Source code for sunpy.database.database

# Author: Simon Liedtke <>
# This module was developed with funding provided by
# the Google Summer of Code (2013).

import os.path
import operator
import itertools
from datetime import datetime
from contextlib import contextmanager

from sqlalchemy import create_engine, exists
from sqlalchemy.orm import scoped_session, sessionmaker
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import ObjectDeletedError

from astropy import units

import sunpy
from sunpy.database import commands, tables
from sunpy.database.attrs import walker
from sunpy.database.caching import LRUCache
from sunpy.database.commands import CompositeOperation
from sunpy.database.tables import _create_display_table
from import and_
from import H2VClient
from import VSOClient

__authors__ = ['Simon Liedtke', 'Rajul Srivastava']
__emails__ = [

[docs] class EntryNotFoundError(Exception): """This exception is raised if a database entry cannot be found by its unique ID. """ def __init__(self, entry_id): self.entry_id = entry_id def __str__(self): return f'an entry with the ID {self.entry_id:d} does not exist'
[docs] class EntryAlreadyAddedError(Exception): """This exception is raised if a database entry is attempted to be added to the database although it was already saved in it. """ def __init__(self, database_entry): self.database_entry = database_entry def __str__(self): return ( f'the entry {self.database_entry!r} was already added ' 'to the database')
[docs] class EntryAlreadyStarredError(Exception): """This exception is raised if a database entry is marked as starred using :meth:`` although it was already starred before this operation. """ def __init__(self, database_entry): self.database_entry = database_entry def __str__(self): return ( f'the entry {self.database_entry!r} is already marked ' 'as starred')
[docs] class EntryAlreadyUnstarredError(Exception): """This exception is raised if the star mark from a database entry is attempted to be removed although the entry is not starred. """ def __init__(self, database_entry): self.database_entry = database_entry def __str__(self): return ( f'the entry {self.database_entry!r} is already not marked ' 'as starred')
[docs] class NoSuchTagError(Exception): """This exception is raised if a tag cannot be found in a database by its name. """ def __init__(self, tag_name): self.tag_name = tag_name def __str__(self): return f'the tag {self.tag_name!r} is not saved in the database'
[docs] class TagAlreadyAssignedError(Exception): """This exception is raised if it is attempted to assign a tag to a database entry but the database entry already has this tag assigned. """ def __init__(self, database_entry, tag_name): self.database_entry = database_entry self.tag_name = tag_name def __str__(self): errmsg = 'the database entry {0!r} has already assigned the tag {1!r}' return errmsg.format(self.database_entry, self.tag_name)
[docs] class PartialFetchError(Exception): """ This exception is raised if the number of files returned by the downloader does not match the number expected. """ def __init__(self, paths, n_expected): self.paths = paths self.n_expected = int(n_expected) def __str__(self): return (f"The downloader returned {len(self.paths)} file(s) " f"but {self.n_expected} file(s) were expected.\n" f"Successful downloads: {self.paths}\n" f"Errors: {self.paths.errors}")
[docs] def split_database(source_database, destination_database, *query_string): """ Queries the source database with the query string, and moves the matched entries to the destination database. When this function is called, the `~sunpy.database.Database.undo` feature is disabled for both databases. Parameters ---------- source_database : `~sunpy.database.database.Database` A SunPy `~Database` object. This is the database on which the queries will be made. destination_database : `~sunpy.database.database.Database` A SunPy `~Database` object. This is the database to which the matched entries will be moved. *query_string : `list` A variable number of attributes that are chained together via the boolean AND operator. The | operator may be used between attributes to express the boolean OR operator. Examples -------- The function call in the following example moves those entries from database1 to database2 which have `` = 'AIA' or 'ERNE'. >>> from sunpy.database import Database, split_database >>> from sunpy.database.tables import display_entries >>> from import vso, attrs as a >>> database1 = Database('sqlite:///:memory:') >>> database2 = Database('sqlite:///:memory:') >>> client = vso.VSOClient() # doctest: +SKIP >>> qr ='2011-05-08', '2011-05-08 00:00:05'), response_format="legacy") # doctest: +SKIP >>> database1.add_from_vso_query_result(qr) # doctest: +SKIP >>> database1, database2 = split_database(database1, database2, ... a.Instrument.aia | a.Instrument.erne) # doctest: +SKIP """ query_string = and_(*query_string) filtered_entries = with disable_undo(source_database): with disable_undo(destination_database): source_database.remove_many(filtered_entries) source_database.commit() source_database.session.commit() source_database.session.close() destination_database.add_many(filtered_entries) destination_database.commit() return source_database, destination_database
[docs] @contextmanager def disable_undo(database): """A context manager to disable saving the used commands in the undo history. This may be useful when it's important to save memory because a big number of entries in the undo history may occupy a lot of memory space. Examples -------- >>> from sunpy.database import disable_undo, Database >>> from sunpy.database.tables import DatabaseEntry >>> database = Database('sqlite:///:memory:') >>> entry = DatabaseEntry() >>> with disable_undo(database) as db: ... db.add(entry) # This will raise an EmptyCommandStackError >>> database.undo() # doctest: +SKIP """ database._enable_history = False yield database database._enable_history = True
[docs] class Database: """ Database(url[, CacheClass[, cache_size[, default_waveunit]]]) Parameters ---------- url : str A URL describing the database. This value is simply passed to :func:`sqlalchemy.create_engine` If not specified the value will be read from the sunpy config file. CacheClass : sunpy.database.caching.BaseCache A concrete cache implementation of the abstract class BaseCache. Builtin supported values for this parameters are :class:`sunpy.database.caching.LRUCache` and :class:`sunpy.database.caching.LFUCache`. The default value is :class:`sunpy.database.caching.LRUCache`. cache_size : `int` The maximum number of database entries, default is no limit. default_waveunit : `str` or `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional The wavelength unit that will be used if an entry is added to the database but its wavelength unit cannot be found (either in the file or the VSO query result block, depending on the way the entry was added). If an `~astropy.units.Unit` is passed, it is assigned to ``default_waveunit``. If a `str` is passed, it will be converted to a `~astropy.units.Quantity` through the `~astropy.units.Quantity` initializer, and then assigned to default_waveunit. If an invalid string is passed, `~sunpy.database.tables.WaveunitNotConvertibleError` is raised. If `None` (the default), attempting to add an entry without knowing the wavelength unit results in a :exc:`sunpy.database.tables.WaveunitNotFoundError`. """ """ Attributes ---------- session : sqlalchemy.orm.session.Session A SQLAlchemy session object. This may be used for advanced queries and advanced manipulations and should only be used by people who are experienced with SQLAlchemy. cache_size : `int` The maximum number of database entries. This attribute is read-only. To change this value, use the method :meth:`sunpy.database.Database.set_cache_size`. tags : list of sunpy.database.Tag objects A list of all saved tags in database. This attribute is read-only. default_waveunit : str See "Parameters" section. Methods ------- set_cache_size(cache_size) Set a new value for the maximum number of database entries in the cache. Use the value ``float('inf')`` to disable caching. commit() Flush pending changes and commit the current transaction. get_entry_by_id(id) Get the database entry which has the given unique ID number assigned. get_tag(tagname) Get the tag which has the given unique tagname assigned. Returns None if no tag with the given name is saved in the database. tag(entry, *tags) Assign the given database entry the given tags. If no tags are given, TypeError is raised. star(entry, ignore_already_starred=False) Mark the given database entry as starred. If ``ignore_already_starred`` is False and the given entry is already marked as starred, EntryAlreadyStarredError is raised. unstar(entry, ignore_already_unstarred=False) Remove the starred mark of the given entry. If ``ignore_already_unstarred`` is False and the entry is not marked as starred, EntryAlreadyUnstarredError is raised. add(entry, ignore_already_added=False) Add the given database entry to the database. If ``ignore_already_added`` is False and the given entry is already saved in the database, EntryAlreadyAddedError is raised. edit(entry, **kwargs) Change the given database entry so that it interprets the passed key-value pairs as new values where the keys represent the attributes of this entry. If no keywords arguments are given, :exc:`ValueError` is raised. remove(entry) Remove the given entry from the database. undo(n=1) Redo the last n operations. redo(n=1) Redo the last n undone operations. __contains__(entry) Return True if the given database entry is saved in the database, False otherwise. __iter__() Return an iterator over all database entries. __len__() Get the number of database entries. """ def __init__(self, url=None, CacheClass=LRUCache, cache_size=float('inf'), default_waveunit=None): if url is None: url = sunpy.config.get('database', 'url') self._engine = create_engine(url) self._session_cls = sessionmaker(bind=self._engine) self.session = scoped_session(self._session_cls) self._command_manager = commands.CommandManager() self.default_waveunit = default_waveunit if self.default_waveunit is not None: try: self.default_waveunit = units.Unit(default_waveunit) except ValueError: raise tables.WaveunitNotConvertibleError(default_waveunit) self._enable_history = True class Cache(CacheClass): def callback(this, entry_id, database_entry): self.remove(database_entry) def append(this, value): try: this[max(this or [0]) + 1] = value except TypeError: this[1] = value self._create_tables() self._cache = Cache(cache_size) for entry in self: self._cache[] = entry @property def url(self): """The sqlalchemy url of the database instance""" return str(self._engine.url) @property def cache_size(self): return len(self._cache) @property def cache_maxsize(self): return self._cache.maxsize
[docs] def set_cache_size(self, cache_size): """Set a new value for the maximum number of database entries in the cache. Use the value ``float('inf')`` to disable caching. If the new cache is smaller than the previous one and cannot contain all the entries anymore, entries are removed from the cache until the number of entries equals the cache size. Which entries are removed depends on the implementation of the cache (e.g. :class:`sunpy.database.caching.LRUCache`, :class:`sunpy.database.caching.LFUCache`). """ cmds = CompositeOperation() # remove items from the cache if the given argument is lower than the # current cache size while cache_size < self.cache_size: # remove items from the cache until cache_size == maxsize of the # cache entry_id, entry = self._cache.to_be_removed cmd = commands.RemoveEntry(self.session, entry) if self._enable_history: cmds.add(cmd) else: cmd() del self._cache[entry_id] self._cache.maxsize = cache_size if cmds:
def _create_tables(self, checkfirst=True): """Initialise the database by creating all necessary tables. If ``checkfirst`` is True, already existing tables are not attempted to be created. """ metadata = tables.Base.metadata metadata.create_all(self._engine, checkfirst=checkfirst)
[docs] def commit(self): """Flush pending changes and commit the current transaction. This is a shortcut for :meth:`sunpy.database.Database.commit`. """ self.session.commit()
def _download_and_collect_entries(self, query_result, client=None, path=None, progress=False, methods=None, overwrite=False, **kwargs): if kwargs: k, v = kwargs.popitem() raise TypeError(f'unexpected keyword argument {k!r}') if client is None: client = VSOClient() remove_list = [] delete_entries = [] for qr in query_result: temp = tables.DatabaseEntry._from_query_result_block(qr) for database_entry in self: if database_entry.path is not None and temp._compare_attributes( database_entry, ["source", "provider", "physobs", "fileid", "observation_time_start", "observation_time_end", "instrument", "size", "wavemin", "wavemax"]): if not overwrite: remove_list.append(qr) else: delete_entries.append(database_entry) for temp in remove_list: query_result = [x for x in query_result if x != temp] for temp in delete_entries: self.remove(temp) paths = client.fetch(query_result, path) # Unable to handle partial success if len(paths) != len(query_result): raise PartialFetchError(paths, len(query_result)) for (path, block) in zip(paths, query_result): qr_entry = tables.DatabaseEntry._from_query_result_block(block) if os.path.isfile(path): entries = tables.entries_from_file(path, self.default_waveunit) elif os.path.isdir(path): entries = tables.entries_from_dir(path, self.default_waveunit) else: raise ValueError('The path is neither a file nor directory') for entry in entries: entry.source = qr_entry.source entry.provider = qr_entry.provider entry.physobs = qr_entry.physobs entry.fileid = qr_entry.fileid entry.observation_time_start = qr_entry.observation_time_start entry.observation_time_end = qr_entry.observation_time_end entry.instrument = qr_entry.instrument entry.size = qr_entry.size entry.wavemin = qr_entry.wavemin entry.wavemax = qr_entry.wavemax entry.path = path entry.download_time = datetime.utcnow() yield entry
[docs] def fetch(self, *query, **kwargs): """ Check if the query has already been used to collect new data. If yes, query the database using the method :meth:`` and return the result. Otherwise, the retrieved search result is used to download all files that belong to this search result. After that, all the gathered information (the one from the query result and the one from the downloaded files) is added to the database in a way that each header is represented by one database entry. It uses the :meth:`sunpy.database.Database._download_and_collect_entries` method to download files, which uses query result block level caching. This means that files will not be downloaded for any query result block that had its files downloaded previously. If files for Query A were already downloaded, and then Query B is made which has some result blocks common with Query A, then files for these common blocks will not be downloaded again. Files will only be downloaded for those blocks which are new or haven't had their files downloaded yet. If querying results in no data, no operation is performed. Concrete, this means that no entry is added to the database and no file is downloaded. Parameters ---------- *query : `list` A variable number of attributes that are chained together via the boolean AND operator. The | operator may be used between attributes to express the boolean OR operator. path : `str`, optional The directory into which files will be downloaded. overwrite : `bool`, optional If True, matching database entries from the query results will be deleted and replaced with new database entries, with all files getting downloaded. Otherwise, no new file download and update of matching database entries takes place. client : ``, optional VSO Client instance to use for search and download. If not specified a new instance will be created. progress : `bool`, optional If True, displays the progress bar during file download. methods : `str` or iterable of `str`, optional Set VSOClient download method, see`` for details. Examples -------- This method can be used along with the ``overwrite=True`` argument to overwrite and redownload files corresponding to the query, even if its entries are already present in the database. Note that the ``overwrite=True`` argument deletes the old matching database entries and new database entries are added with information from the redownloaded files. >>> from sunpy.database import Database >>> from sunpy.database.tables import display_entries >>> from import vso, attrs as a >>> database = Database('sqlite:///:memory:') >>> database.fetch(a.Time('2012-08-05', '2012-08-05 00:00:05'), ... a.Instrument.aia) # doctest: +SKIP >>> print(display_entries(database, ... ['id', 'observation_time_start', 'observation_time_end', ... 'instrument', 'wavemin', 'wavemax'])) # doctest: +SKIP id observation_time_start observation_time_end instrument wavemin wavemax --- ---------------------- -------------------- ---------- ------- ------- 1 2012-08-05 00:00:01 2012-08-05 00:00:02 AIA 9.4 9.4 2 2012-08-05 00:00:01 2012-08-05 00:00:02 AIA 9.4 9.4 3 2012-08-05 00:00:02 2012-08-05 00:00:03 AIA 33.5 33.5 4 2012-08-05 00:00:02 2012-08-05 00:00:03 AIA 33.5 33.5 >>> database.fetch(a.Time('2012-08-05', '2012-08-05 00:00:01'), ... a.Instrument.aia, overwrite=True) # doctest: +SKIP >>> print(display_entries(database, ... ['id', 'observation_time_start', 'observation_time_end', ... 'instrument', 'wavemin', 'wavemax'])) # doctest: +SKIP id observation_time_start observation_time_end instrument wavemin wavemax --- ---------------------- -------------------- ---------- ------- ------- 3 2012-08-05 00:00:02 2012-08-05 00:00:03 AIA 33.5 33.5 4 2012-08-05 00:00:02 2012-08-05 00:00:03 AIA 33.5 33.5 5 2012-08-05 00:00:01 2012-08-05 00:00:02 AIA 9.4 9.4 6 2012-08-05 00:00:01 2012-08-05 00:00:02 AIA 9.4 9.4 Here the first 2 entries (IDs 1 and 2) were overwritten and its files were redownloaded, resulting in the entries with IDs 5 and 6. """ if not query: raise TypeError('at least one attribute required') client = kwargs.get('client', None) if client is None: client = VSOClient() qr =*query, response_format="legacy") # don't do anything if querying results in no data if not qr: return entries = list(self._download_and_collect_entries( qr, **kwargs)) self.add_many(entries)
[docs] def search(self, *query, **kwargs): """ search(*query[, sortby]) Send the given query to the database and return a list of database entries that satisfy all of the given attributes. Apart from the attributes supported by the VSO interface, the following attributes are supported: - :class:`sunpy.database.attrs.Starred` - :class:`sunpy.database.attrs.Tag` - :class:`sunpy.database.attrs.Path` - :class:`sunpy.database.attrs.DownloadTime` - :class:`sunpy.database.attrs.FitsHeaderEntry` An important difference to the VSO attributes is that these attributes may also be used in negated form using the tilde ~ operator. Parameters ---------- *query : `list` A variable number of attributes that are chained together via the boolean AND operator. The | operator may be used between attributes to express the boolean OR operator. sortby : `str`, optional The column by which to sort the returned entries. The default is to sort by the start of the observation. See the attributes of :class:`sunpy.database.tables.DatabaseEntry` for a list of all possible values. Returns ------- table : `list` List of `sunpy.database.tables.DatabaseEntry` objects that satisfy all of the given attributes. Raises ------ TypeError if no attribute is given or if some keyword argument other than 'sortby' is given. Examples -------- The query in the following example searches for all non-starred entries with the tag 'foo' or 'bar' (or both). >>>, attrs.Tag('foo') | attrs.Tag('bar')) # doctest: +SKIP """ if not query: raise TypeError('at least one attribute required') sortby = kwargs.pop('sortby', 'observation_time_start') if kwargs: k, v = kwargs.popitem() raise TypeError(f'unexpected keyword argument {k!r}') db_entries = walker.create(and_(*query), self.session) # If any of the DatabaseEntry-s lack the sorting attribute, the # sorting key should fall back to 'id', otherwise it fails with # TypeError on py3 if any([getattr(entry, sortby) is None for entry in db_entries]): sortby = 'id' return sorted(db_entries, key=operator.attrgetter(sortby))
[docs] def get_entry_by_id(self, entry_id): """ Get a database entry by its unique ID number. If an entry with the given ID does not exist, :exc:`sunpy.database.EntryNotFoundError` is raised. """ try: return self._cache[entry_id] except KeyError: raise EntryNotFoundError(entry_id)
@property def tags(self): return self.session.query(tables.Tag).all()
[docs] def get_tag(self, tag_name): """Get the tag which has the given name. If no such tag exists, :exc:`sunpy.database.NoSuchTagError` is raised. """ for tag in self.tags: if tag_name == return tag raise NoSuchTagError(tag_name)
[docs] def tag(self, database_entry, *tags): """Assign the given database entry the given tags. Raises ------ TypeError If no tags are given. sunpy.database.TagAlreadyAssignedError If at least one of the given tags is already assigned to the given database entry. """ if not tags: raise TypeError('at least one tag must be given') # avoid duplicates tag_names = set(tags) cmds = CompositeOperation() for tag_name in tag_names: try: tag = self.get_tag(tag_name) if tag in database_entry.tags: raise TagAlreadyAssignedError(database_entry, tag_names) except NoSuchTagError: # tag does not exist yet -> create it tag = tables.Tag(tag_name) cmd = commands.AddTag(self.session, database_entry, tag) if self._enable_history: cmds.add(cmd) else: cmd() if cmds:
[docs] def remove_tag(self, database_entry, tag_name): """Remove the given tag from the database entry. If the tag is not connected to any entry after this operation, the tag itself is removed from the database as well. Raises ------ sunpy.database.NoSuchTagError If the tag is not connected to the given entry. """ tag = self.get_tag(tag_name) cmds = CompositeOperation() remove_tag_cmd = commands.RemoveTag(self.session, database_entry, tag) remove_tag_cmd() if self._enable_history: cmds.add(remove_tag_cmd) if not remove_entry_cmd = commands.RemoveEntry(self.session, tag) remove_entry_cmd() if self._enable_history: cmds.add(remove_entry_cmd) if self._enable_history: self._command_manager.push_undo_command(cmds)
[docs] def star(self, database_entry, ignore_already_starred=False): """Mark the given database entry as starred. If this entry is already marked as starred, the behaviour depends on the optional argument ``ignore_already_starred``: if it is ``False`` (the default), :exc:`sunpy.database.EntryAlreadyStarredError` is raised. Otherwise, the entry is kept as starred and no exception is raised. """ if database_entry.starred and not ignore_already_starred: raise EntryAlreadyStarredError(database_entry) self.edit(database_entry, starred=True)
[docs] def unstar(self, database_entry, ignore_already_unstarred=False): """Remove the starred mark of the given entry. If this entry is not marked as starred, the behaviour depends on the optional argument ``ignore_already_unstarred``: if it is ``False`` (the default), :exc:`sunpy.database.EntryAlreadyUnstarredError` is raised. Otherwise, the entry is kept as unstarred and no exception is raised. """ if not database_entry.starred and not ignore_already_unstarred: raise EntryAlreadyUnstarredError(database_entry) self.edit(database_entry, starred=False)
[docs] def add_many(self, database_entries, ignore_already_added=False): """Add a row of database entries "at once". If this method is used, only one entry is saved in the undo history. Parameters ---------- database_entries : list The list of `~sunpy.database.tables.DatabaseEntry` that will be added to the database. ignore_already_added : bool, optional See Database.add """ cmds = CompositeOperation() for database_entry in database_entries: # use list(self) instead of simply self because __contains__ checks # for existence in the database and not only all attributes except # ID. if database_entry in list(self) and not ignore_already_added: raise EntryAlreadyAddedError(database_entry) cmd = commands.AddEntry(self.session, database_entry) if self._enable_history: cmds.add(cmd) else: cmd() if is None: self._cache.append(database_entry) else: self._cache[] = database_entry if cmds:
[docs] def add(self, database_entry, ignore_already_added=False): """Add the given database entry to the database table. Parameters ---------- database_entry : sunpy.database.tables.DatabaseEntry The database entry that will be added to this database. ignore_already_added : bool, optional If True, attempts to add an already existing database entry will result in a :exc:`sunpy.database.EntryAlreadyAddedError`. Otherwise, a new entry will be added and there will be duplicates in the database. """ if database_entry in self and not ignore_already_added: raise EntryAlreadyAddedError(database_entry) add_entry_cmd = commands.AddEntry(self.session, database_entry) if self._enable_history: else: add_entry_cmd() if is None: self._cache.append(database_entry) else: self._cache[] = database_entry
[docs] def add_from_hek_query_result(self, query_result, ignore_already_added=False): """Add database entries from a HEK query result. Parameters ---------- query_result : list The value returned by :meth:`` ignore_already_added : bool See :meth:`sunpy.database.Database.add`. """ vso_qr = itertools.chain.from_iterable( H2VClient().translate_and_query(query_result, vso_response_format="legacy")) self.add_from_vso_query_result(vso_qr, ignore_already_added)
[docs] def download_from_hek_query_result(self, query_result, client=None, path=None, progress=False, ignore_already_added=False, overwrite=False): """ Add new database entries from a hek query result by converting it into vso query and download the corresponding data files. Parameters ---------- query_result : `` or `` The value returned by :meth:``. client : ``, optional VSO Client instance to use for search and download. If not specified a new instance will be created. path : `str` Path to download the files. progress : `bool` If True, displays the progress bar during file download. ignore_already_added : `bool` See :meth:`sunpy.database.Database.add`. overwrite : `bool`, optional If True, matching database entries from the query results will be deleted and replaced with new database entries, with all files getting downloaded. Otherwise, no new file download and update of matching database entries takes place. """ if not query_result: return iterator = itertools.chain.from_iterable( H2VClient().translate_and_query(query_result, vso_response_format="legacy")) vso_qr = [] for query in iterator: vso_qr.append(query) self.download_from_vso_query_result(vso_qr, client, path, progress, ignore_already_added, overwrite)
[docs] def download_from_vso_query_result(self, query_result, client=None, path=None, progress=False, ignore_already_added=False, overwrite=False): """ Add new database entries from a VSO query result and download the corresponding data files. See :meth:`sunpy.database.Database.fetch` for information about the caching mechanism used and about the parameters ``client``, ``path``, ``progress``. Parameters ---------- query_result : A VSO query response that was returned by the ``query`` method of a :class:`` object. ignore_already_added : bool See :meth:`sunpy.database.Database.add`. """ if not query_result: return self.add_many(self._download_and_collect_entries( query_result, client=client, path=path, progress=progress, overwrite=overwrite))
[docs] def add_from_vso_query_result(self, query_result, ignore_already_added=False): """Generate database entries from a VSO query result and add all the generated entries to this database. Parameters ---------- query_result : A VSO query response that was returned by the ``query`` method of a :class:`` object. ignore_already_added : bool See :meth:`sunpy.database.Database.add`. """ self.add_many( tables.entries_from_query_result( query_result, self.default_waveunit), ignore_already_added)
[docs] def add_from_fido_search_result(self, search_result, ignore_already_added=False): """ Generate database entries from a Fido search result and add all the generated entries to this database. Parameters ---------- search_result : `` A UnifiedResponse object that is used to store responses from the unified downloader. This is returned by the ``search`` method of a :class:`` object. ignore_already_added : `bool` See :meth:`sunpy.database.Database.add`. """ self.add_many(tables.entries_from_fido_search_result(search_result, self.default_waveunit), ignore_already_added)
[docs] def add_from_dir(self, path, recursive=False, pattern='*', ignore_already_added=False, time_string_parse_format=None): """ Search the given directory for FITS files and use their FITS headers to add new entries to the database. Note that one entry in the database is assigned to a list of FITS headers, so not the number of FITS headers but the number of FITS files which have been read determine the number of database entries that will be added. FITS files are detected by reading the content of each file, the ``pattern`` argument may be used to avoid reading entire directories if one knows that all FITS files have the same filename extension. Parameters ---------- path : str The directory where to look for FITS files. recursive : bool, optional If True, the given directory will be searched recursively. Otherwise, only the given directory and no subdirectories are searched. The default is `False`, i.e. the given directory is not searched recursively. pattern : str, optional The pattern can be used to filter the list of filenames before the files are attempted to be read. The default is to collect all files. This value is passed to the function :func:`fnmatch.filter`, see its documentation for more information on the supported syntax. ignore_already_added : bool, optional See :meth:`sunpy.database.Database.add`. time_string_parse_format : str, optional Fallback timestamp format which will be passed to `~astropy.time.Time.strptime` if `sunpy.time.parse_time` is unable to automatically read the ``date-obs`` metadata. """ cmds = CompositeOperation() entries = tables.entries_from_dir( path, recursive, pattern, self.default_waveunit, time_string_parse_format=time_string_parse_format) for database_entry, filepath in entries: if database_entry in list(self) and not ignore_already_added: raise EntryAlreadyAddedError(database_entry) cmd = commands.AddEntry(self.session, database_entry) if self._enable_history: cmds.add(cmd) else: cmd() self._cache.append(database_entry) if cmds:
[docs] def add_from_file(self, file, ignore_already_added=False): """Generate as many database entries as there are FITS headers in the given file and add them to the database. Parameters ---------- file : str, file object Either a path pointing to a FITS file or an opened file-like object. If an opened file object, its mode must be one of the following rb, rb+, or ab+. ignore_already_added : bool, optional See :meth:`sunpy.database.Database.add`. """ self.add_many( tables.entries_from_file(file, self.default_waveunit), ignore_already_added)
[docs] def edit(self, database_entry, **kwargs): """Change the given database entry so that it interprets the passed key-value pairs as new values where the keys represent the attributes of this entry. If no keywords arguments are given, :exc:`ValueError` is raised. """ cmd = commands.EditEntry(database_entry, **kwargs) if self._enable_history: else: cmd() self._cache[] = database_entry
[docs] def remove_many(self, database_entries): """Remove a row of database entries "at once". If this method is used, only one entry is saved in the undo history. Parameters ---------- database_entries : list The `~sunpy.database.tables.DatabaseEntry` that will be removed from the database. """ cmds = CompositeOperation() for database_entry in database_entries: cmd = commands.RemoveEntry(self.session, database_entry) if self._enable_history: cmds.add(cmd) else: cmd() try: del self._cache[] except KeyError: pass if cmds:
[docs] def remove(self, database_entry): """Remove the given database entry from the database table.""" remove_entry_cmd = commands.RemoveEntry(self.session, database_entry) if self._enable_history: else: remove_entry_cmd() try: del self._cache[] except (KeyError, ObjectDeletedError): # entry cannot be removed because it was already removed or never # existed in the database. This can be safely ignored, the user # doesn't even know there's a cache here pass
[docs] def clear(self): """Remove all entries from the database. This operation can be undone using the :meth:`undo` method. """ cmds = CompositeOperation() for entry in self: for tag in entry.tags: cmds.add(commands.RemoveTag(self.session, entry, tag)) # TODO: also remove all FITS header entries and all FITS header # comments from each entry before removing the entry itself! # remove all entries from all helper tables database_tables = [ tables.JSONDump, tables.Tag, tables.FitsHeaderEntry, tables.FitsKeyComment] for table in database_tables: for entry in self.session.query(table): cmds.add(commands.RemoveEntry(self.session, entry)) for entry in self: cmds.add(commands.RemoveEntry(self.session, entry)) del self._cache[] if self._enable_history: else: cmds()
[docs] def clear_histories(self): """Clears all entries from the undo and redo history. See Also -------- :meth:`sunpy.database.commands.CommandManager.clear_histories` """ self._command_manager.clear_histories()
[docs] def undo(self, n=1): """undo the last n commands. See Also -------- :meth:`sunpy.database.commands.CommandManager.undo` """ self._command_manager.undo(n)
[docs] def redo(self, n=1): """redo the last n commands. See Also -------- :meth:`sunpy.database.commands.CommandManager.redo` """ self._command_manager.redo(n)
[docs] def display_entries(self, columns=None, sort=False): print(_create_display_table(self, columns, sort))
[docs] def show_in_browser(self, columns=None, sort=False, jsviewer=True): _create_display_table(self, columns, sort).show_in_browser(jsviewer)
def __getitem__(self, key): if isinstance(key, slice): entries = [] start = 0 if key.start is None else key.start stop = len(self) if key.stop is None else key.stop step = 1 if key.step is None else key.step for i in range(start, stop, step): try: entry = self[i] except IndexError: break else: self._cache[] entries.append(entry) return entries # support negative indices if key < 0 < abs(key) <= len(self): key %= len(self) for i, entry in enumerate(self): if i == key: # "touch" the entry in the cache to intentionally cause # possible side-effects self._cache[] return entry raise IndexError def __contains__(self, database_entry): """Return True if the given database_entry entry is saved in the database, False otherwise. """ (ret,), = self.session.query( exists().where( == return ret def __iter__(self): """iterate over all database entries that have been saved.""" return iter(self.session.query(tables.DatabaseEntry)) def __len__(self): """Get the number of rows in the table.""" return self.session.query(tables.DatabaseEntry).count() def __repr__(self): return _create_display_table(self).__repr__() def __str__(self): return _create_display_table(self).__str__() def _repr_html_(self): return _create_display_table(self)._repr_html_()