"""SDO Map subclass definitions"""
import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.coordinates import CartesianRepresentation, HeliocentricMeanEcliptic
from astropy.visualization import AsinhStretch
from astropy.visualization.mpl_normalize import ImageNormalize
from sunpy.map.mapbase import GenericMap, SpatialPair
from sunpy.map.sources.source_type import source_stretch
from sunpy.time import parse_time
__all__ = ['AIAMap', 'HMIMap', 'HMISynopticMap']
class AIAMap(GenericMap):
"""AIA Image Map.
The Atmospheric Imaging Assembly is a set of four telescopes that employ
normal-incidence, multi-layer coated optics to provide narrow-band imaging
of the Sun. It provides high resolution full-disk images of the corona and
transition region up to 0.5 solar radii above the solar limb with 1.5
arcsecond angular resolution and 12-second temporal resolution. It observes
the Sun in the following seven extreme ultraviolet bandpasses: 94 A
(Fe XVIII), 131 A (Fe VIII, XXI), 171 A (Fe IX), 193 A (Fe XII, XXIV),
211 A (Fe XIV), 304 A (He II), 335 A (Fe XVI). One telescope observes
in the visible 1600 A (C IV) and the nearby continuum (1700 A).
Observer location: The standard AIA FITS header provides the spacecraft location in multiple
coordinate systems, including Heliocentric Aries Ecliptic (HAE) and Heliographic Stonyhurst
(HGS). SunPy uses the provided HAE coordinates due to accuracy concerns with the provided
HGS coordinates, but other software packages may make different choices.
* `SDO Mission Page <https://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/>`__
* `Instrument Page <https://aia.lmsal.com>`__
* `Fits Header keywords <http://jsoc.stanford.edu/doc/keywords/AIA/AIA02840_A_AIA-SDO_FITS_Keyword_Documents.pdf>`__
* `Analysis Guide <https://www.lmsal.com/sdodocs/doc/dcur/SDOD0060.zip/zip/entry/>`__
* Instrument Paper - :cite:t:`lemen_atmospheric_2012`
* `wavelengths and temperature response reference <https://www.lmsal.com/sdodocs/doc/dcur/SDOD0060.zip/zip/entry/figures/aia_tel_resp.png>`__
def __init__(self, data, header, **kwargs):
super().__init__(data, header, **kwargs)
# Fill in some missing info
self._nickname = self.detector
self.plot_settings['cmap'] = self._get_cmap_name()
self.plot_settings['norm'] = ImageNormalize(
stretch=source_stretch(self.meta, AsinhStretch(0.01)), clip=False)
def _supported_observer_coordinates(self):
return [(('haex_obs', 'haey_obs', 'haez_obs'), {'x': self.meta.get('haex_obs'),
'y': self.meta.get('haey_obs'),
'z': self.meta.get('haez_obs'),
'unit': u.m,
'representation_type': CartesianRepresentation,
'frame': HeliocentricMeanEcliptic})
] + super()._supported_observer_coordinates
def observatory(self):
Returns the observatory.
return self.meta.get('telescop', '').split('/')[0]
def reference_date(self):
The reference date for the coordinate system.
DATE-OBS is derived from T_OBS by subtracting half the exposure time, so would not be a reference time.
return self._get_date('T_OBS') or super().reference_date
def _set_reference_date(self, date):
self.meta['t_obs'] = parse_time(date).utc.isot
def detector(self):
return self.meta.get("detector", "AIA")
def unit(self):
unit_str = self.meta.get('bunit', self.meta.get('pixlunit'))
if unit_str is None:
return self._parse_fits_unit(unit_str)
def is_datasource_for(cls, data, header, **kwargs):
"""Determines if header corresponds to an AIA image"""
return str(header.get('instrume', '')).startswith('AIA')
class HMIMap(GenericMap):
"""HMI Image Map.
HMI consists of a refracting telescope, a polarization selector,
an image stabilization system, a narrow band tunable filter
and two 4096 pixel CCD cameras. It observes the full solar disk in the Fe I
absorption line at 6173 Angstrom with a resolution of 1 arc-second.
HMI takes images in a sequence of tuning and polarizations at a 4-second
cadence for each camera. One camera is dedicated to a 45 s Doppler and
line-of-sight field sequence while the other to a 90 s vector field
* `SDO Mission Page <https://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/>`__
* `Instrument Page <http://hmi.stanford.edu>`__
* `Analysis Guide <http://hmi.stanford.edu/doc/magnetic/guide.pdf>`__
def __init__(self, data, header, **kwargs):
super().__init__(data, header, **kwargs)
if self.unit is not None and self.unit.is_equivalent(u.T):
# Avoid JP2K images not having a norm due to UNIT8 data
# This means they are not scaled correctly.
if self.plot_settings.get('norm') is not None:
# Magnetic field maps, not intensity maps
self._nickname = self.detector
def waveunit(self):
The `~astropy.units.Unit` of the wavelength of this observation.
Most HMI files seem to not have a parseable WAVEUNIT key so if it cannot be found
we default to Angstrom
return super().waveunit or u.Angstrom
def measurement(self):
Returns the measurement type.
return self.meta.get('content', '').split(" ")[0].lower()
def observatory(self):
Returns the observatory.
return self.meta.get('telescop', '').split('/')[0]
def reference_date(self):
The reference date for the coordinate system.
DATE-OBS is derived from T_OBS by subtracting half the exposure time, so would not be a reference time.
return self._get_date('T_OBS') or super().reference_date
def _set_reference_date(self, date):
self.meta['T_OBS'] = parse_time(date).utc.isot
def detector(self):
return self.meta.get("detector", "HMI")
def is_datasource_for(cls, data, header, **kwargs):
"""Determines if header corresponds to an HMI image"""
return (str(header.get('INSTRUME', '')).startswith('HMI') and
not HMISynopticMap.is_datasource_for(data, header))
class HMISynopticMap(HMIMap):
SDO/HMI Synoptic Map.
Synoptic maps are constructed from HMI 720s line-of-sight magnetograms
collected over a 27-day solar rotation.
See `~sunpy.map.sources.sdo.HMIMap` for information on the HMI instrument.
The sign of ``CDELT1`` in the header of (some) HMI synoptic maps is negative,
but needs to be positive for the underlying data array in order to agree with
HMI magnetograms as well as JSOC-hosted PNGs of the synoptic maps. Accordingly,
we use the absolute value of ``CDELT1`` to force positivity.
* `SDO Mission Page <https://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/>`__
* `JSOC's HMI Synoptic Charts <http://jsoc.stanford.edu/HMI/LOS_Synoptic_charts.html>`__
def __init__(self, data, header, **kwargs):
super().__init__(data, header, **kwargs)
self.plot_settings['cmap'] = 'hmimag'
self.plot_settings['norm'] = ImageNormalize(vmin=-1.5e3, vmax=1.5e3)
def spatial_units(self):
cunit1 = self.meta['cunit1']
if cunit1 == 'Degree':
cunit1 = 'deg'
cunit2 = self.meta['cunit2']
if cunit2 == 'Sine Latitude':
cunit2 = 'deg'
return SpatialPair(u.Unit(cunit1), u.Unit(cunit2))
def scale(self):
if self.meta['cunit2'] == 'Sine Latitude':
# Since, this map uses the cylindrical equal-area (CEA) projection,
# the spacing should be modified to 180/pi times the original value
# Reference: Section 5.5, Thompson 2006
return SpatialPair(np.abs(self.meta['cdelt1']) * self.spatial_units[0] / u.pixel,
180 / np.pi * self.meta['cdelt2'] * u.deg / u.pixel)
return super().scale
def date(self):
Image observation time.
return self._get_date('T_OBS') or super().date
def _set_date(self, date):
self.meta['T_OBS'] = parse_time(date).utc.isot
def reference_date(self):
The reference date for the coordinate system.
return self._get_date('T_OBS') or super().reference_date
def _set_reference_date(self, date):
self.meta['T_OBS'] = parse_time(date).utc.isot
def unit(self):
unit_str = self.meta.get('bunit', None)
if unit_str is None:
# Maxwells aren't in the IAU unit style manual and therefore not a valid FITS unit
# The mapbase unit property forces this validation, so we must override it to prevent it.
return u.Unit(unit_str)
def is_datasource_for(cls, data, header, **kwargs):
Determines if header corresponds to an HMI synoptic map.
return str(header.get('TELESCOP', '')).endswith('HMI') and 'carrington synoptic chart' in str(header.get('CONTENT', '')).lower()