Source code for

This module provides a wrapper around the Helioviewer API.
import json
import codecs
import urllib
from pathlib import Path
from collections import OrderedDict
from urllib.parse import urljoin
from urllib.request import urlopen

from astropy.utils.decorators import lazyproperty

import sunpy
import sunpy.util.parfive_helpers as parfive
from sunpy import log
from sunpy.time import parse_time
from sunpy.util.decorators import deprecated
from sunpy.util.util import partial_key_match
from sunpy.util.xml import xml_to_dict

__all__ = ['HelioviewerClient']


def check_connection(url):
        resp = urlopen(urljoin(url, "/v2/getDataSources/"))
        assert resp.getcode() == 200
        assert isinstance(json.loads(, dict)
        return url
    except Exception as e:
        log.debug(f"Unable to connect to {url}:\n {e}")"Connection to {url} failed. Retrying with different url.")
    return None

[docs] @deprecated(since="4.1", alternative="hvpy -") class HelioviewerClient: """ Client""" def __init__(self, url=None): """ Parameters ---------- url : `str` Default URL points to the Helioviewer API. """ if url is None: for url in HELIOVIEWER_API_URLS: if check_connection(url): break if url is None: raise ValueError("No online helioviewer API can be found.") self._api = url @lazyproperty def data_sources(self): """ We trawl through the return from ``getDataSources`` to create a clean dictionary for all available sourceIDs. Here is a list of all of them: """ data_sources_dict = dict() datasources = self.get_data_sources() for name, observ in datasources.items(): # TRACE only has measurements and is thus nested once if name == "TRACE": for instr, params in observ.items(): data_sources_dict[(name, None, None, instr)] = params['sourceId'] else: for inst, detect in observ.items(): for wavelength, params in detect.items(): if 'sourceId' in params: data_sources_dict[(name, inst, None, wavelength)] = params['sourceId'] else: for wave, adict in params.items(): data_sources_dict[(name, inst, wavelength, wave) ] = adict['sourceId'] # Sort the output for printing purposes return OrderedDict(sorted(data_sources_dict.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]))
[docs] def get_data_sources(self): """ Return a hierarchical dictionary of the available datasources on This uses ``getDataSources`` from the Helioviewer API. Returns ------- out : `dict` A dictionary containing meta-information for each data source that Helioviewer supports. """ params = {"action": "getDataSources"} return self._get_json(params)
[docs] def get_closest_image(self, date, observatory=None, instrument=None, detector=None, measurement=None, source_id=None): """ Finds the closest image available for the specified source and date. **This does not download any file.** This uses `getClosestImage <>`_ from the Helioviewer API. .. note:: We can use ``observatory`` and ``measurement`` or ``instrument`` and ``measurement`` to get the value for source ID which can then be used to get required information. Parameters ---------- date : `astropy.time.Time`, `str` A `~sunpy.time.parse_time` parsable string or `~astropy.time.Time` object for the desired date of the image observatory : `str` Observatory name instrument : `str` Instrument name detector : `str` Detector name measurement : `str` Measurement name source_id : `int` ID number for the required instrument/measurement. This can be used directly instead of using the previous parameters. Returns ------- out : `dict` A dictionary containing meta-information for the closest image matched """ if source_id is None: source_id = self._get_source_id((observatory, instrument, detector, measurement)) params = { "action": "getClosestImage", "date": self._format_date(date), "sourceId": source_id } response = self._get_json(params) # Cast date string to Time response['date'] = parse_time(response['date']) return response
[docs] def download_jp2(self, date, progress=True, observatory=None, instrument=None, detector=None, measurement=None, source_id=None, directory=None, overwrite=False): """ Downloads the JPEG 2000 that most closely matches the specified time and data source. This uses `getJP2Image <>`_ from the Helioviewer API. .. note:: We can use ``observatory`` and ``measurement`` or ``instrument`` and ``measurement`` to get the value for source ID which can then be used to get required information. Parameters ---------- date : `astropy.time.Time`, `str` A string or `~astropy.time.Time` object for the desired date of the image progress : `bool` Defaults to True. If set to False, disables progress bars seen on terminal when downloading files. observatory : `str` Observatory name instrument : `str` Instrument name measurement : `str` Measurement name detector : `str` Detector name source_id : `int` ID number for the required instrument/measurement. This can be used directly instead of using the previous parameters. directory : `str` Directory to download JPEG 2000 image to. overwrite : `bool` Defaults to False. If set to True, will overwrite any files with the same name. Returns ------- out : `str` Returns a filepath to the downloaded JPEG 2000 image. """ if source_id is None: source_id = self._get_source_id((observatory, instrument, detector, measurement)) params = { "action": "getJP2Image", "date": self._format_date(date), "sourceId": source_id, } return self._get_file(params, progress=progress, directory=directory, overwrite=overwrite)
[docs] def get_jp2_header(self, date, observatory=None, instrument=None, detector=None, measurement=None, jp2_id=None): """ Get the XML header embedded in a JPEG2000 image. Includes the FITS header as well as a section of Helioviewer-specific metadata. This uses `getJP2Header <>`_ from the Helioviewer API. .. note:: We can use ``observatory`` and ``measurement`` or ``instrument`` and ``measurement`` to get the value for source ID which can then be used to get required information. Parameters ---------- date : `astropy.time.Time`, `str` A `~sunpy.time.parse_time` parsable string or `~astropy.time.Time` object for the desired date of the image observatory : `str` Observatory name instrument : `str` Instrument name measurement : `str` Measurement name detector : `str` Detector name jp2_id : `int` Unique JP2 image identifier. This can be used directly instead of using the previous parameters. Returns ------- out : `dict` Returns a dictionary containing the header information of JPEG 2000 image. The returned dictionary may have either one or two keys: *fits* and *helioviewer*. """ if jp2_id is None: jp2_id = self.get_closest_image( date, observatory, instrument, detector, measurement)['id'] params = { "action": "getJP2Header", "id": jp2_id, } responses = self._request(params) # Reads the output from HTTPResponse object and decodes it. responses ='utf-8') return xml_to_dict(responses)['meta']
[docs] def download_png(self, date, image_scale, layers, progress=True, directory=None, overwrite=False, watermark=False, events="", event_labels=False, scale=False, scale_type="earth", scale_x=0, scale_y=0, width=4096, height=4096, x0=0, y0=0, x1=None, y1=None, x2=None, y2=None): """ Downloads the PNG that most closely matches the specified time and data source. This function is different to ``. Here you get PNG images and return more complex images. For example you can return an image that has multiple layers composited together from different sources. Also mark solar features/events with an associated text label. The image can also be cropped to a smaller field of view. These parameters are not pre-validated before they are passed to Helioviewer API. See for more information about what coordinates values you can pass into this function. This uses `takeScreenshot <>`_ from the Helioviewer API. .. note:: Parameters ``x1``, ``y1``, ``x2`` and ``y2`` are set to `None`. If all 4 are set to values, then keywords: ``width``, ``height``, ``x0``, ``y0`` will be ignored. Parameters ---------- date : `astropy.time.Time`, `str` A `~sunpy.time.parse_time` parsable string or `~astropy.time.Time` object for the desired date of the image image_scale : `float` The zoom scale of the image in arcseconds per pixel. For example, the scale of an AIA image is 0.6. layers : `str` Image datasource layer/layers to include in the screeshot. Each layer string is comma-separated with either: "[sourceId,visible,opacity]" or "[obs,inst,det,meas,visible,opacity]". Multiple layers are: "[layer1],[layer2],[layer3]". progress : `bool`, optional Defaults to True. If set to False, disables progress bars seen on terminal when downloading files. events : `str`, optional Defaults to an empty string to indicate no feature/event annotations. List feature/event types and FRMs to use to annotate the image. Example could be "[AR,HMI_HARP;SPoCA,1]" or "[CH,all,1]" event_labels : `bool`, optional Defaults to False. Annotate each event marker with a text label. watermark : `bool`, optional Defaults to False. Overlay a watermark consisting of a Helioviewer logo and the datasource abbreviation(s) and timestamp(s) in the screenshot. directory : `str`, optional Directory to download JPEG 2000 image to. overwrite : bool, optional Defaults to False. If set to True, will overwrite any files with the same name. scale : `bool`, optional Defaults to False. Overlay an image scale indicator. scale_type : `str`, optional Defaults to Earth. What is the image scale indicator will be. scale_x : `int`, optional Defaults to 0 (i.e, in the middle) Horizontal offset of the image scale indicator in arcseconds with respect to the center of the Sun. scale_y : `int`, optional Defaults to 0 (i.e, in the middle) Vertical offset of the image scale indicator in arcseconds with respect to the center of the Sun. x0 : `float`, optional The horizontal offset from the center of the Sun. y0 : `float`, optional The vertical offset from the center of the Sun. width : `int`, optional Defaults to 4096. Width of the image in pixels. height : `int`, optional Defaults to 4096. Height of the image in pixels. x1 : `float`, optional Defaults to None The offset of the image's left boundary from the center of the sun, in arcseconds. y1 : `float`, optional Defaults to None The offset of the image's top boundary from the center of the sun, in arcseconds. x2 : `float`, optional Defaults to None The offset of the image's right boundary from the center of the sun, in arcseconds. y2 : `float`, optional Defaults to None The offset of the image's bottom boundary from the center of the sun, in arcseconds. Returns ------- out : `str` Returns a filepath to the downloaded PNG image. """ params = { "action": "takeScreenshot", "date": self._format_date(date), "imageScale": image_scale, "layers": layers, "eventLabels": event_labels, "events": events, "watermark": watermark, "scale": scale, "scaleType": scale_type, "scaleX": scale_x, "scaleY": scale_y, # Returns the image which we do not want a user to change. "display": True } # We want to enforce that all values of x1, x2, y1, y2 are not None. # You can not use both scaling parameters so we try to exclude that here. if any(i is None for i in [x1, x2, y1, y2]): adict = {"x0": x0, "y0": y0, "width": width, "height": height} else: adict = {"x1": x1, "x2": x2, "y1": y1, "y2": y2} params.update(adict) return self._get_file(params, progress=progress, directory=directory, overwrite=overwrite)
[docs] def is_online(self): """Returns True if Helioviewer is online and available.""" try: self.get_data_sources() except urllib.error.URLError: return False return True
def _get_json(self, params): """Returns a JSON result as a string.""" reader = codecs.getreader("utf-8") response = self._request(params) return json.load(reader(response)) def _get_file(self, params, progress=True, directory=None, overwrite=False): """Downloads a file and return the filepath to that file.""" if directory is None: directory = Path(sunpy.config.get('downloads', 'download_dir')) else: directory = Path(directory).expanduser().absolute() downloader = parfive.Downloader(progress=progress, overwrite=overwrite) url = urllib.parse.urljoin(self._api, "?" + urllib.parse.urlencode(params)) downloader.enqueue_file(url, path=directory) res = if len(res) == 1: return res[0] else: return res def _request(self, params): """ Sends an API request and returns the result. Parameters ---------- params : `dict` Parameters to send Returns ------- out : result of the request """ response = urllib.request.urlopen( self._api, urllib.parse.urlencode(params).encode('utf-8')) return response def _format_date(self, date): """Formats a date for Helioviewer API requests""" return parse_time(date).isot + "Z" def _get_source_id(self, key): """ Returns source_id based on the key. """ source_id_list = list(partial_key_match(key, self.data_sources)) if len(source_id_list) != 1: raise KeyError(f"The values used: {key} do not correspond to one source_id " f"but {len(source_id_list)} source_id(s)." " Please check the list using HelioviewerClient.data_sources.") return source_id_list[0]