Source code for sunpy.database.attrs

from sqlalchemy import and_, not_, or_

from sunpy.database.tables import DatabaseEntry
from sunpy.database.tables import FitsHeaderEntry as TableFitsHeaderEntry
from sunpy.database.tables import Tag as TableTag
from import _attrs as core_attrs
from import Attr, AttrAnd, AttrOr, AttrWalker, Range, SimpleAttr, ValueAttr
from sunpy.time import parse_time

__all__ = [
    'Starred', 'Tag', 'Path', 'DownloadTime', 'FitsHeaderEntry', 'walker']

# This frozenset has been hardcoded to denote VSO attributes that are
# currently supported, on derdon's request.
SUPPORTED_SIMPLE_VSO_ATTRS = frozenset(['source', 'provider', 'physobs',
SUPPORTED_NONVSO_ATTRS = frozenset(['starred'])

class _BooleanAttr:
    def __init__(self, value, make):
        self.value = bool(value)
        self.make = make

    def __and__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, self.make):
            return AttrAnd([self, other])
        attr = self.make()
        attr.value = self.value and other.value
        return attr

    def __or__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, self.make):
            return AttrOr([self, other])
        attr = self.make()
        attr.value = self.value or other.value
        return attr

    def __nonzero__(self):  # py 2.x
        return self.value

    def __bool__(self):  # py 3.x
        return self.value

    def __invert__(self):
        attr = self.make()
        attr.value = not self.value
        return attr

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return isinstance(other, self.make) and self.value == other.value

    def __hash__(self):
        return super().__hash__()

    def collides(self, other):
        return False

    def __repr__(self):
        return '<{}{}()>'.format(
            '~' if not self.value else '', self.__class__.__name__)

[docs] class Starred(_BooleanAttr, Attr): type_name = "starred" def __init__(self): super().__init__(True, self.__class__)
[docs] class Tag(Attr): type_name = "tag" def __init__(self, tagname): self.tagname = tagname self.inverted = False def __invert__(self): tag = self.__class__(self.tagname) tag.inverted = True return tag
[docs] def collides(self, other): return False
def __repr__(self): return '<{}Tag({!r})>'.format( '~' if self.inverted else '', self.tagname)
[docs] class Path(Attr): type_name = 'path' def __init__(self, value, inverted=False): self.value = value self.inverted = inverted def __invert__(self): return self.__class__(self.value, True)
[docs] def collides(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__)
def __repr__(self): return '<{}Path({!r})>'.format( '~' if self.inverted else '', self.value)
# TODO: support excluding ranges as soon as # attr.Range.__xor__ is fixed / renamed
[docs] class DownloadTime(Range): type_name = 'download time' def __init__(self, start, end): self.start = parse_time(start).datetime self.end = parse_time(end).datetime self.inverted = False super().__init__(start, end) def __invert__(self): download_time = self.__class__(self.start, self.end) download_time.inverted = True return download_time
[docs] def collides(self, other): return isinstance(other, self.__class__)
def __repr__(self): return '<{}DownloadTime({!r}, {!r})>'.format( '~' if self.inverted else '', self.start, self.end)
[docs] class FitsHeaderEntry(Attr): type_name = "fitsheaderentry" def __init__(self, key, value, inverted=False): self.key = key self.value = value self.inverted = inverted def __invert__(self): return self.__class__(self.key, self.value, True)
[docs] def collides(self, other): return False
def __repr__(self): return '<{}FitsHeaderEntry({!r}, {!r})>'.format( '~' if self.inverted else '', self.key, self.value)
walker = AttrWalker() @walker.add_creator(AttrOr) def _create(wlk, root, session): entries = [set(wlk.create(attr, session)) for attr in root.attrs] return list(set.union(*entries)) @walker.add_creator(AttrAnd) def _create(wlk, root, session): entries = [set(wlk.create(attr, session)) for attr in root.attrs] return list(set.intersection(*entries)) def _inverter_helper(query, inverted): return not_(query) if inverted else query @walker.add_creator(ValueAttr) def _create(wlk, root, session): query = session.query(DatabaseEntry) for key, value in root.attrs.items(): # `key[1]` is here the `inverted` attribute of the tag. That means # that if it is True, the given tag must not be included in the # resulting entries. typ, inverted = key[0].lower(), key[1] if typ == Tag.type_name: criterion = base_query = DatabaseEntry.tags.any(criterion) query = query.filter(_inverter_helper(base_query, inverted)) elif typ == FitsHeaderEntry.type_name: key, val = value key_criterion = TableFitsHeaderEntry.key == key value_criterion = TableFitsHeaderEntry.value == val base_query = and_( DatabaseEntry.fits_header_entries.any(key_criterion), DatabaseEntry.fits_header_entries.any(value_criterion)) query = query.filter(_inverter_helper(base_query, inverted)) elif typ == DownloadTime.type_name: start, end = value base_query = DatabaseEntry.download_time.between(start, end) query = query.filter(_inverter_helper(base_query, inverted)) elif typ == Path.type_name: path, = value base_query = _inverter_helper(DatabaseEntry.path == path, inverted) if inverted: base_query = or_(base_query, DatabaseEntry.path == None) # NOQA query = query.filter(base_query) elif typ == core_attrs.Wavelength.type_name: wavemin, wavemax, waveunit = value query = query.filter(and_( DatabaseEntry.wavemin >= wavemin, DatabaseEntry.wavemax <= wavemax)) elif typ == core_attrs.Time.type_name: start, end, _ = value query = query.filter(and_( DatabaseEntry.observation_time_start < end, DatabaseEntry.observation_time_end > start)) elif typ in (SUPPORTED_SIMPLE_VSO_ATTRS | SUPPORTED_NONVSO_ATTRS): query_value, = value query = query.filter_by(**{typ: query_value}) else: raise NotImplementedError( f"The attribute {typ!r} is not yet supported to query a database.") return query.all() def _convert_decorator(specify_invertible=False): """ Given a converter for the walker this function creates a ValueAttr standardized for the _create. Parameters ---------- specify_invertible : bool Specify if the decorated function returns the inverted parameter as last one. Returns ------- `Callable` Decorator that wraps the result of the function in a `ValueAttr({(type_name, invertible), (*list_of_parameters)})`. """ def decorator(convert_func): def func_wrapper(attr): if specify_invertible: params_with_flag = convert_func(attr) params = params_with_flag[:-1] invert_flag = params_with_flag[-1] else: params = convert_func(attr) invert_flag = False return ValueAttr({(attr.type_name, invert_flag): params}) return func_wrapper return decorator @walker.add_converter(Tag) @_convert_decorator(specify_invertible=True) def _convert(attr): return attr.tagname, attr.inverted @walker.add_converter(Starred) @_convert_decorator() def _convert(attr): return attr.value, @walker.add_converter(Path) @_convert_decorator(specify_invertible=True) def _convert(attr): return attr.value, attr.inverted @walker.add_converter(DownloadTime) @_convert_decorator(specify_invertible=True) def _convert(attr): return attr.start, attr.end, attr.inverted @walker.add_converter(FitsHeaderEntry) @_convert_decorator(specify_invertible=True) def _convert(attr): return attr.key, attr.value, attr.inverted @walker.add_converter(SimpleAttr) @_convert_decorator() def _convert(attr): return attr.value, @walker.add_converter(core_attrs.Wavelength) @_convert_decorator() def _convert(attr): return attr.min.value, attr.max.value, str(attr.unit) @walker.add_converter(core_attrs.Time) @_convert_decorator() def _convert(attr): near = attr.near.datetime if attr.near else None return attr.start.datetime, attr.end.datetime, near