Source code for sunpy.util.sphinx.generate

import os
import sys
from io import StringIO

from docutils import nodes
from docutils.parsers.rst import Directive, directives

__all__ = ['Generate']

[docs] class Generate(Directive): """ Custom directive to include raw output generated using supplied Python code This directive is similar to the ``raw`` directive, except that the raw content is generated instead of statically provided. As with the ``raw`` directive, the required argument specifies the format of the output (e.g., ``html`` or ``latex``). The optional flag ``html_border`` surrounds HTML output with a black border for visual separation. """ required_arguments = 1 optional_arguments = 0 option_spec = {'html_border': directives.flag} has_content = True
[docs] def run(self): # Respect the same disabling options as the ``raw`` directive if (not self.state.document.settings.raw_enabled or not self.state.document.settings.file_insertion_enabled): raise self.warning(f'"{}" directive disabled.') attributes = {'format': ' '.join(self.arguments[0].lower().split())} source, lineno = self.state_machine.get_source_and_line(self.lineno) old_stdout, sys.stdout = sys.stdout, StringIO() try: # Execute the Python code and capture its output exec('\n'.join(self.content)) text = sys.stdout.getvalue() # Wrap HTML output in a black border if requested if attributes['format'] == 'html' and 'html_border' in self.options: text = f"<div style='border:1px solid black; padding:3px'>{text}</div>" # Append the output in the same fashion as the ``raw`` directive raw_node = nodes.raw('', text, **attributes) raw_node.source, raw_node.line = source, lineno return [raw_node] except Exception as e: message = f"Unable to execute Python code at {os.path.basename(source)}:{lineno}" return [nodes.error(None, nodes.paragraph(text=message)), nodes.paragraph(text=str(e))] finally: sys.stdout = old_stdout
def setup(app): app.add_directive('generate', Generate) return {'parallel_read_safe': True, 'parallel_write_safe': True}