Source code for sunpy.time.timerange

This module provides an object that can handle a time range.
from datetime import timedelta

import astropy.units as u
from astropy.time import Time, TimeDelta

from sunpy import config
from sunpy.time import is_time_equal, parse_time
from sunpy.time.time import _variables_for_parse_time_docstring
from sunpy.util.decorators import add_common_docstring

TIME_FORMAT = config.get('general', 'time_format')

__all__ = ['TimeRange']

[docs] @add_common_docstring(**_variables_for_parse_time_docstring()) class TimeRange: """ A class to create and handle time ranges. .. note:: Regardless of how a `sunpy.time.TimeRange` is constructed it will always provide a positive time range where the start time is before the end time. ``__contains__`` has been implemented which means you can check if a time is within the time range you have created. Please see the example section below. Parameters ---------- a : {parse_time_types} A time (the start time) specified as a parse_time-compatible time string, number, or a datetime object. b : {parse_time_types} Another time (the end time) specified as a parse_time-compatible time string, number, or a datetime object. May also be the size of the time range specified as a timedelta object, or a `~astropy.units.Quantity`. Examples -------- >>> from sunpy.time import TimeRange >>> time_range = TimeRange('2010/03/04 00:10', '2010/03/04 00:20') >>> time_range = TimeRange(('2010/03/04 00:10', '2010/03/04 00:20')) >>> import astropy.units as u >>> time_range = TimeRange('2010/03/04 00:10', 400 * u.s) >>> TimeRange('2010/03/04 00:10', 400 * <sunpy.time.timerange.TimeRange object at ...> Start: 2010-03-04 00:10:00 End: 2011-04-08 00:10:00 Center:2010-09-20 00:10:00 Duration:400.0 days or 9600.0 hours or 576000.0 minutes or 34560000.0 seconds <BLANKLINE> >>> time1 = '2014/5/5 12:11' >>> time2 = '2012/5/5 12:11' >>> time_range = TimeRange('2014/05/04 13:54', '2018/02/03 12:12') >>> time1 in time_range True >>> time2 in time_range False >>> import numpy as np >>> from astropy.time import TimeDelta >>> time_range = TimeRange('2014/05/05 12:00', '2014/05/10 12:00') >>> np.arange(time_range.start, time_range.end, TimeDelta(24*60*60, format = "sec")) array([<Time object: scale='utc' format='isot' value=2014-05-05T12:00:00.000>, <Time object: scale='utc' format='isot' value=2014-05-06T12:00:00.000>, <Time object: scale='utc' format='isot' value=2014-05-07T12:00:00.000>, <Time object: scale='utc' format='isot' value=2014-05-08T12:00:00.000>, <Time object: scale='utc' format='isot' value=2014-05-09T12:00:00.000>], dtype=object) """ def __init__(self, a, b=None, format=None): # If a is a TimeRange object, copy attributes to new instance. self._t1 = None self._t2 = None if isinstance(a, TimeRange): self.__dict__ = a.__dict__.copy() return # Normalize different input types if b is None: x = parse_time(a[0], format=format) if len(a) != 2: raise ValueError('If b is None a must have two elements') else: y = a[1] else: x = parse_time(a, format=format) y = b if isinstance(y, u.Quantity): y = TimeDelta(y) if isinstance(y, timedelta): y = TimeDelta(y, format='datetime') # Timedelta if isinstance(y, TimeDelta): if y.jd >= 0: self._t1 = x self._t2 = x + y else: self._t1 = x + y self._t2 = x return # Otherwise, assume that the second argument is parse_time-compatible y = parse_time(y, format=format) if isinstance(y, Time): if x < y: self._t1 = x self._t2 = y else: self._t1 = y self._t2 = x @property def start(self): """ Get the start time. Returns ------- `astropy.time.Time` The start time. """ return self._t1 @property def end(self): """ Get the end time. Returns ------- `astropy.time.Time` The end time. """ return self._t2 @property def dt(self): """ Get the length of the time range. Always a positive value. Returns ------- `astropy.time.TimeDelta` The difference between the start and the end time. """ return self._t2 - self._t1 @property def center(self): """ Gets the center of the time range. Returns ------- `astropy.time.Time` The center time. """ return self.start + self.dt / 2 @property def hours(self): """ Get the number of hours elapsed. Returns ------- `astropy.units.Quantity` The amount of hours between the start and end time. """ return'hour') @property def days(self): """ Gets the number of days elapsed. Returns ------- `astropy.units.Quantity` The amount of days between the start and end time. """ return'd') @property def seconds(self): """ Gets the number of seconds elapsed. Returns ------- `astropy.units.Quantity` The amount of seconds between the start and end time. """ return's') @property def minutes(self): """ Gets the number of minutes elapsed. Returns ------- `astropy.units.Quantity` The amount of minutes between the start and end time. """ return'min') def __eq__(self, other): """ Check that two `sunpy.time.TimeRange` have the same start and end datetime. Parameters ---------- other : `~sunpy.time.timerange.TimeRange` The second `sunpy.time.TimeRange` to compare to. Returns ------- `bool` `True` if equal, `False` otherwise. """ if isinstance(other, TimeRange): return is_time_equal( self.start, other.start) and is_time_equal(self.end, other.end) return NotImplemented def __ne__(self, other): """ Check two `sunpy.time.TimeRange` have different start or end datetimes. Parameters ---------- other : `~sunpy.time.timerange.TimeRange` The second `sunpy.time.TimeRange` to compare to. Returns ------- `bool` `True` if non-equal, `False` otherwise. """ if isinstance(other, TimeRange): return not (is_time_equal( self.start, other.start) and is_time_equal(self.end, other.end)) return NotImplemented def __repr__(self): """ Returns a human-readable representation of `sunpy.time.TimeRange`. """ t1 = self.start.strftime(TIME_FORMAT) t2 = self.end.strftime(TIME_FORMAT) center = fully_qualified_name = f'{self.__class__.__module__}.{self.__class__.__name__}' return (f' <{fully_qualified_name} object at {hex(id(self))}>' + '\n Start:'.ljust(12) + t1 + '\n End:'.ljust(12) + t2 + '\n Center:'.ljust(12) + center + '\n Duration:'.ljust(12) + str(self.days.value) + ' days or' + '\n '.ljust(12) + str(self.hours.value) + ' hours or' + '\n '.ljust(12) + str(self.minutes.value) + ' minutes or' + '\n '.ljust(12) + str(self.seconds.value) + ' seconds' + '\n')
[docs] def split(self, n=2): """ Splits the time range into multiple equally sized parts. Parameters ---------- n : `int`, optional The number of times to split the time range (must >= 1). Defaults to 2. Returns ------- `list` A list of equally sized `sunpy.time.TimeRange` between the start and end times. """ if n <= 0: raise ValueError('n must be greater than or equal to 1') subsections = [] previous_time = self.start next_time = None for _ in range(n): next_time = previous_time + self.dt / n next_range = TimeRange(previous_time, next_time) subsections.append(next_range) previous_time = next_time return subsections
[docs] def window(self, cadence, window): """ Split the time range up into a series of `~sunpy.time.TimeRange` that are ``window`` long, with a cadence of ``cadence``. Parameters ---------- cadence : `astropy.units.Quantity`, `astropy.time.TimeDelta` Cadence. window : `astropy.units.quantity`, `astropy.time.TimeDelta` The length of window. Returns ------- `list` A list of `~sunpy.time.TimeRange`, that are ``window`` long and separated by ``cadence``. Examples -------- >>> import astropy.units as u >>> from sunpy.time import TimeRange >>> time_range = TimeRange('2010/03/04 00:10', '2010/03/04 01:20') >>> time_range.window(60*60*u.s, window=12*u.s) # doctest: +SKIP [ <sunpy.time.timerange.TimeRange object at 0x7f0214bfc208> Start: 2010-03-04 00:10:00 End: 2010-03-04 00:10:12 Center:2010-03-04 00:10:06 Duration:0.0001388888888888889 days or 0.003333333333333333 hours or 0.2 minutes or 12.0 seconds, <sunpy.time.timerange.TimeRange object at 0x7f01fe43ac50> Start: 2010-03-04 01:10:00 End: 2010-03-04 01:10:12 Center:2010-03-04 01:10:06 Duration:0.0001388888888888889 days or 0.003333333333333333 hours or 0.2 minutes or 12.0 seconds, <sunpy.time.timerange.TimeRange object at 0x7f01fb90b898> Start: 2010-03-04 02:10:00 End: 2010-03-04 02:10:12 Center:2010-03-04 02:10:06 Duration:0.0001388888888888889 days or 0.003333333333333333 hours or 0.2 minutes or 12.0 seconds] """ if not isinstance(window, TimeDelta): window = TimeDelta(window) if not isinstance(cadence, TimeDelta): cadence = TimeDelta(cadence) n = 1 times = [TimeRange(self.start, self.start + window)] while times[-1].end < self.end: times.append(TimeRange(self.start + cadence * n, self.start + cadence * n + window)) n += 1 return times
[docs] def next(self): """ Shift the time range forward by the amount of time elapsed. """ dt = self.dt self._t1 = self._t1 + dt self._t2 = self._t2 + dt return self
[docs] def previous(self): """ Shift the time range backward by the amount of time elapsed. """ dt = self.dt self._t1 = self._t1 - dt self._t2 = self._t2 - dt return self
[docs] def extend(self, dt_start, dt_end): """ Extend the time range forwards and backwards. Parameters ---------- dt_start : `astropy.time.TimeDelta` The amount to shift the start time. dt_end : `astropy.time.TimeDelta` The amount to shift the end time. """ # TODO: Support datetime.timedelta self._t1 = self._t1 + dt_start self._t2 = self._t2 + dt_end
[docs] def get_dates(self): """ Return all partial days contained within the time range. """ delta = self.end.to_datetime().date() - self.start.to_datetime().date() dates = [] dates = [ parse_time(self.start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) + TimeDelta(i* for i in range(delta.days + 1) ] return dates
@add_common_docstring(**_variables_for_parse_time_docstring()) def __contains__(self, time): """ Checks whether the given time lies within this range. Both limits are inclusive (i.e., ``__contains__(t1)`` and ``__contains__(t2)`` always return `True).that. Parameters ---------- time : {parse_time_types} {parse_time_desc} Returns ------- `bool` `True` if time lies between start and end, `False` otherwise. Examples -------- >>> from sunpy.time import TimeRange >>> time1 = '2014/5/5 12:11' >>> time2 = '2012/5/5 12:11' >>> time_range = TimeRange('2014/05/04 13:54', '2018/02/03 12:12') >>> time1 in time_range True >>> time2 in time_range False """ this_time = parse_time(time) return this_time >= self.start and this_time <= self.end
[docs] def intersects(self, other): """ Return `True` if this interval overlaps with *other*. Parameters ---------- other : sunpy.time.TimeRange Other `~sunpy.time.TimeRange` to check for intersection. Notes ----- Both intervals are treated as closed, i.e., their endpoints are included. """ # Order intervals so int1 has the earliest start time if other.start > self.start: int_first = self int_second = other else: int_first = other int_second = self return int_second.start <= int_first.end