
class ndcube.NDCubeBase(data, wcs=None, uncertainty=None, mask=None, meta=None, unit=None, copy=False, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: NDCubeABC, NDData, NDCubeSlicingMixin

Class representing N-D data described by a single array and set of WCS transformations.

  • data (array-like or astropy.nddata.NDData) – The array holding the actual data in this object.

  • wcs (astropy.wcs.wcsapi.BaseLowLevelWCS, astropy.wcs.wcsapi.BaseHighLevelWCS, optional) – The WCS object containing the axes’ information, optional only if data is an astropy.nddata.NDData object.

  • uncertainty (Any, optional) – Uncertainty in the dataset. Should have an attribute uncertainty_type that defines what kind of uncertainty is stored, for example “std” for standard deviation or “var” for variance. A metaclass defining such an interface is NDUncertainty - but isn’t mandatory. If the uncertainty has no such attribute the uncertainty is stored as UnknownUncertainty. Defaults to None.

  • mask (Any, optional) – Mask for the dataset. Masks should follow the numpy convention that valid data points are marked by False and invalid ones with True. Defaults to None.

  • meta (dict-like object, optional) – Additional meta information about the dataset. If no meta is provided an empty dictionary is created.

  • unit (Unit-like or str, optional) – Unit for the dataset. Strings that can be converted to a Unit are allowed. Default is None which results in dimensionless units.

  • copy (bool, optional) – Indicates whether to save the arguments as copy. True copies every attribute before saving it while False tries to save every parameter as reference. Note however that it is not always possible to save the input as reference. Default is False.

Attributes Summary


Returns the WCS physical types that vary along each array axis.


The WCS transform for the NDCube, including the coordinates specified in .extra_coords.


The stored dataset.



Coordinates not described by NDCubeABC.wcs which vary along one or more axes.


Coordinate metadata which applies to the whole cube.


Mask for the dataset, if any.



Image representation of the PSF for the dataset.


Unitful representation of the NDCube data.



Uncertainty in the dataset, if any.


Unit for the dataset, if any.


A world coordinate system (WCS) for the dataset, if any.

Methods Summary

axis_world_coords(*axes[, pixel_corners, wcs])

Returns objects representing the world coordinates of pixel centers for a desired axes.

axis_world_coords_values(*axes[, ...])

Returns the world coordinate values of all pixels for desired axes.

crop(*points[, wcs])

Crop using real world coordinates.

crop_by_values(*points[, units, wcs])

Crop using real world coordinates.


Separates slices of NDCubes along a given axis into an NDCubeSequence of (N-1)DCubes.

reproject_to(target_wcs[, algorithm, ...])

Reprojects the instance to the coordinates described by another WCS object.

Attributes Documentation


The stored dataset.




Mask for the dataset, if any.

Masks should follow the numpy convention that valid data points are marked by False and invalid ones with True.


any type

meta = None#

Unitful representation of the NDCube data.


Uncertainty in the dataset, if any.

Should have an attribute uncertainty_type that defines what kind of uncertainty is stored, such as 'std' for standard deviation or 'var' for variance. A metaclass defining such an interface is NDUncertainty but isn’t mandatory.


any type


Unit for the dataset, if any.




A world coordinate system (WCS) for the dataset, if any.


any type

Methods Documentation

axis_world_coords(*axes, pixel_corners=False, wcs=None)[source]#

Returns objects representing the world coordinates of pixel centers for a desired axes.

  • axes (int or str, or multiple int or str, optional) – Axis number in numpy ordering or unique substring of ndcube.NDCube.wcs.world_axis_physical_types of axes for which real world coordinates are desired. Not specifying axes inputs causes results for all axes to be returned.

  • pixel_corners (bool, optional) – If True then instead of returning the coordinates at the centers of the pixels, the coordinates at the pixel corners will be returned. This increases the size of the output by 1 in all dimensions as all corners are returned.

  • wcs (astropy.wcs.wcsapi.BaseHighLevelWCS, optional) – The WCS object to used to calculate the world coordinates. Although technically this can be any valid WCS, it will typically be self.wcs, self.extra_coords, or self.combined_wcs combining both the WCS and extra coords. Default=self.wcs


axes_coords (iterable) – An iterable of “high level” objects giving the real world coords for the axes requested by user. For example, a tuple of SkyCoord objects. The types returned are determined by the WCS object. The dimensionality of these objects should match that of their corresponding array dimensions, unless pixel_corners=True in which case the length along each axis will be 1 greater than the number of pixels.


>>> NDCube.axis_world_coords('lat', 'lon') 
>>> NDCube.axis_world_coords(2) 
axis_world_coords_values(*axes, pixel_corners=False, wcs=None)[source]#

Returns the world coordinate values of all pixels for desired axes. In contrast to ndcube.NDCube.axis_world_coords(), this method returns Quantity objects. Which only provide units rather than full coordinate metadata provided by high-level coordinate objects.

  • axes (int or str, or multiple int or str, optional) – Axis number in numpy ordering or unique substring of ndcube.NDCube.wcs.world_axis_physical_types of axes for which real world coordinates are desired. axes=None implies all axes will be returned.

  • pixel_corners (bool, optional) – If True then coordinates at pixel corners will be returned rather than at pixel centers. This increases the size of the output along each dimension by 1 as all corners are returned.

  • wcs (BaseHighLevelWCS or ExtraCoordsABC, optional) – The WCS object to be used to calculate the world coordinates. Although technically this can be any valid WCS, it will typically be self.wcs, self.extra_coords, or self.combined_wcs, combing both the WCS and extra coords. Defaults to the .wcs property.


axes_coords (tuple of Quantity) – An iterable of raw coordinate values for all pixels for the requested axes. The returned units are determined by the WCS object. The dimensionality of these objects should match that of their corresponding array dimensions, unless pixel_corners=True in which case the length along each axis will be 1 greater than the number of pixels.


>>> NDCube.axis_world_coords_values('lat', 'lon') 
>>> NDCube.axis_world_coords_values(2) 
crop(*points, wcs=None)[source]#

Crop using real world coordinates. This method crops the NDCube to the smallest bounding box in pixel space that contains all the provided world coordinate points.

This function takes the points defined as high-level astropy coordinate objects such as SkyCoord, SpectralCoord, etc.

  • points (iterable of iterables) – Tuples of high level coordinate objects e.g. SkyCoord. Each iterable of coordinate objects represents a single location in the data array in real world coordinates.

    The coordinates of the points as they are passed to world_to_array_index. Therefore their number and order must be compatible with the API of that method, i.e. they must be passed in world order.

  • wcs (BaseHighLevelWCS or ExtraCoordsABC) – The WCS to use to calculate the pixel coordinates based on the input. Will default to the .wcs property if not given. While any valid WCS could be used it is expected that either the .wcs or .extra_coords properties will be used.




>>> # An example of cropping a region of interest on the Sun from a 3-D image-time cube
>>> point1 = [SkyCoord(-50*u.deg, -40*u.deg, frame=frames.HeliographicStonyhurst), None]  
>>> point2 = [SkyCoord(0*u.deg, -6*u.deg, frame=frames.HeliographicStonyhurst), None]  
>>> NDCube.crop(point1, point2) 
crop_by_values(*points, units=None, wcs=None)[source]#

Crop using real world coordinates. This method crops the NDCube to the smallest bounding box in pixel space that contains all the provided world coordinate points.

This function takes points as iterables of low-level coordinate objects, i.e. Quantity objects. This differs from crop() which takes high-level coordinate objects requiring all the relevant coordinate information such as coordinate frame etc. Hence this method’s API is more basic but less explicit.

  • points (iterable) – Tuples of coordinate values, the length of the tuples must be equal to the number of world dimensions. These points are passed to wcs.world_to_array_index_values so their units and order must be compatible with that method.

  • units (str or Unit) – If the inputs are set without units, the user must set the units inside this argument as str or Unit objects. The length of the iterable must equal the number of world dimensions and must have the same order as the coordinate points.

  • wcs (BaseHighLevelWCS or ExtraCoordsABC) – The WCS to use to calculate the pixel coordinates based on the input. Will default to the .wcs property if not given. While any valid WCS could be used it is expected that either the .wcs or .extra_coords properties will be used.




>>> # An example of cropping a region of interest on the Sun from a 3-D image-time cube
>>> NDCube.crop_by_values((-600, -600, 0), (0, 0, 0), units=(u.arcsec, u.arcsec, u.s)) 

Separates slices of NDCubes along a given axis into an NDCubeSequence of (N-1)DCubes.


axis (int) – The array axis along which the data is to be changed.


result (ndcube.NDCubeSequence)

reproject_to(target_wcs, algorithm='interpolation', shape_out=None, return_footprint=False, **reproject_args)[source]#

Reprojects the instance to the coordinates described by another WCS object.

  • target_wcs (astropy.wcs.wcsapi.BaseHighLevelWCS, astropy.wcs.wcsapi.BaseLowLevelWCS,) – or astropy.io.fits.Header The WCS object to which the ndcube.NDCube is to be reprojected.

  • algorithm ({‘interpolation’ | ‘adaptive’ | ‘exact’}) – The algorithm to use for reprojecting. When set to “interpolation” reproject_interp is used, when set to “adaptive” reproject_adaptive is used and when set to “exact” reproject_exact is used.

  • shape_out (tuple, optional) – The shape of the output data array. The ordering of the dimensions must follow NumPy ordering and not the WCS pixel shape. If not specified, array_shape attribute (if available) from the low level API of the target_wcs is used.

  • return_footprint (bool) – If True the footprint is returned in addition to the new NDCube. Defaults to False.

  • **reproject_args – All other arguments are passed through to the reproject function being called. The function being called depends on the algorithm= keyword argument, see that for more details.


  • reprojected_cube (ndcube.NDCube) – A new resultant NDCube object, the supplied target_wcs will be the .wcs attribute of the output NDCube.

  • footprint (numpy.ndarray) – Footprint of the input array in the output array. Values of 0 indicate no coverage or valid values in the input image, while values of 1 indicate valid values.


This method doesn’t support handling of the mask, extra_coords, and uncertainty attributes yet. However, meta and global_coords are copied to the output ndcube.NDCube.