Source code for sunpy.timeseries.metadata

This module provides metadata support for `~sunpy.timeseries.TimeSeries`.
import copy
import itertools
from import Iterable

from sunpy.time import TimeRange, parse_time
from sunpy.time.time import _variables_for_parse_time_docstring
from sunpy.util.decorators import add_common_docstring
from sunpy.util.exceptions import warn_user
from sunpy.util.metadata import MetaDict

__all__ = ["TimeSeriesMetaData"]

[docs] class TimeSeriesMetaData: """ Used to store metadata for `~sunpy.timeseries.TimeSeries` that enables multiple `sunpy.timeseries.TimeSeries` metadata to be concatenated in an organized fashion. Possible signatures:: TimeSeriesMetaData(meta=dict, timerange=TimeRange, colnames=list) TimeSeriesMetaData(meta=tuple) TimeSeriesMetaData(meta=list(tuples)) TimeSeriesMetaData(timerange=TimeRange) TimeSeriesMetaData(timerange=TimeRange, colnames=list) Parameters ---------- meta : `dict`, `~sunpy.util.MetaDict`, `tuple`, `list` The metadata giving details about the time series data/instrument. Defaults to `None`. timerange : `~sunpy.time.TimeRange` A `~sunpy.time.TimeRange` representing the timespan of the data. Defaults to `None`. colnames : `list` Column names. Defaults to `None`. Attributes ---------- metadata : `list` of `tuple` The list of 3-tuples which each represent a source files metadata. The tuples consist of: ``(TimeRange, [colnames], MetaDict(metadata))``. Examples -------- >>> from sunpy.timeseries import TimeSeriesMetaData >>> from sunpy.time import TimeRange, parse_time >>> from sunpy.util import MetaDict >>> tr = TimeRange('2012-06-01 00:00','2012-06-02 00:00') >>> md = TimeSeriesMetaData(timerange=tr, colnames=['GOES'], ... meta=MetaDict([('goes_key','goes_val')])) >>> tr2 = TimeRange('2012-06-01 12:00','2012-06-02 12:00') >>> md.append(tr2, ['EVE'], MetaDict([('eve_key','eve_val')])) >>> md.find(parse_time('2012-06-01T21:08:12')) |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |TimeRange | Columns | Meta | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |2012-06-01T00:00:00.000 | GOES | goes_key: goes_val | | to | | | |2012-06-02T00:00:00.000 | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |2012-06-01T12:00:00.000 | EVE | eve_key: eve_val | | to | | | |2012-06-02T12:00:00.000 | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| <BLANKLINE> >>> md.find(parse_time('2012-06-01T21:08:12')).columns ['EVE', 'GOES'] >>> md.find(parse_time('2012-06-01T21:08:12')).values() ['eve_val', 'goes_val'] >>> md.find(parse_time('2012-06-01T21:08:12')).metas [MetaDict([('goes_key': 'goes_val')]), MetaDict([('eve_key': 'eve_val')])] >>> md.find(parse_time('2012-06-01T21:08:12'), 'GOES') |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |TimeRange | Columns | Meta | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |2012-06-01T00:00:00.000 | GOES | goes_key: goes_val | | to | | | |2012-06-02T00:00:00.000 | | | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| """ def __init__(self, meta=None, timerange=None, colnames=None): self.metadata = [] # Parse in arguments if meta is not None: if (isinstance(meta, (dict, MetaDict)) and isinstance(timerange, TimeRange) and isinstance(colnames, list)): # Given a single metadata entry as a dictionary with additional timerange and colnames. self.metadata.append((timerange, colnames, meta)) elif isinstance(meta, tuple): # Given a single metadata entry as a tuple. if isinstance(meta[0], TimeRange) and isinstance(meta[1], list) and isinstance(meta[2], (dict, MetaDict)): self.metadata.append(meta) else: raise ValueError("Invalid parameters passed in the meta") elif isinstance(meta, list): # Given a complex metadata list (of tuples) for meta_tuple in meta: if isinstance(meta_tuple[0], TimeRange) and isinstance(meta_tuple[1], list) and isinstance(meta_tuple[2], (dict, MetaDict)): self.metadata.append(meta_tuple) else: raise ValueError("Invalid parameters passed in the meta") else: # In the event no metadata dictionary is sent we default to something usable if isinstance(timerange, TimeRange): if isinstance(colnames, list): self.metadata.append((timerange, colnames, MetaDict())) else: self.metadata.append((timerange, [], MetaDict())) warn_user("No time range given for metadata. " "This will mean the metadata can't be linked " "to columns in data.") else: raise ValueError("You cannot create a TimeSeriesMetaData " "object without specifying a TimeRange") def __eq__(self, other): """ Checks to see if two `~sunpy.timeseries.TimeSeriesMetaData` are the same, they have the same entries in the same order. Parameters ---------- other : `~sunpy.timeseries.metadata.TimeSeriesMetaData` The second `~sunpy.timeseries.metadata.TimeSeriesMetaData` to compare with. Returns ------- `bool` """ match = True if len(self.metadata) == len(other.metadata): for i in range(0, len(self.metadata)): if self.metadata[i] != other.metadata[i]: match = False else: match = False return match def __ne__(self, other): """ Checks to see if two `~sunpy.timeseries.TimeSeriesMetaData` are the not the same, they don't have same entries in the same order. Parameters ---------- other : `~sunpy.timeseries.TimeSeriesMetaData` The second `~sunpy.timeseries.TimeSeriesMetaData` to compare with. Returns ------- `bool` """ return not self == other
[docs] def append(self, timerange, columns, metadata, **kwargs): """ Add the given metadata into the current metadata. Will add the new entry so the list is in chronological order. Parameters ---------- timerange : `~sunpy.time.TimeRange` The timerange for which a given metadict is relevant. This will generally initially be the full range of the original file, but if the TimeSeries gets truncated this may change appropriately. columns : `list` A list of the column name strings that the metadata is relevant for. metadata : `~sunpy.util.metadata.MetaDict` or `collections.OrderedDict` or `dict` The object holding the metadata. """ # Parameters metadata = MetaDict(metadata) # Check the types are correct. pos = 0 if isinstance(timerange, TimeRange): for i, meta in enumerate(self.metadata): if timerange.start > meta[0].start: pos = i + 1 else: raise ValueError('Incorrect datatime or data for append to TimeSeriesMetaData.') # Prepare tuple to append. new_metadata = (timerange, columns, metadata) # Check this isn't a duplicate entry (same TR and comnames) duplicate = False if pos < len(self.metadata): old_metadata = self.metadata[pos] if (new_metadata[0] == old_metadata[0]) and (new_metadata[1] == old_metadata[1]): duplicate = True # Insert into the given position if not duplicate: self.metadata.insert(pos, new_metadata)
[docs] @add_common_docstring(**_variables_for_parse_time_docstring()) def find_indices(self, time=None, colname=None): """ Find the indices for all the metadata entries matching the given filters. Will return all metadata entry indices if no filters are given. Parameters ---------- time : {parse_time_types}, optional A `~sunpy.time.parse_time` parsable string that you need metadata for. Defaults to `None`. colname : `str`, optional A string that can be used to narrow results to specific columns. Defaults to `None`. Returns ------- `list` A list of integers that contain all matching metadata. """ # Parameters dt = time if not dt: dt = False elif isinstance(dt, str): dt = parse_time(dt) # Find all results with suitable timerange. results_indices = [] for i, meta in enumerate(self.metadata): if (not dt) or dt in meta[0]: results_indices.append(i) # Filter out only those with the correct column. results = [] for i in results_indices: if (colname in self.metadata[i][1]) or (not colname): results.append(i) return results
[docs] @add_common_docstring(**_variables_for_parse_time_docstring()) def find(self, time=None, colname=None): """ Find all metadata matching the given filters. Will return all metadata entries if no filters are given. Parameters ---------- time : {parse_time_types}, optional A `~sunpy.time.parse_time` parsable string that you need metadata for. Defaults to `None`. colname : `str`, optional A string that can be used to narrow results to specific columns. Defaults to `None`. Returns ------- `~sunpy.timeseries.metadata.TimeSeriesMetaData` A `~sunpy.timeseries.metadata.TimeSeriesMetaData` that contain all matching metadata entries. """ # Get the indices indices = self.find_indices(time=time, colname=colname) # Extract the relevant metadata entries metadata = [] for i in indices: metadata.append(copy.copy(self.metadata[i])) # Return a TimeSeriesMetaData object return TimeSeriesMetaData(meta=metadata)
[docs] def get_index(self, index): """ Return the dictionary entry at the given index. Parameters ---------- index : `int` The integer index of the metadata entry in the list. Returns ------- `~sunpy.util.metadata.MetaDict` An ordered Dictionary containing the metadata at the given index. """ return self.metadata[index][2]
[docs] @add_common_docstring(**_variables_for_parse_time_docstring()) def get(self, keys, time=None, colname=None): """ Return a `~sunpy.timeseries.metadata.TimeSeriesMetaData` with all entries matching the filters which also contain the given input key. Parameters ---------- keys : `str` The Key/s to be searched in the dictionary. time : {parse_time_types}, optional A `~sunpy.time.parse_time` parsable string that you need metadata for. Defaults to `None`. colname : `str`, optional A string that can be used to narrow results to specific columns. Returns ------- metadata : `~sunpy.timeseries.metadata.TimeSeriesMetaData` A TimeSeriesMetaData that contain all matching metadata entries but with only the requested key/value pairs in the MetaDict objects. """ # Make a list of keys if only one is given if isinstance(keys, str): keys = [keys] # Find all metadata entries for the given time/colname filters full_metadata = self.find(time=time, colname=colname) metadata = [] # Append to metadata only key:value pairs with requested keys for i, entry in enumerate(full_metadata.metadata): metadict = MetaDict() for curkey, value in entry[2].items(): for key in keys: if curkey.lower() == key.lower(): metadict.update({key: value}) metadata.append((entry[0], entry[1], metadict)) # Return a TimeSeriesMetaData object return TimeSeriesMetaData(meta=metadata)
[docs] def concatenate(self, others): """ Combine the metadata from a `~sunpy.timeseries.TimeSeriesMetaData` or an iterable containing multiple `~sunpy.timeseries.TimeSeriesMetaData` with the current `~sunpy.timeseries.TimeSeriesMetaData` and return it as a new `~sunpy.timeseries.TimeSeriesMetaData`. Parameters ---------- others : `~sunpy.timeseries.TimeSeriesMetaData` or `` The second `~sunpy.timeseries.metadata.TimeSeriesMetaData` object or an iterable containing multiple `~sunpy.timeseries.metadata.TimeSeriesMetaData` objects. """ # If an individual TimeSeriesMetaData object is to be concatenated, wrap it in a list # Else if it is an iterable, check if all items within it are valid # Else, data provided is invalid if isinstance(others, self.__class__): others = [others] elif isinstance(others, Iterable): if not all(isinstance(series, self.__class__) for series in others): raise TypeError("Invalid type within iterable. Iterable must only contain " "TimeSeriesMetaData objects.") else: raise TypeError(f"Invalid type provided: {type(others)}. " "Please provide a TimeSeriesMetaData object or " "an iterable containing TimeSeriesMetaData objects.") # Create a copy of the metadata meta = TimeSeriesMetaData(copy.copy(self.metadata)) # Append each metadata entry of each TimeSeriesMetaData object from the iterable # to the original TimeSeriesMetaData object. for series in others: for entry in series.metadata: meta.append(entry[0], entry[1], entry[2]) return meta
[docs] @add_common_docstring(**_variables_for_parse_time_docstring()) def update(self, dictionary, time=None, colname=None, overwrite=False): """ Updates the `~sunpy.timeseries.TimeSeriesMetaData` for all matching metadata entries. Parameters ---------- dictionary : `dict`, `collections.OrderedDict`, `~sunpy.util.metadata.MetaDict` The second `~sunpy.timeseries.TimeSeriesMetaData` object. time : {parse_time_types}, optional A `~sunpy.time.parse_time` parsable string that you need metadata for. Defaults to `None`. colname : `str`, optional A string that can be used to narrow results to specific columns. Defaults to `None`. overwrite : `bool`, optional Allows the user to overwrite already present keys. Defaults to `False` """ # Find all matching metadata entries indices = self.find_indices(time=time, colname=colname) # Now update each matching entries for i in indices: # Separate keys for new and current pairs old_keys = set(dictionary.keys()) old_keys.intersection_update(set(self.metadata[i][2].keys())) new_keys = set(dictionary.keys()) new_keys.difference_update(old_keys) # Old keys only overwritten if allowed for key in (self.metadata[i][2].keys()): if key in old_keys and overwrite: self.metadata[i][2][key] = dictionary[key] for key in dictionary: if key in new_keys: self.metadata[i][2][key] = dictionary[key]
def _truncate(self, timerange): """ Removes metadata entries outside of the new (truncated) `sunpy.time.TimeRange`. Also adjusts start and end times of time ranges going outside of the truncated time range. Parameters ---------- timerange : `sunpy.time.TimeRange` The time range to truncate to. """ truncated = [] for metatuple in self.metadata: # Get metadata time range parameters start = metatuple[0].start end = metatuple[0].end out_of_range = False # Find truncations if start < timerange.start and end > timerange.start: # Truncate the start start = timerange.start elif start > timerange.end: # Metadata time range starts after truncated data ends. out_of_range = True if end > timerange.end and start < timerange.end: # Truncate the end end = timerange.end elif end < timerange.start: # Metadata time range finishes before truncated data starts. out_of_range = True # Add the values if applicable if not out_of_range: truncated.append((TimeRange(start, end), metatuple[1], metatuple[2])) # Update the original list self.metadata = truncated @property def columns(self): """ Returns a list of all the names of the columns in the metadata. """ all_cols = set() for metatuple in self.metadata: all_cols.update(metatuple[1]) all_cols = sorted(all_cols) return all_cols @property def metas(self): """ Returns a list of all the metadict objects in the `~sunpy.timeseries.TimeSeriesMetaData`. """ all_metas = [] for metatuple in self.metadata: all_metas.append(metatuple[2]) return all_metas @property def timeranges(self): """ Returns a list of all the `~sunpy.time.TimeRange` in the `~sunpy.timeseries.TimeSeriesMetaData`. """ all_tr = [] for metatuple in self.metadata: all_tr.append(metatuple[0]) return all_tr
[docs] def values(self): """ Returns a list of all the values from the metadict objects in each entry in the `~sunpy.timeseries.TimeSeriesMetaData`. """ all_vals = set() for metatuple in self.metadata: for key, value in metatuple[2].items(): all_vals.add(str(value)) all_vals = sorted(all_vals) return all_vals
@property def time_range(self): """ Returns the `~sunpy.time.TimeRange` of the entire timeseries metadata. """ start = self.metadata[0][0].start end = self.metadata[0][0].end for metatuple in self.metadata: if end < metatuple[0].end: end = metatuple[0].end return TimeRange(start, end) def _remove_columns(self, colnames): """ Removes the given column(s) from the `~sunpy.timeseries.TimeSeriesMetaData`. Parameters ---------- colnames : `str`, `list` of `str` The name(s) of the columns to be removed. """ # Parameters if isinstance(colnames, str): colnames = [colnames] # Create a new list with all metadata entries without colnames reduced = [] for metatuple in self.metadata: # Check each colname for colname in colnames: if colname in metatuple[1]: # Removed from the list. metatuple[1].remove(colname) # Add the column if it still has some columns listed if len(metatuple[1]) > 0: reduced.append(metatuple) # Update the original list self.metadata = reduced def _rename_column(self, old, new): """ Change the name of a column in the metadata entries. Parameters ---------- old : `str` The original column name to be changed. new : `str` The new column name. """ for i in range(0, len(self.metadata)): # Update the colnames colnames = self.metadata[i][1] colnames = [w.replace(old, new) for w in colnames] # Replace values self.metadata[i] = (self.metadata[i][0], colnames, self.metadata[i][2]) def _validate_meta(self, meta): """ Validate a metadata argument. """ # Checking for metadata that may overlap. indices = range(0, len(self.metadata)) for i, j in itertools.combinations(indices, 2): # Check if the TimeRanges overlap if not ((self.metadata[i][0].end <= self.metadata[j][0].start) or (self.metadata[i][0].start >= self.metadata[j][0].end)): # Check column headings overlap col_overlap = list(set(self.metadata[i][1]) & set(self.metadata[j][1])) # If we have an overlap then show a warning if col_overlap: warn_user(f'Metadata entries {i} and {j} contain interleaved data.') # TODO: Check all entries are in tr.start time order. return True
[docs] def to_string(self, depth=10, width=99): """ Print a table-like representation of the `~sunpy.timeseries.TimeSeriesMetaData`. Parameters ---------- depth : `int`, optional The maximum number of lines to show for each entry. Metadata dictionaries and column lists will be truncated if this is small. Defaults to 10. width : `int`, optional The number of characters wide to make the entire table. Defaults to 99. """ # Parameters colspace = ' | ' liswidths = (26, 15, width-2-2*len(colspace) - 26 - 15) colheadings = '|' + 'TimeRange'.ljust(100)[:liswidths[0]] + colspace colheadings += 'Columns'.ljust(100)[:liswidths[1]] + colspace colheadings += 'Meta'.ljust(100)[:liswidths[2]] + '|' rowspace = "-" * (liswidths[0] + len(colspace) + liswidths[1] + len(colspace) + liswidths[2]) rowspace = '|' + rowspace + '|' # Headings full = rowspace + '\n' + colheadings + '\n' + rowspace + '\n' # Add metadata entries for entry in self.metadata: # Make lists for each of the columns for each metadata entry # Padded to the widths given in liswidths lis_range = [str(entry[0].start), ' to ', str(entry[0].end)] # Shorten TimeRange representation if depth of only 2 if depth == 2: lis_range = [str(entry[0].start), str(entry[0].end)] liscols = [] for col in entry[1]: liscols.append(col.ljust(100)[:liswidths[1]]) lismeta = [] for key in list(entry[2].keys()): string = str(key) + ': ' + str(entry[2][key]) lismeta.append(string.ljust(100)[:liswidths[2]]) # Add lines of the entry upto the given depth for i in range(0, depth): # What to do in the event any of the lists have more entries # then the current depth if len(lis_range) > i or len(entry[1]) > i or len(lismeta) > i: # The start of the line Str is just a vertical bar/pipe line = '|' # Check we have a time range entry to print if len(lis_range) > i: # Simply add that time range entry to the line Str line += lis_range[i].ljust(100)[:liswidths[0]] else: # No entry to add, so just add a blank space line += ''.ljust(100)[:liswidths[0]] # Add a column break vertical bar/pipe line += colspace # Check we have another column name entry to print if len(entry[1]) > i: # Simply add that column name to the line Str line += entry[1][i].ljust(100)[:liswidths[1]] else: # No entry to add, so just add a blank space line += ''.ljust(100)[:liswidths[1]] # Add a column break vertical bar/pipe line += colspace # Check we have another meta key/value pair to print if len(lismeta) > i: # Simply add that key/value pair to the line Str line += lismeta[i].ljust(100)[:liswidths[2]] else: # No entry to add, so just add a blank space line += ''.ljust(100)[:liswidths[2]] # Finish the line Str with vertical bar/pipe and \n full += line + '|\n' # Reached the depth limit, add line to show if the columns are truncated if len(lis_range) >= depth or len(entry[1]) >= depth or len(lismeta) >= depth: # The start of the line Str is just a vertical bar/pipe line = '|' # Check we have more time range entries to print if len(lis_range) > depth: # We have more time range entries, use ellipsis to show this line += '...'.ljust(100)[:liswidths[0]] else: # No entry to add, so just add a blank space line += ''.ljust(100)[:liswidths[0]] # Add a column break vertical bar/pipe line += colspace # Check we have more than one column name entry to print if len(entry[1]) > depth: # We have more column name entries, use ellipsis line += '...'.ljust(100)[:liswidths[1]] else: # No more column name entries, so just add a blank space line += ''.ljust(100)[:liswidths[1]] # Add a column break vertical bar/pipe line += colspace # Check we have more meta key/value pairs to print if len(lismeta) > depth: # We have more key/value pairs, use ellipsis to show this line += '...'.ljust(100)[:liswidths[2]] else: # No morekey/value pairs, add a blank space line += ''.ljust(100)[:liswidths[2]] # Finish the line Str with vertical bar/pipe and \n full += line + '|\n' # Add a line to close the table full += rowspace + '\n' return full
def __repr__(self): return self.to_string() def __str__(self): return self.to_string()