Source code for

This module translates the results of a HEK query into a VSO query and
returns the results from the VSO query to the user.

import sys

from tqdm import tqdm

from astropy import units
from astropy.utils.decorators import deprecated_renamed_argument

from import attrs as a
from import hek, vso
from import HEKTable
from sunpy.util.exceptions import SunpyDeprecationWarning

__all__ = ['translate_results_to_query', 'vso_attribute_parse', 'H2VClient']

[docs] def translate_results_to_query(results): """ Formulate VSO queries from HEK results. Take the results from a HEK query either in the form of a single HEK response or a list containing multiple HEK responses then translates them into a VSO compatible query. Parameters ---------- results : `` or `` The HEK results from a HEK query to be translated. Examples -------- >>> from import attrs as a >>> from import hek, HEKClient >>> from import hek2vso, H2VClient >>> h = HEKClient() # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> h2v = H2VClient() # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> q ='2011/08/09 07:23:56', ... '2011/08/09 12:40:29'), a.hek.EventType('FL')) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> len(q) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA 19 >>> hek2vso.translate_results_to_query(q[0]) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA [[< 01:30:04.000, 2011-08-10 00:00:04.000)>, < The Solar Dynamics Observatory.) object at ...>, < HEK object at ...>, <, 0.0, 'Angstrom')>]] """ queries = [] if isinstance(results, HEKTable): for result in results: query = vso_attribute_parse(result) queries.append(query) else: query = vso_attribute_parse(results) queries.append(query) return queries
[docs] def vso_attribute_parse(phrase): """ Parses VSO attributes from a HEK result. This is a simple function to parse HEK query result and generate a list containing VSO relevant attributes. Parameters ---------- phrase : ``. The single HEK result to be parsed for VSO attribute data. Examples -------- >>> from import attrs as a >>> from import hek, HEKClient >>> from import hek2vso, H2VClient >>> h = HEKClient() # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> h2v = H2VClient() # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> q ='2011/08/09 07:23:56', '2011/08/09 12:40:29'), a.hek.EventType('FL')) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> len(q) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA 19 >>> hek2vso.vso_attribute_parse(q[9]) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA [< 07:22:38.000, 2011-08-09 08:32:02.000)>, < The Solar Dynamics Observatory.) object at ...>, < Atmospheric Imaging Assembly) object at ...>, <, 210.99999999999997, 'Angstrom')>] """ try: query = [a.Time(phrase['event_starttime'], phrase['event_endtime']), a.Source(phrase['obs_observatory']), a.Instrument(phrase['obs_instrument'])] avg_wave_len = phrase['obs_meanwavel'] * units.Unit(phrase['obs_wavelunit']) query.append(a.Wavelength(avg_wave_len, avg_wave_len)) except (KeyError, TypeError): raise TypeError(f"'{type(phrase)!s}' is an improper data type") return query
[docs] class H2VClient: """ Class to handle HEK to VSO translations Though the single step functions exists outside this class where translation is also possible, this class provides a framework where all the necessary functionality is easily accessed, along with a few additional and helpful methods. Examples -------- >>> from import hek >>> from import hek2vso >>> h2v = hek2vso.H2VClient() # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA """ def __init__(self): self.hek_client = hek.HEKClient() self.hek_results = '' self.vso_client = vso.VSOClient() self.vso_results = [] self.num_of_records = 0
[docs] @deprecated_renamed_argument("progress", None,"6.0", warning_type=SunpyDeprecationWarning) def full_query(self, client_query, limit=None, progress=False): """ An encompassing method that takes a HEK query and returns a VSO result Takes a list containing a HEK style query, passes it to a HEKClient instance, translates it, queries the VSO webservice, then returns the VSO results inside a structured list. Parameters ---------- client_query : `list` The list containing the HEK style query. limit : `int` An approximate limit to the desired number of VSO results. Examples -------- >>> from import attrs as a, hek, hek2vso >>> hek2vso_client = hek2vso.H2VClient() # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> query = hek2vso_client.full_query((a.Time('2011/08/09 07:00:00', '2011/08/09 07:15:00'), a.hek.EventType('FL'))) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> len(query) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA 7 """ self._quick_clean() if progress: sys.stdout.write('\rQuerying HEK webservice...') sys.stdout.flush() self.hek_results =*client_query) self._quick_clean() return self.translate_and_query(self.hek_results, limit=limit)
[docs] @deprecated_renamed_argument("vso_response_format", None,"6.0", warning_type=SunpyDeprecationWarning) @deprecated_renamed_argument("progress", None,"6.0", warning_type=SunpyDeprecationWarning) def translate_and_query(self, hek_results, limit=None, progress=False, vso_response_format="table"): """ Translates HEK results, makes a VSO query, then returns the results. Takes the results from a HEK query, translates them, then makes a VSO query, returning the results in a list organized by their corresponding HEK query. Parameters ---------- hek_results : `` or `` The results from a HEK query in the form of a list. limit : int An approximate limit to the desired number of VSO results. progress : bool A flag to turn off the progress bar, defaults to "off" Was never used and is now deprecated, will be removed in sunpy 7.0 Examples -------- >>> from import hek, hek2vso >>> h = hek.HEKClient() # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> tstart = '2011/08/09 07:23:56' >>> tend = '2011/08/09 12:40:29' >>> event_type = 'FL' >>> q =, tend), a.hek.EventType(event_type)) # doctest: +REMOTE_DATA >>> h2v = hek2vso.H2VClient() # doctest: +SKIP >>> res = h2v.translate_and_query(q) # doctest: +SKIP """ vso_query = translate_results_to_query(hek_results) kwargs = {} if vso_response_format != "table": kwargs = {"response_format": vso_response_format} for query in tqdm(vso_query, unit="records"): temp =*query, **kwargs) self.vso_results.append(temp) self.num_of_records += len(temp) if limit is not None and self.num_of_records >= limit: break return self.vso_results
def _quick_clean(self): """ A simple method to quickly sterilize the instance variables. Used to bleach local variables before a new query is made. Not intended to be run by user. """ self.vso_results = [] self.num_of_records = 0