiers like "Z", will not be taken into account, so the result will be a naive timestamp without any associated timezone. If you know the time string format, it might be better calling pandas.to_datetime() directly. For handling TAI timestamps, e.g. converting between TAI and UTC, the astropy.time package can be used. Parameters ---------- tstr : str or List[str] or pandas.Series Datetime strings. force : bool Set to True to omit the ``endswith('_TAI')`` check. Returns ------- result : pandas.Series or pandas.Timestamp Pandas series or a single Timestamp object. """ date = pd.Series(tstr, dtype=object).astype(str) if force or date.str.endswith("_TAI").any(): date = date.str.replace("_TAI", "") date = date.str.replace("_", " ") if PD_VERSION >= Version("2.0.0"): regex = False else: regex = True date = date.str.replace(".", "-", regex=regex, n=2) res = _pd_to_datetime_coerce(date) res = res.dt.tz_localize(None) return res.iloc[0] if (len(res) == 1) and np.isscalar(tstr) else res