Source code for sunpy.database.commands

import os
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

from sqlalchemy.exc import InvalidRequestError
from sqlalchemy.orm import make_transient

from sunpy.database.tables import DatabaseEntry

__all__ = [
    'EmptyCommandStackError', 'NoSuchEntryError', 'NonRemovableTagError',
    'DatabaseOperation', 'AddEntry', 'RemoveEntry', 'EditEntry',

[docs] class EmptyCommandStackError(Exception): """ This exception is raised if it is attempted to pop from a command stack even though it is empty. """
[docs] class NoSuchEntryError(Exception): """ This exception is raised if it is attempted to remove an entry even though it does not exist in the database. """ def __init__(self, database_entry): self.database_entry = database_entry def __str__(self): return ( f'the database entry {self.database_entry!r} cannot be removed because it ' 'is not stored in the database')
[docs] class NonRemovableTagError(Exception): """This exception is raised if it is attempted to remove a tag from a database entry even though it is not saved in this entry. """ def __init__(self, database_entry, tag): self.database_entry = tag self.tag = tag def __str__(self): errmsg = 'the tag {0} cannot be removed from the database entry {1!r}' return errmsg.format(self.database_entry, self.tag)
[docs] class DatabaseOperation(ABC): """ This is the abstract main class for all database operations. To implement a new operation, inherit from this class and override the methods __call__ and undo. Both these methods get no parameters (except for self of course). The undo method is expected to do the exact opposite of the __call__ method, so that calling __call__ *and* undo multiple times in a row must not have any side-effects. This is not checked in any way, though. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def __call__(self): return
[docs] @abstractmethod def undo(self): return
class CompositeOperation(DatabaseOperation): def __init__(self, operations=None): if operations is None: self._operations = [] else: self._operations = operations @property def operations(self): return self._operations def add(self, operation): self._operations.append(operation) def remove(self, operation): self._operations.remove(operation) def __call__(self): for operation in self._operations: # FIXME: What follows is the worst hack of my life. Enjoy. # Without it, the test test_clear_database would fail. f = open(os.devnull, 'w') f.write(repr(operation)) f.flush() f.close() operation() def undo(self): # To prevent errors in SQLa 2.0 we have to first add all removed entries back in before we add any ~database.Tags. for operation in self._operations: if isinstance(operation, RemoveEntry): # we also filter out ~database.commands.RemoveEntry where type is not ~database.tables.DatabaseEntry to do later. if isinstance(operation.entry, DatabaseEntry): operation.undo() for operation in self._operations: if isinstance(operation, RemoveEntry): if not isinstance(operation.entry, DatabaseEntry): # undo all ~database.commands.RemoveEntry where type is not ~database.tables.DatabaseEntry operation.undo() else: # and we also undo all other commands, e.g. ~database.commands.RemoveTag. operation.undo() def __len__(self): return len(self._operations)
[docs] class AddEntry(DatabaseOperation): """ Add a new database entry to this session. It is not checked whether an equivalent entry is already saved in the session; this has to be checked by the caller. The ``undo`` method removes the entry from the session again. """ def __init__(self, session, database_entry): self.session = session self.database_entry = database_entry
[docs] def __call__(self): try: self.session.add(self.database_entry) except InvalidRequestError: # database entry cannot be added because it was removed from the # database -> use make_transient to send this object back to # the transient state make_transient(self.database_entry) self.session.add(self.database_entry)
[docs] def undo(self): try: self.session.delete(self.database_entry) except InvalidRequestError: # database entry cannot be removed because the last call was not # followed by a commit -> use make_transient to revert putting the # entry into the pending state make_transient(self.database_entry)
def __repr__(self): return f'<{self.__class__.__name__}(session {self.session!r}, entry id {})>'
[docs] class RemoveEntry(DatabaseOperation): """ Remove the given database entry from the session. If it cannot be removed, because it is not stored in the session, :exc:`sunpy.database.NoSuchEntryError` is raised. The ``undo`` method puts the database entry back into the session object. """ def __init__(self, session, entry): self.session = session self.entry = entry
[docs] def __call__(self): try: self.session.delete(self.entry) except InvalidRequestError: # self.database_entry cannot be removed because it's not stored in # the database raise NoSuchEntryError(self.entry)
[docs] def undo(self): make_transient(self.entry) self.session.add(self.entry)
def __repr__(self): return f'<{self.__class__.__name__}(session {self.session!r}, entry {self.entry!r})>'
[docs] class EditEntry(DatabaseOperation): """ Change the properties of the database entry. The given keyword arguments are used to set the attributes of the entry. The keys represent the attribute name and the values represent the new value of this attribute. Example: ``EditEntry(entry, foo='bar')`` will set the attribute ``foo`` of ``entry`` to the value ``'bar'``. """ def __init__(self, database_entry, **kwargs): self.database_entry = database_entry if not kwargs: raise ValueError("at least one keyword argument must be given") self.kwargs = kwargs self.prev_values = {}
[docs] def __call__(self): for k, v in self.kwargs.items(): # save those values in the dict prev_values that will be changed # so that they can be recovered self.prev_values[k] = getattr(self.database_entry, k) setattr(self.database_entry, k, v)
[docs] def undo(self): for k, v in self.prev_values.items(): setattr(self.database_entry, k, v)
def __repr__(self): return f'<EditEntry(kwargs {self.kwargs!r}, entry id {})>'
class AddTag(DatabaseOperation): def __init__(self, session, database_entry, tag): self.session = session self.database_entry = database_entry self.tag = tag def __call__(self): try: self.database_entry.tags.append(self.tag) except InvalidRequestError: # self.tag cannot be added because it was just removed # -> put it back to transient state make_transient(self.tag) self.database_entry.tags.append(self.tag) def undo(self): self.database_entry.tags.remove(self.tag) if not # remove the tag from the database as well if it was the last tag # assigned to an entry try: RemoveEntry(self.session, self.tag)() except NoSuchEntryError: # entry cannot be removed because tag is only connected to # entries which are not saved in the database # -> can be safely ignored pass def __repr__(self): return f"<AddTag(tag '{self.tag}', session {self.session!r}, entry id {})>" class RemoveTag(DatabaseOperation): """ Remove the tag from the given database entry. If the tag cannot be removed from the database entry because it is not assigned to the entry, :exc:`sunpy.database.NonRemovableTagError` is raised. The ``undo`` method puts the removed tag back into the tag list of the database entry. """ def __init__(self, session, database_entry, tag): self.session = session self.database_entry = database_entry self.tag = tag def __call__(self): try: self.database_entry.tags.remove(self.tag) except ValueError: # tag not saved in entry raise NonRemovableTagError(self.database_entry, self.tag) else: if not # remove the tag from the database as well if it was the last tag # assigned to an entry try: RemoveEntry(self.session, self.tag)() except NoSuchEntryError: # entry cannot be removed because tag is only connected to # entries which are not saved in the database # -> can be safely ignored pass def undo(self): try: self.database_entry.tags.append(self.tag) except InvalidRequestError: # self.tag cannot be added because it was just removed # -> put it back to transient state try: make_transient(self.tag) self.database_entry.tags.append(self.tag) except InvalidRequestError: # self.database_entry has been removed # -> put it back to transient state make_transient(self.database_entry) self.database_entry.tags.append(self.tag) def __repr__(self): return f"<RemoveTag(tag '{self.tag}', session {self.session!r}, entry id {})>"
[docs] class CommandManager: """ The CommandManager saves all executed and reverted commands to act as an undo-redo-manager. All executed commands are saved in the list attribute ``undo_commands`` and all undone commands are saved in the list attribute ``redo_commands``. It is not recommended to alter these stacks directly; instead, use the methods ``push_undo_command``, ``pop_undo_command``, ``push_redo_command``, and ``pop_redo_command``, respectively. """ def __init__(self): self.undo_commands = [] self.redo_commands = []
[docs] def clear_histories(self): """ Clears all entries from the undo and redo history. If one or both of the histories are already empty, no exception is raised. """ del self.undo_commands[:] del self.redo_commands[:]
[docs] def push_undo_command(self, command): """Push the given command to the undo command stack.""" self.undo_commands.append(command)
[docs] def pop_undo_command(self): """ Remove the last command from the undo command stack and return it. If the command stack is empty, :exc:`sunpy.database.commands.EmptyCommandStackError` is raised. """ try: last_undo_command = self.undo_commands.pop() except IndexError: raise EmptyCommandStackError() return last_undo_command
[docs] def push_redo_command(self, command): """Push the given command to the redo command stack.""" self.redo_commands.append(command)
[docs] def pop_redo_command(self): """ Remove the last command from the redo command stack and return it. If the command stack is empty, :exc:`sunpy.database.commands.EmptyCommandStackError` is raised. """ try: last_redo_command = self.redo_commands.pop() except IndexError: raise EmptyCommandStackError() return last_redo_command
[docs] def do(self, command): """ Execute the given command (a subclass of DatabaseOperation). Exceptions raised from the command are not caught. The passed argument may also be an iterable of commands. In this case, every command of the iterable is executed and only one entry is saved in the undo history. """ command() self.push_undo_command(command) # clear the redo stack when a new command was executed self.redo_commands[:] = []
[docs] def undo(self, n=1): """ Undo the last n commands. The default is to undo only the last command. If there is no command that can be undone because n is too big or because no command has been executed yet, :exc:`sunpy.database.commands.EmptyCommandStackError` is raised. """ for _ in range(n): command = self.pop_undo_command() command.undo() self.push_redo_command(command)
[docs] def redo(self, n=1): """ Redo the last n commands which have been undone using the undo method. The default is to redo only the last command which has been undone using the undo method. If there is no command that can be redone because n is too big or because no command has been undone yet, :exc:`sunpy.database.commands.EmptyCommandStackError` is raised. """ for _ in range(n): command = self.pop_redo_command() command() self.push_undo_command(command)