import re
import string
import importlib
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from textwrap import dedent
from functools import wraps
from import Sequence
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.table import Column, QTable, Row, Table, TableAttribute
from sunpy.util.util import get_width
__all__ = ['QueryResponseColumn', 'BaseQueryResponse',
'QueryResponseRow', 'QueryResponseTable', 'BaseClient',
class BaseQueryResponse(Sequence):
An Abstract Base Class for results returned from BaseClient.
* A QueryResponse object must be able to be instantiated with only one
iterable argument. (i.e. the ``__init__`` must only have one required
* The `client` property must be settable.
* The base class does not prescribe how you store the results from your
client, only that it must be possible to represent them as an astropy
table in the ``build_table`` method.
* ``__getitem__`` **must** return an instance of the type it was called on.
I.e. it must always return an object of ``type(self)``.
def build_table(self):
Return an `astropy.table.Table` representation of the query response.
def client(self):
An instance of `BaseClient` used to generate the results.
Generally this is used to fetch the results later.
.. note::
In general, this doesn't have to be the same instance of
``BaseClient``, this is left to the client developer. If there is a
significant connection overhead in creating an instance of a client
you might want it to be the same instance as used for the search.
def client(self, value):
def blocks(self):
A `` object which contains the records
contained within the Query Response.
def response_block_properties(self):
Returns a set of class attributes on all the response blocks.
s : `set`
List of strings, containing attribute names in the response blocks.
return set()
def __str__(self):
"""Print out human-readable summary of records retrieved"""
return '\n'.join(self.build_table().pformat(show_dtype=False))
def __repr__(self):
"""Print out human-readable summary of records retrieved"""
return object.__repr__(self) + "\n" + str(self)
def _repr_html_(self):
return self.build_table()._repr_html_()
def show(self, *cols):
Returns response tables with desired columns for the Query.
\\*cols : `tuple`
Name of columns to be shown.
A table showing values for specified columns.
table = self.build_table()
if len(cols) == 0:
return table
tablecols = table.columns
valid_cols = [col for col in cols if col in tablecols]
return table[valid_cols]
class QueryResponseRow(Row):
A row subclass which knows about the client of the parent table.
def as_table(self):
Return this Row as a length one Table
return self.table[self.index:self.index + 1]
def get(self, key, default=None):
Extract a value from the row if the key is present otherwise return the value of ``default``
if key in self.colnames:
return self[key]
return default
def response_block_map(self):
A dictionary designed to be used to format a filename.
This takes all the columns in this Row and lower cases them and
replaces spaces with underscores. Also removes any characters not
allowed in Python identifiers.
def key_clean(key):
key = re.sub(f'[{re.escape(string.punctuation)}]', '_', key)
key = key.replace(' ', '_')
key = ''.join(char for char in key
if char.isidentifier() or char.isnumeric())
return key.lower()
return {key_clean(key): value for key, value in zip(self.colnames, self)}
class QueryResponseColumn(Column):
A column subclass which knows about the client of the parent table.
def as_table(self):
Return this Row as a length one Table
return self.parent_table[(,)]
class QueryResponseTable(QTable):
__doc__ = QTable.__doc__
Row = QueryResponseRow
Column = QueryResponseColumn
client = TableAttribute()
display_keys = TableAttribute(default=slice(None))
hide_keys = TableAttribute()
size_column = None
def unhide_columns(self):
Modify this table so that all columns are displayed.
self.display_keys = slice(None)
self.hide_keys = None
return self
def _reorder_columns(self, first_columns, remove_empty=True):
Generate a new version of this table with ``first_columns`` at the start.
first_columns : list
The column names to put at the start of the table.
remove_empty : bool, optional
Remove columns where all values are `None`.
Defaults to ``True``.
new_table : QueryResponseTable
A sliced version of this table instance so that the columns are
all_cols = list(self.colnames)
first_names = [n for n in first_columns if n in all_cols]
extra_cols = [col for col in all_cols if col not in first_names]
all_cols = first_names + extra_cols
new_table = self[[col for col in all_cols if self[col] is not None]]
if remove_empty:
empty_cols = [ for col in self.itercols()
if == 'O' and all(val is None for val in col)]
return new_table
def _display_table(self):
Apply the display_keys and hide_keys attributes to the table.
This removes any keys in hide keys and then slices by any keys in
display_keys to return the correct table.
keys = list(self.colnames)
if self.hide_keys:
# Index only the keys not in hide keys in order
[keys.remove(key) for key in self.hide_keys if key in keys]
if self.display_keys != slice(None):
keys = [dk for dk in self.display_keys if dk in keys]
table = self[keys]
# The slicing operation resets display and hide keys to default, but we
# have already applied it
return table
def __str__(self):
"""Print out human-readable summary of records retrieved"""
return '\n'.join(self._display_table.pformat(show_dtype=False))
def __repr__(self):
"""Print out human-readable summary of records retrieved"""
return object.__repr__(self) + "\n" + str(self._display_table)
def _repr_html_(self):
return QTable._repr_html_(self._display_table)
def show(self, *cols):
Return a table with only ``cols`` present.
If no ``cols`` are specified, all columns will be shown, including any
hidden by default.
This differs slightly from ``QueryResponseTable[cols]`` as it allows
keys which are not in the table to be requested.
table = self.copy()
if len(cols) == 0:
return table
valid_cols = [col for col in cols if col in table.colnames]
table = table[valid_cols]
# The slicing operation resets display and hide keys to default, but we
# want to bypass it here.
return table
def total_size(self):
Returns the total size of all files in a query.
Derived classes must set the 'size_column' class attribute to make use
of this.
if self.size_column not in self.colnames:
return np.nan * u.byte
sizes = self[self.size_column]
# Strip negative filesizes
total = np.nansum(sizes[sizes > 0])
if not (total > 0 * u.byte):
return np.nan * u.byte
# Find the first power of 3 below the total filesize
power = 10**(np.floor(np.log10(total.to_value(u.byte)) // 3) * 3)
# Create mapping from prefix value to prefix name
prefix_dict = {p[2]: p[0][0] for p in u.core.si_prefixes}
prefix_unit = u.Unit(f'{prefix_dict[power]}byte')
def convert_row_to_table(func):
A wrapper to convert any `~.QueryResponseRow` objects to `~.QueryResponseTable` objects.
def wrapper(self, query_results, **kwargs):
if isinstance(query_results, QueryResponseRow):
query_results = query_results.as_table()
return func(self, query_results, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def _print_client(client, html=False, visible_entries=None):
Given a BaseClient instance will print out each registered attribute.
client : BaseClient
The instance class to print for.
html : bool
Will return a html table instead.
String with the client.
width = -1 if html else get_width()
class_name = f"{client.__module__+'.' or ''}{client.__class__.__name__}"
attrs = client.register_values()
lines = []
t = Table(names=["Attr Type", "Name", "Description"],
dtype=["U80", "U80", "U80"])
for client_key in attrs.keys():
# Work around for * attrs having one length.
if len(attrs[client_key]) == 1 and attrs[client_key][0] == "*":
t.add_row((client_key.__name__, "All", "All valid values"))
for name, desc in attrs[client_key]:
t.add_row((client_key.__name__, name, desc))
lines = [class_name, dedent(client.__doc__.partition("\n\n")[0])]
if html:
lines = [f"<p>{line}</p>" for line in lines]
lines.extend(t.pformat(max_lines=visible_entries, show_dtype=False,
max_width=width, align="<", html=html))
return '\n'.join(lines)
class BaseClient(ABC):
This defines the Abstract Base Class for each download client.
The BaseClient has several abstract methods that ensure that any subclass enforces the bare minimum API.
These are `search`, `fetch` and `_can_handle_query`.
The last one ensures that each download client can be registered with Fido.
Most download clients should subclass ``.
If the structure of ``
is not useful you should use `BaseClient`.
`` and ``
are examples of download clients that subclass ``BaseClient``.
_registry = dict()
def __init_subclass__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
An __init_subclass__ hook initializes all of the subclasses of a given class.
So for each subclass, it will call this block of code on import.
This replicates some metaclass magic without the need to be aware of metaclasses.
Here we use this to register each subclass in a dict that has the `_can_handle_query` attribute.
This is then passed into the UnifiedDownloaderFactory so we can register them.
This means that Fido can use the clients internally.
# We do not want to register GenericClient since its a dummy client.
if cls.__name__ in ('GenericClient'):
cls._registry[cls] = cls._can_handle_query
if hasattr(cls, "_attrs_module"):
from import attrs
name, module = cls._attrs_module()
module_obj = importlib.import_module(module)
existing_mod = getattr(attrs, name, None)
if existing_mod and existing_mod is not module_obj:
raise NameError(f"{name} has already been registered as an attrs name.")
setattr(attrs, name, module_obj)
if name not in attrs.__all__:
# Register client attrs after it has registered its own attrs
from import attr
values = cls.register_values()
# If the client has no support, we won't try to register attrs
if values:
attr.Attr.update_values({cls: values})
def __repr__(self):
Returns the normal repr plus the pretty client __str__.
return object.__repr__(self) + "\n" + _print_client(visible_entries=15, client=self)
def __str__(self):
This enables the "pretty" printing of BaseClient.
return _print_client(client=self)
def _repr_html_(self):
This enables the "pretty" printing of the BaseClient with html.
return _print_client(visible_entries=15, client=self, html=True)
def search(self, *args, **kwargs):
This enables the user to search for data using the client.
Must return a subclass of `BaseQueryResponse`.
def fetch(self, query_results, *, path, downloader, **kwargs):
This enables the user to fetch the data using the client, after a search.
Results to download.
path : `str` or `pathlib.Path`, optional
Path to the download directory
downloader : `parfive.Downloader`
The download manager to use.
The results object, can be `None` if ``wait`` is `False` and
``downloader`` is not None.
def _can_handle_query(cls, *query):
This enables the client to register what kind of searches it can handle, to prevent Fido
using the incorrect client.
def info_url(self):
This should return a string that is a URL to the data server or
documentation on the data being served.
def check_attr_types_in_query(query, required_attrs={}, optional_attrs={}):
Check a query against required and optional attributes.
Returns `True` if *query* contains all the attrs in *required_attrs*,
and if *query* contains only attrs in both *required_attrs* and *optional_attrs*.
query_attrs = {type(x) for x in query}
all_attrs = required_attrs.union(optional_attrs)
return required_attrs.issubset(query_attrs) and query_attrs.issubset(all_attrs)
def register_values(cls, *query):
This enables the client to register what kind of Attrs it can use directly.
A dictionary with key values of Attrs and the values are a tuple of
("Attr Type", "Name", "Description").
return {}